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A Law to provide for the Protection of Illiterate Persons.

(Part 1 – 15th December, 1915)

(Part 2 – 25th March, 1920)



  1. Verification of letters written for illiterate persons

Any person who shall write any letter or document at the request, on behalf, or in the name of any illiterate person shall also write on such letter or other document his own name as the writer thereof and his address; and his so doing shall be equivalent to a statement—

  • that he was instructed to write such letter or document by the person for whom it purports to have been written and that the letter or document fully and correctly represents his instructions; and

(b)     if the letter or document purports to be signed with the signature or mark of the illiterate person, that prior to its being so signed it was read over and explained to the illiterate person, and that the signature or mark was made by such person.

  1. Penalty

If the writer of any such letter or document shall fail to write thereon his name and address, or if, having done so, any statement which under the last preceding section is in consequence implied shall be found to be untrue, the writer shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of one thousand naira or to imprisonment for six months.

  1. Legal practitioners exempt from the provisions of this Law

This Law shall not apply to the writing of any letter or other document written in the course of his business by or at the direction of any person admitted to practise and practising as a legal practitioner.


  1. Application of Part 2

This Part shall apply to such part or parts of the State as may be ordered by the Executive Council.

  1. Fee to be marked

In addition to the obligation imposed upon him by section 1, every writer shall state in writing on the letter or document, and each copy thereof—

(a)     whether or not any fee or reward has been or is to be charged or taken by him for writing such letter or document; and

(b)     the nature or amount of such fee or reward, if any; and

(c)     the total number of copies of such letter or document written by him, including the original. Penalty for omission or false statement: a fine of one hundred naira or in default of payment imprisonment for six months.

  1. Receipt to be given

Every writer shall give a receipt for the full amount of every fee or reward, whether in money or kind, taken by him for or in connection with the writing of any letter or document. Penalty: a fine of five hundred naira or in default of payment imprisonment for three months.

  1. Reward for writing letters

A writer may not charge or take any fee or reward exceeding the rates specified in the Schedule to this Law. Penalty: a fine of one thousand naira or in default of payment imprisonment for six months.

  1. Definition

In this Law, unless the context otherwise requires—

“writer” means any person who shall write any letter or document at the request, on behalf, or in the name of any illiterate person, except as provided in section 3.

  1. Short title

This Law may be cited as the Illiterates Protection Law.


Fees                                                               ₦  k

For every original letter or document per hundred words or part thereof ….  0 50

For the first copy (if any), per hundred words or part thereof ……………      0 20

For the second and subsequent copies, per hundred words or part thereof .. 0 05




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