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  1. Person twice convicted may be subjected to police supervision.
  2. Power to remit requirements of section 3.
  3. Penalty for harbouring thieves, etc.
  4. Power to make regulations.
  5. Interpretation.
  6. Short title and application.




A Law for the more effectual prevention of crimes.

(16th November, 1922)


  1. Persons twice convicted may be subjected to police supervision

(1)     Where any person is convicted of a crime, and a previous conviction of a crime is proved against him, the court before which he is convicted may, in addition to any other punishment which it may award, direct that he is to be subject to the supervision of the police for a period not exceeding five years commencing immediately after the expiration of the sentence passed on him for the last of such crimes.

(2)     Every person subject to the supervision of the police who is at large in the Cross River State shall notify the place of his residence to the nearest superior police officer and, whenever he is about to change his residence, shall notify such intention to the said superior police officer, stating the place to which he is going, and also, if required, and so far as is practicable, his address at that place, and so soon as he arrives at his new place of residence he shall forthwith notify his arrival to the superior police officer stationed nearest to such last mentioned place.

(3)     Every such person shall once in each month report himself at such time and in such manner as may be prescribed by the nearest superior police officer, either to such officer himself or to such other person as that officer may direct.

(4)     If any person fails to comply with any of the requirements of this section, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Law unless he proves that he did his best to act in conformity with the law and was prevented by circumstances beyond his control, and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for one year.

  1. Power to remit requirements of section 3

The Commissioner may by order under his hand remit any of the requirements of the last preceding section either generally or in the case of any person subject to supervision of the police.

  1. Penalty for harbouring thieves, etc.

(1)     Every person who occupies or keeps a lodging house or any premises licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor or any place of public entertainment or public resort, and knowingly lodges or knowingly harbours thieves or reputed thieves, or knowingly permits or knowingly suffers them to meet or assemble therein, or knowingly allows the deposit of goods therein having cause for believing them to be stolen, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of twenty naira or to imprisonment for four months, and the court before which he is convicted may, in addition or in lieu of such punishment, require him to enter into his own recognizance with or without sureties for keeping the peace and being of good behaviour during twelve months, and may order him to be imprisoned until such recognisance, with sureties, if so directed, is entered into; but so that the imprisonment for not entering into a recognisance shall not extend for a term longer than two months.

(2)     Any licence for the sale of intoxicating liquor, or for keeping any place of public entertainment or public resort, which has been granted to the occupier or keeper of any such house or place referred to in subsection (1), may, in the discretion of the court, be forfeited on his first conviction of an offence under this section, and on his second conviction for such offence his licence shall be forfeited, and he shall be disqualified for a period of two years from receiving any such licence.

  1. Power to make regulations

The Commissioner may make regulations for all or any of the purposes following—

(a)     providing for the registration and photographing of criminals and persons detained by the police or in custody awaiting trial, and the manner, form and places in which registers of criminals and such other persons shall be kept;

(b)     prescribing the duties of officers of police or officers in charge of prisons in connection with the registration and photographing of criminals and persons detained or in custody awaiting trial;

(c)     providing for the taking by any authorised person of the fingerprints of criminals and persons charged with or being suspected of having committed any felony, misdemeanor, or other offence punishable by imprisonment for one month or more and for the taking of the fingerprints, for comparison, of any person reasonably suspected of having made a finger impression on any document or object likely to become an exhibit in a criminal case;

(d)     generally for the purpose of giving effect to the objects and purposes of this Law.

  1. Interpretation

In this Law unless the context otherwise requires—

“crime” means any felony as defined in the Criminal Code;

[Cap. C16.]

“criminal” means a person convicted of a crime;

“State” means Cross River State;

“superior police officer” includes an administrative officer in charge of police and such other person as may be authorised in writing by a superior police officer within the meaning of the Police Act to perform the duties of a superior police officer under this Law.

  1. Short title and application

This Law may be cited as the Prevention of Crimes Law and shall apply to such part of the State as the Executive Council may from time to time by Order direct.




List of Subsidiary Legislation

  1. The Prevention of Crimes Regulations.


  1. These regulations may be cited as the Prevention of Crimes Regulations.
  2. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—

“central registrar” means the person for the time being in charge of the central registry;

“habitual criminal” means any person who has been twice convicted of a crime;

“offence” means any felony, misdemeanour or other offence punishable by imprisonment for one month or more;

“police station” means the office of a police officer (as defined in the Police Act), or the office of an administrative officer in charge of police;

“superintendent” means the Police Officer for the time being in charge of the police in a Local Government Area.

  1. (1) There shall be appointed a central registrar, who, subject to the directions of the Inspector-General of Police, shall be responsible for the carrying out of the provisions of the Law and of these regulations.

(2)     Superintendents, subject to the directions of the Inspector-General of Police, shall be responsible for their own internal arrangements to ensure that the movements of all or certain habitual criminals, within their Local Government Area, are properly recorded.

Central Registry

  1. (1) The central registrar shall keep the following books and records—

(a)     Register of offenders;

(b)     Register of habitual criminals;

(c)     Register of persons sentenced to police supervision;

(d)     a copy of the fingerprints of all persons convicted of an offence.

(2)     The registers referred to in (a) and (b) of sub-regulation (1) shall be in the Form C.R. 3 and (c) in the Form C.R. 5 in the Schedule in each case, and the copy of the fingerprints referred to in (d) of sub-regulation (1) shall be taken on Forms C.R. 4 and 4A in the Schedule.

[Forms 3, 4, 4A and 5.]

  1. In the register of offenders shall be entered particulars of every person convicted of an offence.
  2. When a person is convicted a second time of a crime and thereby becomes a habitual criminal, his name shall be transferred from the register of offenders to the register of habitual criminals.
  3. Particulars of every new conviction of an offence shall be entered in the Form C.R. 2 of the person convicted and filed in Form C.R. 16 in the Schedule.

[Forms 2 and 16.]

Duties of Superintendents

  1. (1) A superintendent shall keep the following records—

(a)     Register of habitual criminals in his Local Government Area;

(b)     Register of persons sentenced to police supervision in his Local Government Area.

(2)     The registers referred to in (a) and (b) of sub-regulation (1) shall be in the Form C.R. 3 and Form C.R. 6 in the Schedule respectively.

[Forms 3 and 6.]

  1. When a habitual criminal permanently leaves a Local Government Area notice shall be given by the superintendent of that Local Government Area to the superintendent of the Local Government Area to which he has gone (such notice shall be on Form C.R. 8 in the Schedule) and his name shall be transferred to the records of the Local Government Area to which he has gone. When a habitual criminal is haunting several Local Government Area his name is to be entered on the records of each of them.

[Form 8.]

  1. When a habitual criminal dies his name shall be struck out from all registers and the central registrar informed.
  2. The superintendent or other person in charge of a prison shall notify the superintendent of the Local Government Area in which the prison is situated, on Form C.R. 12 in the Schedule, of the date of discharge of every prisoner sentenced to imprisonment for two years or more, such notification to be made not less than twenty-eight days before the date of discharge.

[Form 12.]

Powers of Police

  1. (1) All persons charged with having committed and all persons convicted of any offence may be photographed and measured and their fingerprints may be taken at any time during their detention or imprisonment.

(2)     When a fingerprint is likely to become an exhibit in a criminal case it shall be lawful for any police officer to take, for comparison, the fingerprints of any persons who is reasonably suspected of having made those fingerprints.


  1. The fingerprints of every person in the custody of the police, charged with having committed any offence, shall be taken and forwarded to the central registrar with Form C.R. 13 before such person appears before the court.

[Form 13.]

  1. All copies of fingerprints received in the central registry shall be carefully compared with the fingerprints filed in the central registry. If the central registrar finds a set of fingerprints in his collection corresponding to any set received, he will at once forward the necessary information concerning the previous criminal record of the person thus identified to the police station concerned, with Form C.R. 14. The fingerprints will be retained by the central registrar.

In the event of no set of fingerprints being found identical the fingerprints will be returned to the police station with Form C.R. 15.

[Forms 14 and 15.]

  1. The photographs taken under regulation 12 may be either in the dress of the prison, or in the dress that the person wore at the time of his arrest or trial or in any other dress suitable to his ostensible position in life. The photographs taken shall include a photograph of the full face and a photograph of the true profile of the person.
  2. Fingerprints shall be taken on Forms C.R. 4 and 4A in the Schedule and shall be a record of the external filament of the fingers and thumb of each hand, to be taken by pressing them, first on an ink place, and then upon paper or cardboard, so as to leave a clear print of the skin surface.

[Forms 4 and 4A.]

  1. The measurements to be taken shall include the prisoner’s height when standing without boots, the description of all tribal marks and the relative position of every scar and distinction mark on any part of the body.

Fingerprints and Photographic records to be destroyed in certain cases

  1. When a person who has not previously been convicted of an offence is discharged by the magistrate or acquitted upon his trial or is not charged, all fingerprint impressions, photographs and records of measurements, taken or made under these regulations shall forthwith be destroyed.

Police Supervision

  1. Every person sentenced to police supervision (hereinafter called a supervisee) shall on his release report himself to the superior police officer of the Division in which he is released in order that his particulars may be registered and such superior police officer shall carefully instruct him in the requirements of the law.
  2. The superintendent or other person in charge of the prison from which a prisoner sentenced to police supervision is about to be discharged shall serve upon such prisoner a notice in Form C.R. 9 in the Schedule before his discharge. The form shall be explained to the prisoner and he shall be directed to report as stated therein.

[Form 9.]

  1. (1) On a supervisee making his first report he shall be served with Form C.R. 10 in the Schedule. This form is to be explained to him and he is to be particularly instructed that he must report himself personally to the person named therein between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the day of each month stated in the form.

[Form 10.]

(2)     The supervisee shall produce this form when reporting and the officer to whom he is required to report shall enter the date of the report and sign it in the space on the back thereof.

  1. If the supervisee states his intention of removing from one police Division to another he is to be served with Form C.R. 11 in the Schedule and informed that he must personally report his arrival to the superior police officer of that Division as soon as possible on his arrival there.

[Form 11.]

  1. When a supervisee changes his residence from one Division to another the superior police officer receiving the report shall immediately notify the superior police officer of the Division to which the supervisee states his intention of removing and also notify the superintendent.

Where the change of residence is from one Local Government Area to another the superintendent receiving the report of the change of residence shall notify the superintendent of the Local Government Area into which the supervisee has moved. Form C.R. 8 in the Schedule shall be used for this purpose.

[Form 8.]

  1. (1) The superintendent or other officer in charge of a prison shall, twenty-eight days before the release from such prison of any person sentenced to police supervision, inform the superintendent of the Local Government Area in which the prison is situated, on Form C.R. 12 in the Schedule, of such intended release, and of the place and Division which the prisoner has notified as his intended place of residence.

[Form 12.]

(2)     The superintendent shall enter the information on his register and will forward an extract from his register to the superior police officer of the Division where such person intends to reside.

  1. (1) Whenever Forms C.R. 4 and 4A in the Schedule are forwarded to the central registrar, they shall be accompanied by a covering letter in Form C.R. 13 in the Schedule.

(2)     Correspondence respecting identification of fingerprints shall as far as possible be conducted on Forms C.R. 14 and 15 in the Schedule.

(3)     All records (other than Forms C.R. 4 and 4A ) pertaining to a person registered in the central registry shall be filed in FormC.R. 16 in the Schedule.

(4)     On conviction of a first offender Forms C.R. 1, 4, 4A and 7 duly completed, together with the photographic negative of the accused, shall be forwarded to the central registrar.

(5)     On conviction of an offender who has been previously convicted and registered in the central registry, Form C.R. 14 will be completed and forwarded together with Form C.R. 7 and the photographic negative (if not previously recorded) of the offender, to the central registrar.

[Forms 1, 4, 4A, 7, 13, 14, 15 and 16.]


  1. The forms set out in the Schedule hereto with such variations as the central registrar may from time to time require shall be used for the various purposes to which they relate.



Prevention of Crimes Law


NAME …………………….






NATIVE OF……………………






Height ft. in.


Complexion Hair Eyes Build C.R.



Album page No.  



Box No.……….

Marks and peculiarities …………………………………………………………………………..

Finger classification …………………………………………………………………………….


Cards should be in different colours, i.e. – White for persons convicted; Red for habitual criminals; Blue for police supervision; Green for convicts on licence, etc.


FORM C.R. 1 (Reverse)




Prevention of Crimes Law

[Regulation 7.]

C.R. No. …………………………………………………..

Prison Register No. ………………………………..

Name ……………………………………………………….

Alias …………………………………………………………



To be discharged otherwise than under section3 of the Preventive of Crime Act on the ………….,day of ……………20 ………….


Date of birth …………………………………………..

Tribe ………………………………………………………..

Trade or occupation ……….……………………..

Height(without shoes)…………………………….


Hair …………………………………………………………..

Eyes ………………………………………………………….

Remarks ……………………………………………………

Intended Address………………………………………






Distinctive Mark and Peculiarities




Head                    Lt

Rt. Side…………………………………………………..

Lt. side……………………………………………………

Convictions (in chronological sequence)

Sentence Court and place Date Offence of which prisoner was actually found guilty Full Christian names and surname













This form in two colours – White for persons convicted; Blue for police supervision.



[Regulations 4 and 8.]

Prevention of Crimes Law

Year …………………………………….

No. Name  Date Registered Classification Remarks


































































































[Regulations 4, 16 and 25.]

Prevention of Crimes Law

This form is not to be pinned

C.R. No. …………………………………………

MALE                                                                                                 B

Name …………………………………………….

Aliases ……………………………………………      Classification No. ……………………….

Prison …………………………………………….

Prison Reg. No. …………………………………..


1.   -Right Thumb 2.-Right Forefinger 3.–Right middle Finger 4.-Right Ring Finger 5.-Right Ring Finger


(Fold) _______________________________________________________ (Fold)

Impressions to be so taken that the flexure of the last joint shall be immediately above the red line marked (Fold). If the impression of any digit be defective a second print may be taken in the vacant space above it.

When a finger is missing or so injured that the impression cannot be obtained, or is deformed and yields a bad print, the fact should be noted under REMARKS.









Middle Finger



Ring Finger



Little Finger






(Fold) ____________________________________________________ (Fold)


Plain impressions of the four fingers taken




Plain impressions of the four fingers taken






Impression taken by ……………………………. Rank ……………………………………..

Station ……………………………………………… Date …………………….. 20 …………

Superintendent’s signature ……………………… Date ……………………… 20 ………..

Classified by……………………………………………Date ……………………. 20 ……….. Tested by ………………………………………………Date …………………… 20 ………..







Right forefinger print to be

impressed immediately after

signature is written

Prisoner’s Signature ……………………………………

Name …………………………………………………… REMARKS

Age ………….. Tribe ………………………………….


Marks other than Tribal ………………………………


Height ……………. ft. ……………. in. ……………..

*Sentence at



*Sentence on



*Sentenced to



*Sentenced for



*Give offence in full, and if remanded only, substitute “Remanded” for “Sentenced”.







[Regulations 4, 16 and 25.]

Prevention of Crimes Law

This form is not to be pinned

C.R. No. …………………………………..

FEMALE                                                                                             B

Name ……………………………………..

Aliases …………………………………….   Classification No. ………………………..

Prison ……………………………………..

Prison Reg. No. …………………………..








Middle Finger


Ring Finger


Little Finger









(Fold) ______________________________________________________ (Fold)

Impressions to be so taken that the flexure of the last joint shall be immediately above the red line marked (Fold). If the impression of any digit be defective a second print may be taken in the vacant space above it.

When a finger is missing or so injured that the impression cannot be obtained, or is deformed and yields a bad print, the fact should be noted under REMARKS.







Middle Finger



Ring Finger


Little Finger








(Fold) ________________________________________________________ (Fold)


Plain impressions of the four fingers taken



Plain impressions of the four fingers taken








Impression taken by ……………………. Rank …………. Police Force ………………….

Classified at H.C. Registry by ………………………………. Date ………….. 20 ……….

Tested at H.C. Registry by ………………………………….. Date ………….. 20 ……….














Right forefinger print to be

impressed immediately after

signature is written

Prisoner’s signature …………………………………….

Name ………………………………………………………….. REMARKS

Age ………………. Tribe …………………………………….


Marks other than Tribal ……………………………………..


Height ………………. ft. ………………. in. ……………….


Remanded at



Remanded on



Remanded till



Remanded for



If convicted insert the particulars of conviction above





[Regulation 4.]

Prevention of Crimes Law

Name ……………………………….. Occupation …………….. Native of ……………………

Date of



ft. in.

Complexion Hair Eyes Build C.R. No.









Marks and Peculiarities …………………………………………………………………………

Finger Classification …………………………………………………………………………….


Cards should be in different colours, i.e. – White for persons convicted; Red for habitual criminals; Blue for police supervision; Green for convicts on licence.

FORM C.R. 5 (Reverse)







Prevention of Crimes Law

Name …………………………….

Aliases ……………………………

Occupation …………………….

Native of ……………………….

Ft. in ………………………………

Marks and peculiarities, head Rt. ……………………….

Rt. Side…………………………..

Lt. …………………………………

Lt. side ………………………….

Age Height Complexion Hair  Eyes Build Office No. Supervision expires
              ..…. day of

……, 20 ……










Court and place






Offence for which

prisoner was











or when

last seen

















[Regulation 25.]

Prevention of Crimes Law

NOTE.—This Form is to be used in all cases of reports relating to the reconviction of persons registered in C.R.


Station ………………………………………………. Division ………………………………..

………………….. day of …………… , 20 ………… Register No. …………………………

Office No. …………………………………. Name …………………………………………….

I beg to report that the above-named was sentenced at ………………………………..

on …………………… day of ……………… , 20 ……………, to* …………………………

……………………………….. for value of property stolen …………………………………

………………………………………… How effected …………………………………………….

Convicted in the name of ………………………….. Arrested by ………………………….

Convictions proved by ………………………………………………………….. with whom

convicted …………….. Names of officers present at conviction ………………………..


Also known to ……………………………………………………………………………………

Address given ……………………………………………………………………………………

Remarks …………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..                                                   Signature ……………………………………………..

*If prisoner has the option of paying fine, state if paid or whether time allowed for payment.                                                                                                          †State the offence in full, e.g., stealing ₦100 from a Bank; stealing from shop, house, etc.




[Regulations 9 and 23.]

Prevention of Crimes Law


(Dated this) …………… day of ………………. , 20 ………… No. …………………………


From ………………………………………              To  …………………………………………

……………………………………………..              The …………………………….. Registrar

re ……………………………………………….. Office No. …………………………………..

I beg to report that with reference to the above-named I am informed that he is leaving this Division and that—

he proposes to remove to the ……………………………………………………… Division

His new address is at present unknown.

Signature …………………………………………..



[Regulation 20.]

Prevention of Crimes Law


NOTICE to a person subject to the SUPERVISION of the POLICE.

Under the provisions of section 3 of the Prevention of Crimes Law you are required to report yourself personally, on liberation, to ……………………………………………. of the Division in which you reside, or to such other person as he may appoint.

TAKE NOTICE, THEREFORE, that I, the undersigned, the SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE for the ……………………………………………………………………………………. Local Government Area have appointed ……………………………………………………. or his representative, to receive your declaration of residence on liberation, and I require you to report yourself to him personally at the office.

If you neglect so to do on liberation, you are liable to be sentenced to twelve months’ imprisonment.

Signature ………………………………………

Notice served by me on ………………………………………………… who was liberated from the ………………………. Prison at ………………..m., on the …………….. day of

………………………………………… , 20……………….., and who is directed to report forthwith to …………………………… at ………………………………………………………

……………………………………………..              Superintendent or other officer in                       Charge of the Prison

Dated this ……………………………… , day of ………………………. 20 ……………….

NOTE.—This Form to be counter-foiled.


FORM C.R. 10

[Regulation 21.]

Prevention of Crimes Law


NOTICE to a person subject to the SUPERVISION of the POLICE

Under the provisions of section 3 of the Prevention of Crimes Law you are required to report yourself personally your entry into and removal from a Police Division to the Superintendent of Police of the said Division, or to such other person as he may appoint, and you must also report yourself personally, once a month, at such time and place as may be prescribed by the said Police Officer; and any change of address within the said Division must be declared in like manner.

TAKE NOTICE, THEREFORE, that I, the undersigned, the SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE for the ………………………………………… Local Government Area, being the Superior Police Officer of the Division, require you to report yourself personally to …………………………………………………………………………. between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the …………………………….. day of each month, and any change of residence shall likewise be declared to the said officer before your removal.

If you leave this Police Division and again return to it you must immediately report such return personally to the aforesaid officer.

The penalty for neglecting to do as above directed is one year’s imprisonment.                                                                       ………………………………………….                                                                                  Superior Police Officer

This form is served by me on ………………………………. Office No. …………………..                                                          ……………………………………………………….                                                             Officer delegated by the Superior Police                                                                                               Officer to serve this notice

Dated this …………………………….. day of …………………………20 ……………….




FORM C.R. 10 (reverse)

Date of Report and Signature of Officer receiving same

Date Signature Date Signature























FORM C.R. 11

[Regulation 22.]

Prevention of Crimes Law


NOTICE to a person subject to the SUPERVISION of the POLICE.

Under the provisions of section 3 of the Prevention of Crimes Law you are required to personally report your entry into, and removal from a Police Division, also your place of residence to the Superior Police Officer of the said Division, or to such other person as he may appoint, and so long as you remain in that Division you must report yourself personally, once a month, at such time and place as may be prescribed by the Superior Police Officer or his delegate.

TAKE NOTICE, THEREFORE, that I, the undersigned, require that you report yourself personally, as soon as possible after arrival, to the superior Officer of Police of ………………………………………………………. Local Government Area, to which place you have reported your intention to remove.

If you again return to this Division, you must immediately report such return, personally, to the Superior Police Officer.

Penalty for neglecting to do as above Division will, on conviction, entail a sentence of twelve months’ imprisonment.

……………………………………………….                      Superior Police Officer

This notice is served by me on ………………………………………. , who is hereby directed to report to the Superior Officer of Police at ………………………………… as soon as possible after his arrival there.

……………………………………………………….        Officer delegated to serve this notice

Dated this ………………………………. , day of ……………………….20 ……………….

NOTE .—This Form to be counter-foiled.




FORM C.R. 12

[Regulation 11.]

Prevention of Crimes Law

(Dated this) …………….. day of …………….. , 20 …………….. No. …………………..


From …………………………………          To …………………………………………………

…………………………………………          The Provincial Registrar

I beg to inform you that Prisoner …………………………………………………………… Prison Register No. ……………………. who was sentenced at the ………………………

Court on the …………….. day of …………….. , 20 …………, to ………………………..

years and ………………………… months imprisonment for* …………………………….. is due for release from this prison on ……………… day of …………….. , 20 …………

The prisoner has informed me that he proposes on release to proceed to ………….., in the …………………………………………………………………………………. Division, and to reside at ………………………………………………………………………………….

He will in due course be served with Form ………………………………………….. and directed to report to the Superior Officer of Police at …………………………………….

………………………………………..                    Signature

*Give offence as described on Criminal warrant.





FORM C.R. 13

[Regulations 13 and 25.]

Prevention of Crimes Law


(Date) ……………….. day of ……….. , 20 …………….. No. …………………………..


From …………………………………          To …………………………………………………..

…………………………………………          The ……………………………………. Registrar

  1. I beg to forward herewith the fingerprints of Prisoner …………………… who is charged at …………………………… with the offence of ………………………… and remanded until …………………………………………….. , 20 ………….
  2. Please cause search to be made of the records in your possession and if traced, forward the descriptive form together with the Prisoner’s criminal record to …………………………………… as early as possible.

Signature …………………………………………..

FORM C.R. 14

[Regulations 14 and 25.]

Prevention of Crimes Law


(Date) ……………….. day of ………………, 20 ………………. No. …………………….


From ………………………………… To ……………………………………………………

……………………………………….. The ……………………………………. Registrar

  1. The fingerprints of the Prisoner …………………………………. , charged at the ………………………….. Court with ………………………………… have been received, search has been made in compliance with your request, and the Prisoner identified as ………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. Please let me have the result of the case on the form below when returning the descriptive form.

……………………………………….                               Registrar

(Date) ………………… day of ………….. , 20 ………….. No. ……………………………


From ………………………………             To …………………………………………………..

…………………………………….               The ……………………………………. Registrar

The case against the Prisoner ………………………………………………….. your office

No. …………………. dated this ……………. day of …………………, 20 ……….. , was disposed of as under—

Date Place and Court Offence in full Sentence


Full Christian name and Surname in which convicted









Committed to the Prison at ……………………………………………………………………                                                           Signature………………………………………..



FORM C.R. 15

[Regulations 14 and 25.]

Prevention of Crimes Law


(Date) ……………. day of ……………… , 20 ………….. No. …………………………….


From …………………………………..        To ………………………………………………….

………………………………………….         The ……………………………………. Registrar

  1. The fingerprints of the Prisoner ………………………………. , charged at the ……………………………………… Court with …………………………………… have been received, search has been made in compliance with your request, with the result that no record of a previous conviction has been traced.
  2. I shall be glad if you will enter the result of the case below, together with particulars of any previous convictions, which without doubt refer to this person, and return this letter to me as soon as the case has been disposed of.

……………………………………………………                                       Registrar

(Dated this) ……………. day of …………….. , 20 …………. No. ……………………….


From ……………………………      To …………………………………………………………

……………………………………      The ……………………………………………. Registrar

The case against the Prisoner ………………………………………………….. your office No. ……………….. dated this ………….. day of ……………………….. 20 ………. was disposed of as under—

Date Place and court Offence in full Sentence Full Christian name and Surname in which convicted











Committed to the Prison at ……………………………………………………………………

Signature …………………………………………..




FORM C.R. 16

[Regulation 7.]

Prevention of Crimes Law


Name …………………………………………….. No. ……………………….., 20 …………



























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