A- C G – K M – I R – T
D – F L – L P – P U – Z



1.       Business of Auctioneer

2.       Auctioneer to hold licence

3.       Licences, Forms and Fees

4.       Licence for Individuals, Firm or Corporations

5.       Application for and grant of licence

6.       Refusal of Licence

7.       Enforcement Unit

8.       Security to be given Auctioneer

9.       Suspension or Revocation of Licence

10.     Register of Licences

11.     Auctioneer to accept sale of all property offered by owners

12.     Auctioneer’s licence not to authorise sale of intoxicating liquor

13.     Notice of sale of land

14.     Notice, catalogue and report of sale to be furnished to the Commissioner

15.     Auctioneer’s name and address to be published at sale

16.     Sales subject to a reserve, and vendor’s right to bid

17.     Where without reserve

18.     Where subject to reserved price

19.     Where right to bid reserved to seller

20.     Consequences of  seller bidding in the preceding cases

21.     Penalty on auctioneer receiving unlawful bidding

22.     Auctioneer may recover purchase-money

23.     Employment to sell by auction does not authorise private sale

24.     Rates of commission chargeable on auction sales

25.     Order of suspension or revocation of licence

26.     Savings as to sales in execution of decrees

27.     Auctioneer prohibited from preparing conveyances

28.     Auctioneer’s lien

29.     Vendor to indemnify auctioneer

30.     Breach of warranty of authority and fraud

31.     Power to make regulations

32.     Repeal and Re-enactment

33.     Interpretation

34.     Interpretation

35.     Citation





A law to provide for the licensing of auctioneers, to regulate sales by auction in Lagos and for connected purposes.

[F. & L. 1958, CAP. 187. L.N. 257 OF 1959. L.N. 112 OF 1964]


1.       Business of Auctioneer

Every person who sells any goods or land as at a sale where any person becomes or may become the purchaser of the same by competition and being the highest bidder, either by being the sole bidder, or increasing upon the biddings made by others, or decreasing on sums named by the auctioneer, or other person at such sale, or by any other mode of sale by competition shall be deemed to carry on the business of an auctioneer.

2.       Auctioneer to hold licence

(1)     A person shall not carry on the business of auctioneering without a licence granted under this Licence authorizing him to carry on such business.

(2)     A person who contravenes the provision commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (N150,000)).

(3)     This Section shall not apply to any of the following –

          (a)     sales conducted by a receiver, trustee, guardian, administrator or executor or any similarly appointed                             person under order of any court;     

          (b)     sales conducted by and on behalf of any charitable or religious organization;

          (c)     sales conducted by and on behalf of a civic club, not exceeding three sales per year;

          (d)     sales conducted by a trustee pursuant to a power of a sale contained in a trust on a real property.

(4)     A licence is issued for a period of one year from the date of issuance. 

3.       Licences, Forms and Fees

(1)     The Commissioner may issue an auctioneer’s licence for the purpose of this Law.

(2)     Licences granted under this Law shall extend to all parts of the State.

(3)     Before the issuance of a licence, a licence fee as specified in the Second Schedule to this Law shall be paid or         such other fees as may be prescribed.

[First schedule, Form A. Second Schedule]

4.       Licence for Individuals, Firm or Corporations

(1)     Licences may, subject to the provisions of this Law, be granted by the Commissioner to an individual, firm or corporation but shall not be granted to a pawnbroker, or to any servant, apprentice or agent of any such         pawnbroker.

(2)     An application for auctioneer’s licence by a firm or corporation shall state –

          (a)     the name and principal place of business of the firm or corporation;

          (b)     the name and particulars of proprietors of the firm and the directors of the corporation; and

          (c)       include the certificate of incorporation of the corporation.

(3)     The provisions of the law disqualifying an individual applicant from being granted an auctioneer’s licence         apply to a proprietor of a firm and the directors of a corporation applying for grant of auctioneer’s licence.

[Cap. P2.]

5.       Application for and grant of licence

(1)     Application for a licence shall be made by filling and submitting the appropriate form to the Commissioner.

(2)     Before granting any licence, the Commissioner shall make such inquiries as he considers necessary for        ascertaining that the applicant is a fit and proper person to be licensed.

(3)     Any person to whom a licence has been refused may represent his case to the Commissioner who may direct   that the licence be withheld or that further examination and inquiry be held.

6.       Refusal of Licence

A licence shall not be issued in any of the following circumstances –

(a)     where the applicant has within the preceding five (5) years been convicted of a felony or any act involving   fraud or dishonesty; 

(b)     where the applicant has within the preceding five (5) years committed any act that constitutes a ground for licence suspension or revocation;

 (c)    where the applicant is not a holder of a first degree from a recognized university, a Higher National Diploma, Ordinary National Diploma or a member of a professional body in a related field.

7.       Enforcement Unit

(1)     A unit under the office of the Commissioner is established for the purpose of administering and enforcing the provisions of this Law.

(2)     The unit may where necessary, subject to the approval of the Governor, establish additional offices in any        part of the State. 

8.       Security to be given Auctioneer

(1)     The Commissioner may require an applicant for licence to give security by bond or by a professional           indemnity insurance in the prescribed form for such sum as may be prescribed for such licence, with one or     more sureties approved by the Commissioner, to answer for the faithful discharge of his office:

          Provided that the State Commisisoner may accept, in lieu of the Security, a deposit in the Treasury of the      sum prescribed for the bond or professional indemnity insurance in the prescribed form.

(2)     If it appears to the Commisisoner that the security of any auctioneer has become insufficient, he shall capp         upon the auctioneer to give sufficient security, and if he fails to do so, the Commissioner may, on the report          of the licensing authority, suspend the licence of the auctioneer until sufficient security has been given.

9.       Suspension or Revocation of Licence

The Commissioner may after necessary inquiry, suspend or revoke the licence of an auctioneer by reason of –

          (i)      any violation of the provisions of the law;

          (ii)     a continued and flagrant course of misrepresentation or making false promises, either by the licensee,                        an employee of the licensee, or by someone acting on behalf and with the licensee’s consent.

10.     Register of Licences

The Commissioner shall keep a register of auctioneers licensed by him.

11.     Auctioneer to accept sale of all property offered by owners

(1)     Every auctioneer shall, on the requisition of the owner accept the sale of all property which may be offered to him for sale, and shall sell the same within such time as the owner may require, or as soon as possible,           having to the regard to the sale of other property with which he has been entrusted:

          Provided that except in the case of perishable goods he shall not be bound to sell such property sooner than       seven days after he shall have accepted the sale.

(2)     Nothing shall restrict any auctioneer from selling at the same sale the property of more than one owner,    provided that the goods are lotted consecutively and in such manner that the goods are not mixed up.    

12.     Auctioneer’s licence not to authorise sale of intoxicating liquor

No auctioneer’s licence shall authorise any person to sell intoxicating liquor, for which a licence is required by Law, except upon premises in respect of which the owner of such liquor have the proper licence.

13.     Notice of sale of land

(1)     No sale by auction of any land shall take place until after at least seven (7) days public notice has been given     to the public, and also at the place of intended sale.

          The notice shall be made not only by printed or written document, but also by radio jungle or such other         method intelligible to educated persons as may be prescribed, or as may be directed by the Commissioner   and shall state the name and place of residence of the seller.

[L.N. 112 of 1964]

 (2)    Notice of the sale shall also be given in the manner prescribed by the Lands Bureau six (6) days before the     sale, and such notice shall be given by a sheriff’s officer and by the auctioneer. Non-compliance with the          provision of this Section attracts a fine of Eighty Thousand Naira (N80,000). 

14.     Notice, catalogue and report of sale to be furnished to the Commissioner

(1)     Notice in writing with a catalogue of the goods or lands to be sold shall be delivered by the auctioneer to the   Commissioner seven days (7) before a sale auction, specifying the place at which each lot shall have been sold within seven (7) working days after sale.

(2)     Non-compliance with the provisions of subsection (1) of this Section attracts a fine of Eighty Thousand Naira    (N80,000)

15.     Auctioneer’s name and address to be published at sale

Every auctioneer shall, before the commencement of an auction, place in a conspicuous part of the room or place where the auction is held a ticket or board with his name and address boldly written. A contravention of this provision attracts a fine of Twenty-Five Thousand Naira (N25,000.00).

16.     Sales subject to a reserve, and vendor’s right to bid

It shall be stated in the particulars or conditions of sale by auction of any land or goods whether such sale will be without reserve, or subject to a reserved price, or whether a right to bid is reserved.

17.     Where without reserve

If it is stated that the sale will be without reserve or to that effect, then it shall not be lawful for the seller or any person on his behalf or employed by him to bid at such sale, or for the auctioneer to take knowingly any such bidding.

18.     Where subject to reserved price

If it is stated that the sale will be subject to a reserved price as regards any one or more lots, it shall be lawful for the seller or any person employed by him to give one bid for each such lot and no more, which bid shall be openly declared at the auction upon the lot being put up for sale, before any other bidding for such lot is received.  

19.     Where right to bid reserved to seller

If it is stated that the sale will be subject to a right for the seller to bid, it shall be lawful for the seller, or for any one person on his behalf, but not more than one, to bid at such auction in such manner as he shall think proper. 

20.     Consequences of  seller bidding in the preceding cases

If the seller or any person employed by him or on his behalf shall bid at any sale contrary to any of the provisions of this section, any purchaser may refuse to fulfill his purchase, but the highest bona fide bidder shall be entitled, if he shall so elect, to have the land or goods at the price offered by him.  

21.     Penalty on auctioneer receiving unlawful bidding

No auctioneer nor any person in partnership with him or in his employment or on his behalf shall bid at any sale conducted by him and any auctioneer who –

(a)     knowingly receives any bidding contrary to the provisions of this Law; or

(b)     bids himself or receives any bid from any partner of his or any person in his employment or on his behalf,

shall be liable on conviction, to a fine of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (N150,000.00).

22.     Auctioneer may recover purchase-money

(1)     The auctioneer conducting a sale by auction shall (unless it be agreed otherwise between him and the seller)          be entitled to sue for, recover and discharge all sums due in respect of such sale.

(2)     The auctioneer (unless it be agreed otherwise between him and the seller) be liable for due payment to the      seller of the net proceeds of the sale within ten (10) days from the time of sale of such property.

23.     Employment to sell by auction does not authorise private sale

The employment of an auctioneer to sell any property by public auction does not authorise him, in case the public auction proves abortive, to sell the property by private contract.

24.     Rates of commission chargeable on auction sales

Notwithstanding the provisions of any other enactment or law, the remuneration of any auctioneer for selling any property by auction will be computed to the value of the property offered for sale. 

25.     Order of suspension or revocation of licence

(1)     The court imposing any pecuniary penalty under this Law upon any auctioneer may, if it shall appear that the       offence is of such nature as to require the licence of such auctioneer to be suspended or revoked, make an    order to that effect, and the licence shall be suspended or revoked accordingly. 

(2)     The court making any order of suspension or revocation of a licence shall immediately send a copy of the         order to the Commissioner.

26.     Savings as to sales in execution of decrees

Nothing in this Law may be construed  to alter or derogate from the provisions of any enactment or rules of court, relating to sale in execution of decrees. 

27.     Auctioneer prohibited from preparing conveyances

An auctioneer or person in his employment or in partnership with him, who drafts, prepares, or procures the execution of any conveyance of land, shall be liable on conviction to a fine of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (N150,00.00).

28.     Auctioneer’s lien

An auctioneer has a lien by the custom of the business on goods entrusted  to that auctioneer  in the ordinary course of the employment of that auctioneer and as the natural consequence of the contract of agency. 

29.     Vendor to indemnify auctioneer

 A vendor shall indemnify the auctioneer for the expenses incurred or damages sustained by the auctioneer in the ordinary course of the employment of that auctioneer and as the natural consequence of the contract of agency.

30.     Breach of warranty of authority and fraud

(1)     An auctioneer who sells property without or in excess of the authority conferred on that auctioneer is liable to the purchaser for breach of warranty of authority.

(2)     The purchaser is entitled to sue the auctioneer personally for a fraud to which the auctioneer is privy.

31.     Power to make regulations

The Commissioner may make regulations in accordance with the Regulations Approval Law for the following purposes –

          (a)     altering the scale of commission chargeable by an auctioneer specified in Section 27 of this Law;

          (b)     altering the sums specified in the Second Schedule either generally or in relation to licences issued in                     any area specified in such regulations;

          (c)     prescribing the sums for which security shall be required in respect of the several licences which may                            be issued under this Law.

          (d)     specifying the rules to regulate online auction sales; and

          (e)     generally for the further or better carrying into effect the purposes of this Law.

32.     Repeal and Re-enactment

The Sales by Auction Law Cap. S1 Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2003 is hereby repealed.

33.     Interpretation

In this Law, unless the context otherwise requires –

          “auctioneer” means a licensed auctioneer as in sections 3 and 22 and include any person conducting a sale by       auction excluding a pawnbroker as defined under the Pawnbroker’s Law.

          “goods” includes animals and any interest in goods;

          “lands” includes any interest;

          “Commissioner” means any Commissioner or any person for the time being charged with responsibility with respect to trade and commerce in Lagos.

34.     Citation

This Law may be cited as the Auction Law and shall come into force on the ………. day of ……………………. 2020.




Licence is hereby granted to (name and residence of person licensed] to carry on the business of an auctioneer [in Lagos State or in (specify part of the State to which licence is to extend) until ……………………………………………..

Day of ……………………………….. 20 ……… subject to the Auction Law.

Dated this ……………… of …………………..20…………..

Fee paid N: …………….k



Every licence as in Form !                                                                                      N

For one year ………………………………………..                                                50,000

Signature of Commissioner



Alphabetical List 1999-2015 2015 Republication
By Subject Areas Latest Repealed


By YearsBy AlphabetsBy Areas of Practice
The Constitution National Legislations Treaties of the Federation
State Laws State Court Rules Court Judgments
Food & Agriculture Energy & Environment Healthcare
Transport (Road, Rail, Air, Water) Education Housing & Infrastructure
Security & Law Enforcement Science & Technology Family, Youth & Child
Government & Elections Taxation & Revenue Economic & Commercial
MDA Regulations SON Standards Executive Orders
Nig. Nuclear Reg. Auth., NNRA NAFDAC NESREA
Dept of Pet. Res. DPR Securities & Exchange Comm., SEC NERC
Fed. Inland Rev. Service, FIRS Fed. Road Safety Corps., FRSC Central Bank of Nigeria, FBN
Nig. Communications Comm., NCC1 Nig. Broadcasting Comm., NBC Nig. Copyright Comm., NCC2
Bio-Chemical and Bio-Safety Service & Quality Other Standards

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