Constitution Federal Laws Treaties
State Laws Court Judgments Court Rules










PART I – Preliminary

  1. Short title.
  2. Meaning of wireless telegraphy.
  3. General interpretation.

PART II – Regulation of wireless telegraphy

  1. Licence required for use of wireless telegraphy apparatus.
  2. Licence required for dealing in wireless telegraphy apparatus.
  3. Grant of licences.
  4. Fees and charges for licences.
  5. Experimental licences.
  6. Regulations as to wireless telegraphy.
  7. Misleading messages and interception and disclosure of messages.
  8. Territorial extent of preceding provisions.
  9. Powers of Commission as to wireless personnel.

PART III – Provisions as to interference

  1. Regulations as to radiation of electro-magnetic energy, etc.
  2. Enforcement of regulations as to the use of apparatus.
  3. Enforcement of regulations as to sales, etc., by manufacturers and others.
  4. Deliberate interference.

PART IV – General

  1. Penalties.
  2. Offences by bodies corporate.
  3. Forfeiture.
  4. Offences continued after conviction.
  5. Civil proceedings.
  6. Entry and search of premises, etc.
  7. Provisions applicable on an occasion of emergency.
  8. Onus of proof.
  9. Saving as regards distress signals and electrical apparatus.
  10. Protection of Government and public officers.
  11. Service of notices by post.
  12. Miscellaneous regulations.
  13. Government sound and television broadcasting services.
  14. Validity of previous licenses.


An Act to make provision for the regulation of wireless telegraphy.


[1st July, 1966]  [Commencement]


PART I – Preliminary

  1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Wireless Telegraphy Act.


  1. Meaning of wireless telegraphy

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-

“wireless telegraphy” means the emitting or receiving, over paths which are not provided by any material substance constructed or arranged for that purpose, of electro- magnetic energy of a frequency not exceeding three million megacycles a second, being energy which either-

(a)    serves for the conveying of messages, sound or visual images (whether the messages, sound or images are actually received by any person or not), or for the actuation or control of machinery or apparatus; or

(b)    is used in connection with the determination of position, bearing or distance, or for the gaining of information as to the presence, absence, position or motion of any object or of any objects of any class,

and reference to stations for wireless telegraphy and apparatus for wireless telegraphy shall be construed as references to stations and apparatus for the emitting or receiving as aforesaid of such electro-magnetic energy as aforesaid:

Provided that where-

(i)     a station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy cannot lawfully be used without a licence or could not lawfully be used without a licence but for regulations under this Act; and

(ii)    any such electro-magnetic energy as aforesaid which is received by that station or apparatus serves for the conveying of messages, sound or visual images; and

(iii)    any apparatus is electrically coupled with that station or apparatus for the purpose of enabling any person to receive any of the messages, sound or visual images,  the apparatus so coupled shall itself be deemed for the purpose of this Act to be apparatus for wireless telegraphy.


  1. General interpretation

(1)    In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-

“Commission” means, in the case of matters relating to-

(a)   telecommunications, the Nigerian Communications Commission established under the Nigerian Communications Commission Act; and

(b)    broadcasting, the National Broadcasting Commission established under the National Broadcasting Commission Act;

“electric line” means a wire or wires, conductor or other means used for the purpose of conveying, transmitting or distributing electricity with any casing, coating, covering, tube, pipe or insulator enclosing, surrounding or supporting the same, or any part thereof, or any apparatus connected therewith for the purpose of conveying, transmitting or distributing electricity or electric currents;

“foreign aircraft” means an aircraft which IS not registered in any country In the Commonwealth;

“foreign ship” means a foreign ship within the meaning of the Merchant Shipping Act;

“interference”, in relation to wireless telegraphy, means the prejudicing by any emission or reflection of electromagnetic energy of the fulfillment of the purposes of the telegraphy (either generally or in part, and without prejudice to the generality of the proceeding words, as prospects all, or as respect any, of the recipients or intended recipients of any message, sound or visual image intended to be conveyed by the telegraphy), and the expression “interfere” shall be construed accordingly;

“licence” means a licence granted under subsection (1) of section 6 of this Act, and

“licensee” shall be construed accordingly;

“Minister” means the Minister charged with responsibility for matters relating to wireless telegraphy;

“ship” includes every description of vessel used in navigation not propelled by oars;

“station for wireless telegraphy” includes the wireless telegraphy apparatus of a vessel or aircraft;

“vessel” includes any ship or boat, or any other description of vessel used in navigation.

(2)    Any reference in this Act to the sending or the conveying of messages includes a reference to the making of any signal or the sending or conveying of any warning or in- formation, and any reference to the reception of messages shall be construed accordingly.

(3)    References in this Act to apparatus on board a ship or vessel includes reference to apparatus on a kite or captive balloon flown from a ship or vessel.


PART II – Regulation of wireless telegraphy

  1. Licence required for use of wireless telegraphy apparatus

(1)    No person shall establish or use any station for wireless telegraphy or install or use any apparatus for wireless telegraphy except under and in accordance with a licence in that behalf.

(2)    Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.


  1. Licence required for dealing in wireless telegraph apparatus

(1)    No person shall offer for sale, sell or have in his possession with a view to sale in the course of his business any installation, mechanism, instrument, material or other appa- ratus constructed for the purpose of or intended to be used for wireless telegraphy except under and in accordance with a licence in that behalf.

(2)    Any person who contravenes the provision of subsection (l) of this section shall be guilty of an offence.


  1. Grant of licences

(1)    The Commission may grant licences for the purposes of this Act in the prescribed form or in such other for any particular case as he may approve and may renew licenses so granted.

(2)    The grant or renewal of a licence shall be in the discretion of the Commission.

(3)    A licence may be issued subject to such terms, provisions and limitations as the Commission may think fit, including in particular in the case of a licence to establish a station, limitations as to the position and nature of the station, the purposes for which, the circumstances in which, and the person by whom the station May be used, and the  apparatus which may be installed or used therein, and, in the case of any other licence, limitation as to the apparatus which be installed or used, and the places where, the purposes for which, the circumstances in which and the persons by whom the apparatus may be used.

(4)    A licence shall, unless previously revoked, continue in force for such period as may be specified in the licence.

(5)    A licence may be revoked, or the terms, provisions or limitations thereof varied, by a notice in writing of the Commission served on the holder of the licence or by a general notice applicable to licences of the class to which the licence in question belongs published in the Federal Gazette.

(6)    Where a licence has expired or has been revoked, it shall be the duty of the person to whom the licence was issued, and of every other person in whose possession or under whose control the licence may be, to cause the licence to be surrendered to the Commission if required by the Commission to do so, and any person who without reasonable excuse fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence:

Provided that this subsection shall not apply to a licence relating solely to apparatus not designed or adapted for emission (as opposed to reception).

(7)    Nothing in this section shall authorise the inclusion in any licence relating solely to apparatus not designed or adapted for emission (as opposed to reception), of any term or provision requiring any person to concede any form of right of entry into any private dwelling house.


  1. Fees and charges for licences

(1)    On the issue or renewal of a licence, and where the regulations under this Act so provide, at such times thereafter as may be prescribed by the regulations, there shall be paid to the Commission, or such person as it may appoint, by the person to whom the licence is issued such sums as may be prescribed by regulations to be made by the Com- mission, and different provision may be made in relation to different licences, according to the nature, terms, provisions, limitations and duration thereof.

(2)    Where sums will or may become payable under subsection (I) of this section, subsequently to the issue or renewal of a licence, the Commission may, on the issue or renewal thereof, require such security to be given, by way of deposit or otherwise, for the payment if the sums which will or may become payable as he thinks fit.


  1. Experimental licences

(1)    Subject to the provisions of this section, where an application for the grant or renewal of a licence is made to the Commission by a citizen of Nigeria and the Commission is satisfied that the only purpose for which the applicant requires the licence is to enable him to conduct experiments in wireless telegraphy for the purpose of scientific research, the Commission shall not refuse to grant or renew the licence and shall not revoke the licence when granted, and no sum shall be payable under regulations under this Act otherwise than on the issued or renewal of the licence.


(2)    Nothing in subsection (1) of this section, shall limit the discretion of the Commission as to the terms, provisions or limitation which it attaches to any licence or its power to vary the terms, provisions or limitations of any licence.

(3)    Nothing in subsection (1) of this section, shall prevent the Commission from re- fusing to grant or renew, or from revoking, any licence, if, whether before or after the grant or last renewal of the licence, the applicant has been convicted of any offence under this Part, whether in relation to the same or any other apparatus, or has contravened any of the terms, provisions or limitation of that or any other wireless telegraphy licence granted to him, or has been convicted under section 16 of this Act, of using any apparatus for the purpose of interfering with any wireless telegraphy.

(4)    Nothing in subsection (1) of this section, shall prevent the application of the provisions of section 24 of this Act to a holder of an experimental licence granted in pursu- ance of this section.


  1. Regulations as to wireless telegraphy

(1)    The Commission may with the approval of the Minister make regulations-

(a)    prescribing the things which are to be done or are not to be done in connection with the use of any station for wireless telegraphy or wireless telegraphy appa ratus, and, in particular, requiring the use of any such station or apparatus to cease on the demand in that behalf of any such persons as may be prescribed by or under the regulations;

(b)    imposing on the person to whom a wireless telegraphy licence is used with respect to any station for wireless telegraphy or wireless telegraphy apparatus, or who is in possession or control of any station for wireless telegraphy or wireless telegraphy apparatus, obligation as to permitting and facilitating the inspection of the station and apparatus are as to the condition in which the station and apparatus are to be kept and, in the case of a station or apparatus for the establishment, installation or use of which a wireless telegraphy licence is necessary, as to the production of the licence, or of such other evidence of the licensing of the station or apparatus as may be prescribed by the regulations;

(c)    where sums are or may become due from the person to whom a wireless telegraphy licence is issued after the issue or renewal thereof, requiring that person to keep and produce such accounts and records as may be specified in the regulations;

(d)    requiring the person to whom a wireless telegraphy licence has been issued to exhibit at the station such notices as may be specified in the regulations;

(e)    for preserving the secrecy of communications by wireless telegraphy,

and different provisions may be made by any such regulations for different classes of cases:


Provided that nothing in any such regulations shall require any person to concede any form of right of entry into a private dwelling house for the purpose of permitting or facilitating the inspection of any apparatus not designed or adapted for emission (as op- posed to reception).

(2)    Any person who contravenes any regulation made under this section, or causes or permits any station for wireless telegraphy or wireless telegraphy apparatus to be used in contravention of any such regulations, shall be guilty of an offence.


  1. Misleading messages and interception and disclosure of messages

(1)    No person shall-

(a)    by means of wireless telegraphy, send or attempt to send, any message which, to his knowledge, is false or misleading and is, to his knowledge, likely to prejudice the efficiency of any safety of life service or endanger the safety of any person or of any vessel, aircraft or vehicle, and in particular, any message which, to his knowledge, falsely suggests that a vessel or aircraft is in distress or in need of assistance or is not in distress or not in need of assistance; or

(b)    otherwise than under the authority of the Commission, or in the course of his duty as a servant of the State, either-

  • use any wireless telegraphy apparatus with intent to obtain information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any message (whether sent by means of wireless telegraphy or not) which neither the person using the apparatus nor any person on whose behalf it is acting is authorised by the Commission to receive; or
  • (ii) except in the course of legal proceedings or for the purpose of any re- port thereof, disclose any information as to the contents, sender or ad- dressee of any such message, being information which would not have come to his knowledge but for the use of wireless telegraphy apparatus by him or by another person.


(2)    Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (I) of this section, shall be guilty of an offence.


  1. Territorial extent of preceding provisions

(1)    Subject to the provisions of this section, this Part of this Act shall apply-

(a)    to all stations and apparatus in Nigeria;

(b)    to any station or apparatus on board a ship outside Nigeria; and

(c)    to any apparatus outside Nigeria which was released in Nigeria.


(2)    Where anything is done or omitted to be done in contravention of the provisions of this Part of this Act as applied by this section, the captain or other person for the time being in charge of the ship shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, and without prejudice to the liability of any other person, be guilty of an offence against this Act.

(3)    For the purposes of this section, the Commission with the approval of the Minister may in respect of any foreign ship or foreign aircraft while in Nigeria make regulations to restrict or control the use of any wireless telegraphy apparatus on board the foreign ship or foreign aircraft to such times or purpose as he may approve; and any regulation made under this subsection may provide for the imposition of tine not exceeding in the case of anyone offence, the sum of N200 and, in any proper case, for the confiscation of the wireless telegraphy apparatus or any part thereof.

[1998 No.31.]

(4)    In this section and for the avoidance of doubts-

“Nigeria” includes the territorial waters and air limits of Nigeria;

ship” means any ship subject to the laws of Nigeria, and includes any type of Nigerian craft capable of becoming airborne.


  1. Powers of Commission as to wireless personnel

(1)    The Commission may hold examinations to determine the competence of the persons examined to fill positions in connection with the operation of stations for wireless telegraphy apparatus and may issue to persons successful at such examinations certificates of competence of such types as it may form time to time determine.

(2)    Where the Commission is satisfied that any person has qualified in another country for a certificate of competence or authority to fill position in connection with the operation of stations for wireless telegraphy or wireless telegraphy apparatus in that country, it may issue to that person a certificate of competence to fill similar positions in Nigeria.

(3)    The Commission, if it appears to him that there are sufficient grounds so to do, may at any time revoke any certificate issued under subsection (2) of this section.

(4)    Where any certificate granted under subsection (2) of this section, has ceased to be in force or has been revoked, it shall be the duty of the person to whom the certificate was issued, and of every other person in whose possession or under whose control the certificate may be, to cause the certificate to be surrendered to the Commission if required by the Commission so to do, and any person who without reasonable excuse fails or re- fuses to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence.


(5)    The Commission may charge persons applying to take part in any examination under this section, and to applicants for, or for copies of, any certificates issued under this section, such fees, if any, as it may determine.


PART III – Provisions as to interference

  1. Regulations as to radiation of electro-magnetic energy, etc.

(1)    The Commission may with the approval of the Minister make regulations for both or either of the following purposes, that is to say-

(a)    for prescribing the requirements to be complied with in the case of any apparatus to which this section applies if the apparatus is to be used;

(b)    for prescribing the requirements to be complied with in the case of any apparatus to which this section applies if the apparatus is to be sold otherwise than for export, or offered or advertised for sale otherwise than for export, or let on hire or offered or advertised for letting on hire, by any person who in the course of business manufactures, assembles or imports such apparatus.

(2)    The said requirements shall be such requirements as the Commission thinks fit for the purpose of ensuring that the use of the apparatus does not cause undue interference with wireless telegraphy, and may in particular include-

(a)    requirements as to the maximum intensity of electro-magnetic energy of any specified frequencies which may be radiated in any direction from the apparatus while it is being used; and

(b)    in the case of an apparatus the power for which is supplied from electric lines, requirements as to the maximum electromagnetic energy of any specified frequencies which may be injected into these lines by the apparatus,

and, in so far as apparatus to the Commission necessary or expedient in the case of the regulations in question, different requirement may be prescribed for different circumstance and in relation to different classes or description of apparatus, different districts or places and different times of use.

(3) (a) The apparatus to which this section applies, shall be such apparatus as may be specified in the regulations made thereunder, being apparatus generating, or designed to generate, or liable to generate fortuitously, electromagnetic energy at frequencies of not more than three million megacycles per second, and not being wireless telegraphy apparatus.

(b)    The references in this subsection to apparatus include references to any form of electric line, and other references in this Act to apparatus shall be construed accordingly.

(4)    It shall not be unlawful for any person to use any apparatus to which this section applies or to sell any such apparatus or offer or advertise it for sale or let it on hire or offer or advertise it for letting on hire by reason only that it does not comply with the requirements applicable under any regulations made under this section, but the non- compliance shall be a ground for the giving of a notice under section 14 or section 15 of this Act, as the case may be.


  1. Enforcement of regulations as to use of apparatus

(1)    If the Commission is of opinion-

(a)    that any apparatus does not comply with the requirements applicable to it under regulations made for the purpose specified in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 13 of this Act; and

(b)    that either-

(i)     the use of the apparatus is likely to cause undue interference with any wire telegraphy used for the purposes of any safety of life service or for any purpose of which the safety of any person or any vessel, aircraft or vehicle may depend; or

(ii)    the use of the apparatus is likely to cause undue interference with any other wireless telegraphy and in fact has caused or is causing such interference in a case where he considers that all reasonable steps to minimise interference have been taken in relation to the station or apparatus receiving the telegraphy,

it may serve on the person in whose possession the apparatus is, a notice in writing requiring that, after a date fixed by the notice, not being less than 28 days from the date of the service thereof, the apparatus shall not be used, whether the person to whom the notice is given or otherwise, or, if the Commission thinks tit so to frame the notice, shall only be used in such manner, at such times and in such circumstances as may be specified in the notice:


Provided that if the Commission is satisfied that the use of the apparatus in question is likely to cause undue interference with any wireless telegraphy used for the purpose of any safety of life service or for any purpose on which the safety of any person or of any vessel, aircraft or vehicle may depend, the date to be fixed by notice may be the date of service thereof.


(2)    A notice under subsection (I) of this section, may be revoked or varied by a subsequent notice in writing by the Commission served on the person in whose possession the apparatus then is:


Provided that where a notice under this subsection has the effect of imposing any additional restriction on the use of the apparatus, the provisions of subsection (I) of this section, relating to the coming into force of notices shall apply in relation to notice as if it has been a notice served under subsection (I) of this section.


(3)(a)        Where notice has been given under subsection (1) of this section, any person having possession of or any interest in the apparatus to which the notice relates may within 28 days appeal to the High Court having jurisdiction in that part of the Federation where the apparatus is situated at the time when the notice was given, and the High Court may, upon application of such person made at the time of the filing the appeal, direct that the Commission’s notice shall not operate until a particular date not later than the termination of the appeal:


Provided that where the Minister in writing under his hand certifies to the High Court that the continued use of the apparatus in question is likely to cause interference with any wireless telegraphy used for the purpose on which the safety of life service or the safety of any person, vessel, aircraft or vehicle may depend, the High Court may not alter the date upon which the directive in the Commission’s notice shall operate.


(b)    This subsection shall apply in relation to a notice under subsection (1) of this section, which has been varied by a subsequent notice as it applies in relation to a notice which has not been so varied.


(4)    On any such appeal, the High Court may, if it thinks it expedient so to do, call in the aid of one or more assessors specially qualified, and may hear and determine the appeal wholly or in part with their assistance.


(5)    On any such appeal, the High Court shall hear the Commission and the person at whose instance the appeal was made and any other person appearing to them to be interested who desires to be heard, and has, in accordance with the rules regulating the procedure of the appeal, procured himself to be made a party to the appeal, and if the High Court is satisfied that the apparatus in question complies with the requirements applicable to it under the regulations, it shall direct the Commission to revoke the notice and the Commission shall revoke the notice accordingly.


(6)    A direction given under subsection (5) of this section may be absolute, or may be conditional on such steps being taken in relation to the apparatus, or on the apparatus being made to comply with such requirement as may be specified in the direction, and any question whether or not these steps have been taken or, as the case may be, whether or not the apparatus has been made to comply with those requirements shall, on the application to the Commission or of any person having possession of or any interest in the apparatus, be determined by the Court.



(7)    Any person, who, knowing that a notice of the Commission under this section is in force with respect to any apparatus, uses that apparatus, or causes or permits it to be used, in contravention of the notice, shall be guilty of an offence.


  1. Enforcement of regulations as to sales, etc., by manufacturers and others


(1)    If the Commission is of opinion that any apparatus does not comply with the requirements applicable to it under regulations made for the purpose specified in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 13 of this Act, he may serve on any person who has manufactured, assembled or imported the apparatus in the course of business a notice in writing prohibiting him from selling the apparatus, otherwise than for export, or offering or advertising it for sale, otherwise than for export, or letting it on hire or offering or advertising it for letting on hire.


(2)    Where a notice has been served under subsection (I) of this section, the person on whom the notice has been served may appeal against the same to the High Court having jurisdiction in that part of the Federation where the apparatus is situated at the time when the notice was given.


(3)    On any such appeal, the High Court may, if it thinks it expedient so to do, call in the aid of one or more assessors specially qualified, and may hear and determine the appeal wholly or in part with their assistance.


(4)    On any such appeal, the High Court shall hear the Commission and the person at whose instance the appeal was made and any other person appearing to it to be interested who desires to be heard and has, in accordance with the rules regulating the procedure of the appeal, procured himself to be made a party to the appeal, and, if it is satisfied that the apparatus in question complies with the requirements applicable to it under the regulations, shall direct the Commission to revoke the notice and shall revoke it accordingly:


Provided that the making by the High Court of a direction under this subsection shall not, where the apparatus is subsequently altered, prevent the Commission from serving a fresh notice under subsection (1) of this section with respect to the apparatus and the refusal by the High Court to make a direction under this subsection shall not, where the apparatus is subsequently altered, prevent the Commission from revoking the notice or the person on whom the notice was served from instituting a further appeal under subsection (2) of this section.


(5)    Where a notice has been served under subsection (1) of this section, the person on whom the notice has been served shall, if he contravenes the provisions of the notice without the notice having been previously revoked by the Commission, be guilty of an offence.


  1. Deliberate interference

(1)    Any person who wilfully uses any apparatus for the purpose of interfering with any wireless telegraphy shall be guilty of an offence.


(2)    This section shall apply whether or not the apparatus in question is wireless telegraphy apparatus or apparatus to which any of the preceding provisions of this Part apply, and whether or not any notice under section 14 or section 15 of this Act has been given with respect to the apparatus, or if, given, has been varied or revoked.






  1. Penalties


Subject to the provisions of Part II of this Act relating to offences committed in relation to apparatus on board a foreign ship or foreign aircraft, any person committing any offence under this Act-


(a)    shall, if the offence is under Part II of this Act and consists either-


(i)     in the installation or use, otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence, of any apparatus not designed or adapted for emission (as op- posed to reception); or


(ii)    in a failure or refusal to cause any licence or authority to be surrendered to the Commission, be liable, in the case of the first such offence, to a fine of N20, and, in the case of any subsequent such offence, to a fine of N 100;


(b)    shall, if the offence is under Part III of this Act and consists in the use, or in the causing or permitting of the use, or in the selling, offering or advertising for sale, or letting on hire or offering or advertising for letting on hire, of apparatus in contravention of notice of the Commission, not being apparatus the use of which is likely to cause undue interference with any wireless telegraphy used for the purpose of any safety of life service or any purpose on which the safety of any person or of any vessel, aircraft or vehicle may depend, be liable, in the case of the first such offence, to a fine of N20, and in the case of any subsequent such offence, to a fine of N 100;


(c)    shall, in the case of any other offence, be liable to imprisonment for three months or to a fine of N200 or to both such imprisonment and such a fine.


  1. Offences by bodies corporate

(1)    Where any offence under this Act has been committed by a body corporate, every person who at the time of the commission of the offence was a director, general manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate, or was purporting to act in any such capacity, shall be deemed to be guilty of that offence unless he proves that the offence was committed without his consent or connivance, and that he exercised all such diligence to prevent the commission of the offence as he ought to have exercised having regards to the nature of his functions in that capacity and in all the circumstances.


(2)    In this section, the expression “director”, in relation to anybody corporate established directly by or under any enactment for the purpose of carrying on any industry or part of an industry or undertaking being a body corporate whose affairs are managed by the members thereof, means a member of that body.


  1. Forfeiture

Where a person is convicted of an offence under this Act consisting in any contravention of any of the provisions of Part II of this Act in relation to any station for wireless telegraphy or any wireless telegraphy apparatus or in the use of any apparatus for the purpose of interfering with any wireless telegraphy, the court may, in addition to any other penalty order all or any of the apparatus of the stations, or as the case may be, of the apparatus in connection with which the offence was committed, to be forfeited to the Federal Government.


  1. Offences continued after conviction

With prejudice to the right to bring separate proceedings for contravention on this Act taking place on separate occasions, a person who is convicted of an offence under this Act consisting in the use of any station or apparatus, or in a failure or refusal to cause any licence or authority to be surrendered, shall, where the use or failure or refusal continues after the conviction, be deemed to commit a separate offence in respect of every day on which the use, failure or refusal so continues.

  1. Civil proceedings

Nothing in the preceding provisions of this Part shall limit any right of any person to bring civil proceedings in respect of the doing or apprehended doing of anything rendered unlawful by any provision of this Act, and, without prejudice to the generality of the proceeding words, compliance with the provisions of this Act contravention of which are declared to be an offence under this Act shall be enforceable by civil proceedings by the State for an injunction or for any other appropriate relief.


  1. Entry and search of premises, etc.

(1)    If a magistrate is satisfied by information on oath that there is reasonable ground for suspecting that an offence under this Act has been or is being committed, and that evidence of the commission of the offence is to be found on any premises specified in the information, or in any vessel, aircraft or vehicle so specified, he may grant a search warrant authorising any person or persons authorised in that behalf by the Commission and named in the warrant, with or without any constables, to enter, at any time within one month from the date of the warrant, the premises specified in the information, or as the case may be, the vessel, aircraft or vehicle so specified and any premises upon which it may be, and to search the premises, or, as the case may be, the vessel, aircraft or vehicle, and to examine and test any apparatus found on the premises, vessel, aircraft or vehicle.


(2)    If a magistrate is satisfied upon an application supported by sworn evidence-


(a)    that there is reasonable ground for believing that, on any specified premises or in any specified vessel, aircraft or vehicle, apparatus to which section 13 of this Act applies is to be found which does not comply with the requirement applicable to it under regulations made under that section; and


(b)    that it is necessary to enter those premises or that vessel, aircraft or vehicles, for the purpose of obtaining such information as will enable the Commission to decide whether or not to serve a notice under section 14 or 15 of this Act; and


(c)    that access to the premises, vessel, aircraft or vehicle for the purpose of obtaining such information as aforesaid has, within fourteen days before the date of the application to the magistrate, been demanded by a person authorised in that behalf by the Commission and producing sufficient documentary evidence of his identity and authority, but has been refused,


the magistrate may issue a written authority under his hand empowering any person or person authorised in that behalf by the Commission and named in the authorisation, with or without any police officers, to enter the premises, or, as the case may be, the vessel, aircraft or vehicle and any premises on which it may be and to search the premises, vessel, aircraft or vehicle with a view to discovering whether any such apparatus as aforesaid is situate thereon or therein, and, if he finds or they find any such apparatus thereon or therein, to examine and test it with a view to obtaining such information as aforesaid:


Provided that an authorisation shall not be issued under this subsection unless either-


(i)     it is shown to the magistrate that the Commission is satisfied the there is reasonable ground for believing that the use of the apparatus in question is likely to cause undue interference with any wireless telegraphy used for the purpose of any safety of life service or any purpose on which the safety of any person or of any vessel, aircraft or vehicle may depend; or


(ii)    it is shown to the magistrate that not less than seven days’ notice of the demand for access was served on the occupier of the premises, or as the case may be, the person in possession or the person in charge of the vessel, aircraft or vehicle, and that the demand was made at a reason- able hour and was unreasonably refused.


(3)    Where under this section a person has a right to examine and test any apparatus on any premises or in any vessel, aircraft or vehicle, it shall be the duty of any person who is on the premises, or is in charge of, or in attendance on the vessel, aircraft or vehicle, to give him any such assistance as he may reasonably require in the examination or testing of the apparatus.


(4) Any person who-


(a)    obstructs any person in the exercise of the powers conferred on him under this section; or


(b)    fails or refuses to give any such person any assistance which he is under this section under a duty to give to him; or


(c)    discloses, otherwise than for the purposes of this Act or of any report of proceedings thereunder, any information obtained by means of the exercise of powers under this Act, being information with regard to any manufacturing process or trade secret,


shall be guilty of an offence, and criminal proceedings for an offence under paragraph(c)        of this subsection may be instituted without the consent of the Commission.


  1. Provisions applicable on an occasion of emergency

If on the occasion of an emergency or in the public interest the President declares that the Government of the Federation shall have control over the transmission or reception of messages by wireless telegraphy, then, after publication of a notice to that effect in the Federal Gazette and until further notice, the following provisions shall apply-


(d)    the Commission may by order prohibit for such period and to such extent as may be specified in the order the use of wireless telegraphy on board such vessels, aircraft or vehicles as may be specified in the order in or over Nigeria or the territorial water adjacent thereto;


(b)    the Commission, or any public officer authorised In writing by the Commission, may-


  • take possession of any apparatus for wireless telegraphy installed on any station for wireless telegraphy licence under this Act or forming part of the stock of a wireless dealer licensed under this Act and use such apparatus for official purposes; or


  • place any person in control of any such apparatus; or


  • direct the licensee or person in charge of such apparatus to submit to him all or any communications tendered for transmission or received by means of the apparatus; or


  • stop or delay or direct the licensee or person in charge of such apparatus to stop or delay the transmission or delivery of any such communication or to deliver them to him; or


  • direct the licensee or person in charge of such apparatus to comply with all such directions as he may think tit to give with reference to the transmission or receipt of communication by means of the apparatus;



(c)    there shall be payable to the licensee of such apparatus for any damage to the apparatus arising in consequence of the exercise of the powers conferred by this section such compensation as in the opinion of the Commission may be reasonable;

(d)    the Commission may, notwithstanding anything contained in a licence issued under this Act, by order, prohibit for such time as may be specified in the order any licence from communicating with any station for wireless telegraphy li- censed by or belong to any country which is at war;


(e)    the captain or person in charge of any vessel, aircraft or vehicle in relation to which any order or direction under this section is contravened and any person who contravenes any order or direction under this section shall be guilty of an offence.


  1. Onus of proof

Any person who IS In possession of any apparatus for wireless telegraphy shall be deemed, until the contrary is proved, to have used the same.


  1. Saving as regards distress signals and electrical apparatus


Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to prevent-


(a)    the use by a vessel, or aircraft in distress, of any means at its disposal to attract attention, make known its position and obtain help; or


(b)    any person from making or using electrical apparatus for actuating machinery or for any purpose other than that of wireless telegraphy.


  1. Protection of Government and public officers


Neither the Government of the Federation, nor the Commission, nor any public officer shall be liable or responsible for an infringement by a licensee, in the exercise of his licence, of copyright in any work or of any patent for an invention or for any breach of the law arising out of the exercise of the licence, and nothing in this Act shall affect the li- ability of the licensee in respect of any such act done by him.


  1. Service of notices by post


Any notice given under the provisions of this Act may be served by post.


  1. Miscellaneous regulations


Without prejudice to any power in this Act, the Commission may with the approval of the Minister make regulations prescribing or providing for-


(a)    the form of licence and the conditions to which licences shall be subject, and different forms and conditions may be prescribed for different classes of licence;


(b)    the conditions precedent to the grant of any particular class of licence;


(c)    the fees payable for the issue or renewal of any particular class of licence;


(d)    the conduct of any examinations held under this section 12 of this Act, the qualifications and remuneration of examiner conducting such examinations;


(e)    the prohibition of the use in connection with any station for wireless telegraphy or wireless telegraphy apparatus of such call signals or means of identification as may be specified in the regulations;


(f)     the exemption from the provisions of this Act of station for wireless telegraphy apparatus of such classes or descriptions as may be specified in the regulation;

(g)    carrying out and giving effect to purposes incidental to any of the foregoing.


  1. Government sound and television broadcasting services

(1)    In the discharge of the executive authority of the Federation in relation to the allocation of wavelengths for wireless broadcasting and television transmission, the Commission may grant to the Government of a State licences to provide sound or television broadcasting services transmitting on such wavelengths as may be allocated.


(2)    A licence granted under subsection (1) of this section shall be subject to such conditions as the Commission may see fit to impose for the purpose of-


(a)    ensuring a proper and efficient allocation of wavelengths throughout Nigeria; or


(b)    giving effect to or ensuring compliance with the terms of any international convention relating to wireless telegraphy to which the Federation is a signatory; or


(c)    avoiding undue interference with wireless telegraphy whether inside or outside Nigeria, but save as aforesaid, a licence so granted shall not be subject to any conditions.


(3)    Except in so far as it may in the opinion of the Commission be necessary or expedient for any of the purposes mentioned in subsection (2) of this section so to do, the Commission shall not, if application for the grant of a licence under subsection (I) of this section is made to him by the Government of a State, refuse to grant a licence to that Government.


(4)    If, in the opinion of the Commission, it is necessary or expedient for any of the purposes mentioned in subsection (2) of this section to cancel the allocation in a licence granted under subsection (1) of this section of a wavelength or alter a wavelength allocation in a licence so granted or alter or add to the conditions of a licence so granted, he may by notice in writing cancel or amend the licence accordingly.


(5)    A sound or television broadcasting service shall be provided by the Government of a State only under and in accordance with a licence granted under subsection (1) of this section, but except as provided in this section, the provisions of this Act shall not apply in relation to broadcasting or television provided by the Government of a State.


  1. Validity of previous licences


Any licence granted under any of the provisions of the Wireless Telegraphy Ordi- nance hereby repealed and in force immediately before the coming into operation of this Act shall cease to have effect unless renewed in accordance with the provisions of this Act.




List of Subsidiary Legislation 1. Wireless Telegraphy Regulations.










  1. Short title.




  1. Interpretation.



Licences: classes and conditions

  1. Classes of licences to be granted.
  2. Licences to non-Nigerian citizens.
  3. Declaration as to secrecy.
  4. Licences subject to provisions of regulations.
  5. Liability of licensee for improper use of apparatus.
  6. Licence not transferable.
  7. Service of notice, request or consent.
  8. Apparatus to comply with specifications.
  9. Duration of licence.
  10. Fees for licence.
  11. Apparatus to comply with regulations.
  12. Licensee to comply with International Telecommunications Convention.
  13. Emission not to interfere with other wireless telegraphy.
  14. No improper use of call signs.
  15. Right to enter premises for inspection.
  16. No licensee to divulge message received by him as licensee; secrecy of communications.
  17. Expired licence.
  18. Closure of station.
  19. Revocation of licence.
  20. Failure to renew expired licence.
  21. Additional information to be furnished.
  22. Unauthorised person not to operate a station.
  23. Frequency stabilisation.
  24. Licensee to notify change of address.
  25. Wireless aerial.
  26. Infringement of copyright.
  27. Licence not to operate as a waiver.
  28. Broadcast receiving licences.



  1. No refund of fee paid.


  1. Amateur station licence.
  2. Amateur stations not to be used for business etc.
  3. Call sign.



  1. Ship station licence.
  2. Ship station to be operated by holders of prescribed certificate.
  3. Transmission of messages.
  4. Licensee to receive request for assistance.
  5. Licensee to register messages transmitted by ship station.
  6. Licensee to preserve all used message forms.
  7. A certified copy of licence to be carried in radio room.
  8. Censor of messages.
  9. Master on ship to make statutory declaration as to secrecy.



Wireless dealers’ licences

  1. Sale of apparatus for wireless telegraphy to be in accordance with licence.
  2. Grant of wireless dealer’s licence.
  3. Register of wireless transmitting apparatus and quartz crystals.



Certificate of proficiency for operators

  1. Certificate of proficiency.
  2. Candidates under eighteen years.
  3. Examinations.



Examination fee

  1. Examination fee.
  2. Fee for issue of certificate of proficiency.
  3. Particulars to be supplied by successful candidates.
  4. Withdrawal, cancellation or suspension of certificate of proficiency.
  5. Certificate of proficiency to be granted only to Nigerian citizens.



Use of wireless telegraphy apparatus on ships within the territorial waters of Nigeria

  1. Wireless telegraphy on board ship.
  2. Ships in inland or territorial waters to communicate with other vessels.
  3. Warning by master of ship.



Use of wireless telegraphy apparatus on aircraft when over the territory or territorial waters of Nigeria



  1. Aircraft to observe International Regulations for air navigation.
  2. Aircraft at rest within Nigeria.
  3. Aircraft station in distress.



Notification of importation of wireless telegraphy apparatus

  1. Importation of wireless telegraphy apparatus by non-holder of wireless dealer’s licence.
  2. Prohibition of importation of certain portable transceivers.





Types of Licences



Types of licences



Tariff for vey high frequency (VHF), ultra high frequency (UHF), super high frequency (SHF) radio microwave services



Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) television receive only (TVRO) signal



Forms of licences



Statutory declaration regarding secrecy of wireless communications





Prohibited radio equipment- Portable transceivers






[1st July, 1966] [Commencement.]




  1. Short title


These Regulations may be cited as the Wireless Telegraphy Regulations.





  1. Interpretation


In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say-


“Act” means the Wireless Telegraphy Act;


“aircraft station” means a mobile station operating in the aeronautical mobile service on board an aircraft;


“amateur station” means a station for wireless telegraphy established and used, in the service of self-training, inter-communication and technical investigations carried on by amateurs, that is to say by duly authorised persons interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest;


“amateur television station” shall be construed similarly;


authorised broadcasting stations” means Federal or State stations for the time being duly authorised to conduct a broadcasting service pursuant to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and to international regulations for the time being in force; [Cap. C23.]


authorised officer” means the Deputy Director, International Relations Department of Posts and Telecommunications or any officer authorised in writing by the Director- General;


“broadcasting receiving licence” means a licence to install and use apparatus for wireless telegraphy for the purpose primarily of receiving messages sent by telephony from authorised broadcasting stations for general reception or for the purpose primarily of receiving visual images sent by television from such broadcasting stations for general reception or for both of these purposes, not being a broadcast relay station;


“broadcasting relay station” means a station established for wireless telegraphy for the purpose solely or primarily of receiving programmes broadcast by authorised broadcasting stations and relaying them by wire to the premises of subscribers to the licensee’s broad- cast relay service;


“coast station” means a land station operating in the maritime mobile service which is established or licensed to send and receive messages to and from ship stations or coast stations;


“Director-General” means the Director-General of the Ministry of Communications;


fixed station” means a station in the service of radio communication between speci- fied fixed points or between a specified fixed point and one or more mobile stations;


“Government” or “Federal Government” means the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria;


“let” means let by way of either a tenancy or a licence, and either with or without board or other services or facilities;


“licence” (except in the foregoing definition of “let”) means a wireless telegraphy li- cence granted under section 6 of the Act; and other expressions having the same meaning as they have in the Act;


“licensed installation” means an installation at a station in respect of which a licence is issued;


“licensee” means any person to whom a licence has been granted under these Regula- tions;


“mobile station” means a station intended to be used while in motion or during halts at unspecified points;


“model control station” means a station-fixed or mobile, for wireless telegraphy es- tablished for the purpose of operational control of vehicles, vessel or aircraft by means of the emission of electro-magnetic energy from sending apparatus, and the reception of such energy by receiving apparatus in the model;


programme” means a programme broadcast by an authorised broadcasting station and includes messages broadcast by the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria;


“radio determination station” means a station for wireless telegraphy which provides for the determination of position by means of the propagation properties of radio waves;

“sound programme” means a wireless telegraphy station licensed under the Act;


“station” means a wireless telegraphy station licensed under the Act;


“subscriber” means a person who has rediffusion connected by wire to his premises or part thereof;


Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December 1959 and the Radio Regulations in force thereunder, and includes any convention and regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said regulations;


television programme” means a programme intended for general reception in visual images with or without sound;


wireless telegraphy” has the same meaning as in the Act.





Licences: classes and conditions


  1. Classes of licences to be granted


The various classes of licences set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations may be granted in the forms assigned to them as specified in the Second Schedule.


(a)    Broadcast Receiving Licence (Excluding Television) General Form


(b)    Broadcast Receiving Licence (Including Television) General Form


(c)    Broadcast Receiving Licence (Excluding Television) Hotels, Clubs, etc.


(d)    Broadcast Receiving Licence (Including Television) Hotels, Clubs, etc.


(e)    Broadcast Relay Station Licence (Sound)


(f)     Broadcast Relay Station Licence (Television)


(g)    Broadcast Receiving Licence (Press)


(h)    Dealer’s Licence (Sound and Television)


(i)     Demonstration Licence


(j)     Research, Testing and Development (Radiating) Licence

(k)    Research, Testing and Development (Suppressed Radiation) Licence


(l)     Aeronautical Ground Station Licence (General Form)

(m)   Aeronautical Ground Station Licence (Operating Company Private Licence)


(n)    Aircraft Station Licence


(o)    Radio Determination Station Licence


(p)    Limited Coast Station Licence


(q)    Ship Station Licence


(r)     Police, Ambulance, Humanitarian and Fire Service Licence


(s)    Private Fixed (High Frequency) Station Licence

Private Fixed (Very High Frequency) Station Licence


(t)     Private Mobile (High Frequency) Station Licence

Private Mobile (Very High Frequency) Station Licence


(u)    Training Establishment Licence


(v)    Induction Paging (VHF) Communication Licence


(w)    Amateur (Sound) Licence


(x)    Amateur (Sound Mobile) Licence


(y)    Amateur (Television) Licence


(z)    Model Control Licence




Form 1


Form 2

Form 3

Form 4

Form 5

Form 6

Form 7

Form 8

Form 9


Form 11

Form 12

Form 13

Form 14

Form 15

Form 16

Form 17

Form 18

Form 19A

Form 19B

Form 20A

Form 20B

Form 21

Form 22

Form 23

Form 24

Form 25

Form 26


  1. Licences to non-Nigerian citizens


No licence (other than a broadcast receiving licence or a dealer’s licence) shall be granted to a person who is not a citizen of Nigeria without the approval of the Director- General in writing.


  1. Declaration as to secrecy


All persons having access to wireless communications or actually operating licensed installations (other than broadcast receiving installations) shall make a declaration of secrecy as in the Third Schedule to these Regulations in respect of commercial, naval, military, or airforce wireless communications.


  1. Licences subject to provisions of regulations


Every licence shall be subject to the provisions of regulations from time to time made under the Act so far as they are applicable to the licence, and those provisions shall be deemed to be incorporated in the licence.


  1. Liability of licensee for improper use of apparatus


A licence granted under the Act shall not empower the licensee or his agents to do any act, or make any omission to the detriment of other persons and any licensee who so uses his apparatus so as to affect others adversely or injuriously shall be solely responsible for any claim brought against the Government. A licensee shall also comply strictly with the conditions of the licence and any civil wrong resulting from the infringement of the conditions by the licensee shall be the sole responsibility of the licensee. He shall also be liable to forfeit the licence.


  1. Licence not transferable


A licence granted under the Act is not transferable.


  1. Service of notice, request or consent


Any notice, request or consent (whether expressed to be in writing or not) given or made by or for the Director-General or an authorised officer shall be served by sending the same in a registered letter addressed to the licensee at the usual or last known place of residence or business of the licensee or the office of his agents and any notice to be given by a licensee may be served by sending it by registered letter addressed to the Director-General, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Lagos.


  1. Apparatus to comply with specifications


The apparatus comprised in a station shall at all times comply with the performance specifications annexed to the licence, subject however to such modifications thereof in favour of the licensee as the Director-General may from time to time permit. The licensee shall not make any alteration in the said apparatus without the previous written consent of the Director-General, except-


(a)    an alteration the effect of which is to cause the said apparatus to comply, or to continue to comply, with the said specifications; or


(b)    replacement of any component by another component of the same type.


  1. Duration of licence

A licence shall continue in force for one year from the date of issue and thereafter so long as the licensee pays in each year on or before the anniversary of the date of issue the renewal fee prescribed by, or under, the regulations for the time being in force under section 30 of the Act:


Provided that the Director-General may at any time after the date of issue revoke the licence or vary the terms, provisions, or limitations thereof by a notice in writing served on the licensee or by a Government notice published in the Federal and State Government Gazettes addressed to all holders of this type of licence. Any notice given under these Regulations may take effect either forthwith or on such subsequent date as may be specified in the notice.


  1. Fees for licence


The fees payable in respect of each class of licence shall be as in the First Schedule to these Regulations and they shall be deemed to have come into force on I January 1964:


Provided that any fees in respect of any class of licence may in special cases be waived or reduced on such terms as the Director-General may think tit.


  1. Apparatus to comply with regulations


Before any licence is granted, the applicant shall satisfy the Director-General or an authorised officer that the wireless telegraphy apparatus to be worked in pursuance of the licence complies with the regulations for the time being in force.


  1. Licensee to comply with International Telecommunications Convention


The licensee, and or his agents, shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the International Telecommunications Convention in operating the station.


  1. Emission not to interfere with other wireless telegraphy


(1)    The apparatus comprised in a station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used in such a way that the station does not cause interference with any other wireless telegraphy.


(2)    Every precaution shall at all times be taken to keep the radiated energy within the narrowest possible frequency bands, having regard to the class of emission in use. In particular, the radiation of harmonics and other spurious emissions shall be suppressed to such a level that they cause no interference with any wireless telegraphy. Tests shall be carried out from time to time with a view to ensuring that the requirements of this clause are met.


  1. No improper use of call signs


(1)    No persons shall transmit a signal containing profane words or language or make an improper use of the call sign of another station without authority.


(2)    No person shall transmit any signal which is not necessary for the conduct of experiments or traffic.


  1. Right to enter premises for inspection


An officer of the Ministry of Communications authorised in that behalf may at all reasonable times enter any premises, station, vehicle or vessel (as the case may be), on which equipment for wireless telegraphy is known or suspected to be installed, for the purpose of examining the licence under which such equipment is installed, and may examine or test the apparatus and the working or use thereof.


  1. No licensee to divulge message received by him as licensee; secrecy of communications

No licensee other than the holder of a broadcast receiving licence, nor any person acting on his behalf or by his permission shall divulge to any person other than an authorised official of the Government or a legal tribunal or make any use whatever of any message coming to the knowledge of such licensee or any person by virtue of the licence. Statutory declaration regarding secrecy of wireless communications is as detailed in the Sixth Schedule to these Regulations.


  1. Expired licence


A licence which has expired shall be surrendered at the nearest Post Office.


  1. Closure of station

When so requested by an authorised officer of the Ministry of Communications, the owner of a station shall close down that station and shall not reopen it until permission is granted for him to do so.


  1. Revocation of licence


(1)    The Director-General may by notice in writing revoke any licence on the ground that the licensee has failed to comply with any regulation made under the Act for the time being in force or any condition of his service specified in these Regulations and thereupon such licence shall forthwith cease and become void.


(2)    A licence which is revoked shall be surrendered at the nearest Post Office.


(3)    The licensee of any licence revoked pursuant to paragraph (1) of this regulation shall not be entitled to any compensation in respect of any damage which he may suffer as a result of the revocation.


  1. Failure to renew expired licence

If a licensee refuses or neglects to renew his licence within seventeen days of receipt of a notice to that effect, the licence shall be deemed to be void and shall be returned to the nearest Post Office.


  1. Additional information to be furnished


Before granting any licence, the Director-General or an authorised officer may require the applicant to furnish such additional information as may be deemed necessary.


  1. Unauthorised person not to operate a station


A licensee shall not permit or suffer any unauthorised person (not certified to operate a station or equipment) to operate a station or to have access to the apparatus comprised therein, except an authorised person as provided in regulation 17 of these Regulations; and the licensee shall ensure that persons operating the station observe the terms and conditions of a licence at all times.


  1. Frequency stabilisation


A satisfactory method of frequency stabilisation shall be employed in the sending apparatus; and equipment for frequency measurement capable of verifying that the sending apparatus is operating with emissions within the authorised frequency bands shall be pro- vided by the licensee.


  1. Licensee to notify change of address


A permanent change of address of a licensee shall be notified promptly to the office of issue, giving the date of expiration of the licence and the serial number.


  1. Wireless aerial

No direct connection shall be made between a wireless aerial and a public electricity supply; and any aerial or earth connection which crosses or is liable to be blown on to any electricity wire or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the wire or apparatus.


  1. Infringement of copyright


A licence does not authorise the infringement of copyright in respect of any matter received at a station.


  1. Licence not to operate as a waiver


Nothing in a licence shall be deemed to waive any requirement imposed on such licence under any Act of the National Assembly.


  1. Broadcast receiving licences


Broadcast receiving licences shall be as in the Second Schedule hereto or in such other form as the Director-General may for any particular case approve.


  1. No refund of fee paid


On the revocation of any licence, no part of any fee paid or due to be paid shall be refunded or cause to be due as the case may be unless the Director-General so determines.




  1. Amateur station licence


(1)    An amateur station record shall be kept in a logbook (not loose-leaf) showing the following-


(a)    date;


(b)    time of commencement of calls made from the station;


(c)    call signs of the stations from which messages addressed to the station are sent, times of establishing and sending communication with such station, and the frequency or frequencies and class or classes of emission in each case;


(d)    time of closing down the station, all times shall be stated in G.M.T. No gaps shall be left between entries and all entries shall be made at the time of sending and receiving.


(2)    If the station is at any time operated by a person other than the licensee, the log shall be signed by that person with his full name, and the call sign of the station which he is licensed to use or (if there is no such station), the number of his Amateur Radio Certificate shall be shown.


(3)    The logbook shall be available for inspection at all times by any authorised person acting in the course of his duty on behalf of the Director-General.


(4)    Messages addressed to an amateur station from any amateur station with which the licensee is in communication may be recorded and retransmitted in accordance with this licence:


Provided that the retransmission is intended for reception by the originating station only, and that the call sign of that station is not included in the retransmission.


  1. Amateur stations not be used for business, etc.

No amateur licence shall authorise the use of the station for business, advertisement, propaganda, subversive activity, or for sending news or messages of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, information of, any social, political, religious or commercial organisation.


  1. Call sign


(1)    The call sign mentioned on any amateur licence shall be used when the station is operated either at the main address or at an alternative address. When the station is used at any other address the suffix “A” shall be added to the call sign.


(2)    Particulars of the address shall be sent at the beginning and end of the communication with each separate station or at intervals or half an hour, whichever is more frequent.


(3)    No abbreviated form of a call sign may be used.


(4)    The call sign, which may be sent either by morse telegraphy at a speed of not more than twelve words per minute or by telephony, if the station is authorised to use telephony, shall be sent for identification at the beginning and at the end of each period of sending, and whenever the sending frequency is changed.


(5)    When telephony is used, the letters of the call sign may be confirmed by the pronouncement of well-known words of which the initial letters are the same as those in the call signs.




  1. Ship station licence


A ship station licence shall be granted only in respect of a station on a ship which is registered in Nigeria and for the purpose of communication with a coast station or limited coast station.


  1. Ship station to be operated by holders of prescribed certificate


Every ship station on a ship registered in Nigeria shall be operated by a person who is holding the prescribed certificate of proficiency; and the certificate of proficiency shall be readily available for inspection by an authorised officer.


  1. Transmission of messages


The licensee shall transmit and receive messages on equal terms without favour or preference, whether as regards rates of charge, order of transmission or otherwise, pro- vided that signals of distress and messages in connection therewith shall receive priority and that the order of transmission of other messages shall be governed by the International Telecommunications Convention.


  1. Licensee to receive request for assistance


The licensee shall, so far as possible, receive from ship stations and other stations all requests for assistance and all signals of distress, shall answer those requests with the least possible delay and shall pass any message so received to the proper authorities by means of the ship station or any other means in the power of the licensee.


  1. Licensee to register messages transmitted by ship station


(1)    The licensee shall register all the messages transmitted by means of the ship station in a register provided for that purpose and shall keep full particulars and records for all such messages.


(2)    Every such message recorded in the register shall be numbered and dated and shall contain the full particulars of its place of origin and of ultimate destination and such further particulars as the Director-General or an authorised officer may from time to time require to be shown.


(3)    Government messages recorded in the register shall be distinguished from other messages.


  1. Licensee to preserve all used message forms


The licensee shall preserve all used message forms written and printed, and transcripts of messages and all other papers for such period as is from time to time prescribed by the International Telecommunications Convention and the registers and message papers shall be open to inspection by the Director-General or any authorised officer.


  1. A certified copy of licence to be carried in radio room


The licensee shall cause to be carried in the radio room on the ship to which the licence relates, a print or copy of the licence certified under the hand of an authorised officer to be a true copy and also such documents as are directed by the Director-General for the purpose of enabling the licensee to communicate with the coast station, limited coast station and ship stations in accordance with the International Telecommunications Convention; and such print or copy of the licence shall be available for inspection when required by the competent authorities of the countries where the ship calls.


  1. Censor of messages


The master of a ship registered in Nigeria may censor all messages addressed to or transmitted by a station on board the vessel under his control, but he shall not divulge to any person (other than the properly authorised officials of the Government or a competent legal tribunal) or make any use whatever of any message (other than a message of distress) coming to his knowledge and not intended for the said station.


  1. Master on ship to make statutory declaration as to secrecy


Any master or person employed on a ship registered in Nigeria having access to wire- less message shall make a statutory declaration regarding the secrecy of wireless communication.



Wireless dealers’ licences


  1. Sale of apparatus for wireless telegraphy to be in accordance with licence


No person shall offer for sale, sell or have in his possession with a view to sell in the course of his business any apparatus for wireless telegraphy, except under or in accordance with a licence granted under these Regulations; and such licences may be granted by the Director-General or an authorised officer as in Form 8 in the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations.


  1. Grant of wireless dealer’s licence


(1)    A wireless dealer’s licence shall be granted in respect of a particular premise of the licensee.


(2)    Such licence shall include permission to operate receiving equipment for the reception of broadcast programmes for the purpose of demonstrating the working of receivers, but not for any other purpose of financial gain.


(3)    The licensee shall exhibit the licence in a conspicuous place on the premises li- censed.


  1. Register of wireless transmitting apparatus and quartz crystals


A dealer shall keep a register of all wireless transmitting apparatus and quartz crystals received by him and of all wireless transmitting apparatus and quartz crystals sold, let on hire or otherwise disposed of by him during the previous three months, which register shall give the manufacturer’s name and number, the date of disposal, the name and the address of the person purchasing, hiring or otherwise acquiring the wireless transmitting apparatus and particulars of the licence authorising him to use it; and a copy of this register shall be forwarded in the months of January, April, July and October each year, to  the Deputy Director, International Relations Division, Department of Posts and Telecommunications Headquarters, Lagos, or any officer authorised in writing by the Director-General.



Certificate of proficiency for operators


  1. Certificate of proficiency


Every ship or aircraft in respect of which a licence has been granted by the Director- General, shall be operated by a person or persons holding a certificate of proficiency issued, after examination, by the Director-General or person authorised by him in that behalf; and holders of a certificate issued by the B.P.O. or any other recognised Administration shall also be eligible. Such certificate shall be as in the Seventh Schedule to these Regulations.


  1. Candidates under eighteen years


No certificate of proficiency may be issued to candidates under eighteen years of age.


  1. Examinations

Before issuing the certificate as in the Seventh Schedule to these Regulations, the examining officer shall satisfy himself that the candidate has a satisfactory knowledge of all the subjects and requirements appropriate to and as listed on the class of certificate to be issued.




Examination fee


  1. Examination fee


A candidate shall be required to pay a fee of one naira on any occasion on which he is to be examined.


  1. Fee for issue of certificate of proficiency


A certificate of proficiency may be issued to a successful candidate on the payment of a prescribed fee of 50k.


  1. Particulars to be supplied by successful candidates


Each successful candidate shall be required to furnish (for attachment to his certificate) an autographic photograph of himself (about 2Y2 inches) and his nationality, height, colour of eyes, colour of hair and any special peculiarities.


  1. Withdrawal, cancellation or suspension of certificate of proficiency


If a person to whom a certificate of proficiency has been issued by the Director- General-


(a)    is convicted of a criminal offence for which a sentence of imprisonment may be imposed without the option of a fine; or


(b)    is, on account of incompetence or for any other reason, considered by the Director-General to be unsuitable to continue to hold the certificate, the Director- General may withdraw, cancel or suspend the certificate.


  1. Certificate of proficiency to be granted only to Nigerian citizens


A certificate of proficiency as in the Seventh Schedule to these Regulations shall only be granted to a citizen of Nigeria or such other persons as the Director-General may approve in writing.



Use of wireless telegraphy apparatus on ships within the territorial waters of Nigeria


  1. Wireless telegraphy on board ship


All apparatus for wireless telegraphy on board ships, whether Nigerian or foreign, within the territorial waters of Nigeria shall be worked in such a way as not to interfere with the working of any wireless telegraphy station lawfully established, installed or worked in Nigeria or the waters thereof; and, in particular, the said apparatus shall be so worked as not to interrupt or interfere with the transmission of any messages between wireless stations established as aforesaid on land and wireless telegraphy stations established on ships at sea.


  1. Ships in inland or territorial waters to communicate with other vessels


(1)    Ships in the inland or territorial waters of Nigeria other than in any port in Nigeria, may communicate with other vessels not being in any port in Nigeria but in the inland or territorial waters of Nigeria. This permission is subject to the following conditions-


(a)    that the use of the apparatus is restricted to urgent communications between the masters of ships and owners, agents or dock officials concerning the berthing of a vessel and the handling of her cargo;


(b)    that no interference with other traffic is caused, and that in particular the minimum power necessary for establishing communication is used;


(c)    that the permission may be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the Director-General.


(2)    Ships in the inland or territorial waters of Nigeria shall communicate with the Nigerian mainland and vessels within the limits of Nigerian ports only through the medium of licensed coast stations, and limited coast station:


Provided that in any case where the Director-General considers it necessary, he may authorise in writing the transmission and reception of wireless messages other than those hereinbefore mentioned by ships in the inland or territorial waters of Nigeria.


  1. Warning by master of ship


(1)    The master of any ship equipped with apparatus for wireless telegraphy shall, before taking his ship into any of the creeks, rivers or channels in Nigeria, give, by means of such apparatus, warning of his intention to the master of any other ships in the vicinity who may be navigating or intending to navigate such creek, river or channel; and during the time he is navigating the creek, river or channel he shall cause to be kept a wireless watch on his ship so as to become aware if any other ship enters the same creek, river or channel and to exchange information as to position with the master of any such other ship.


(2)    Wireless messages sent under this regulation shall be used for the purpose of giving information as to the positions of ships and for facilitating their navigation and for no other purpose.


(3)    Transmission by ships in the inland or territorial waters of Nigeria must be dis-

continued on request from-


(a)    any naval authority;


(b)    any military authority;


(c)    any port authority;


(d)    any coast station;


(e)    an authorised officer.



The use of wireless telegraphy apparatus on aircraft when over the territory or territorial waters of Nigeria


  1. Aircraft to observe International Regulations for air navigation


Aircraft in flight over the territory or territorial waters of Nigeria shall observe the International Regulations for Air Navigation as published and amended from time to time by the International Civil Aviation Organisation and, in particular, must cease transmission of wireless telegraphy on request from a land station which is open to the International Service of public correspondence or from any aeronautical station.


  1. Aircraft at rest within Nigeria


Aircraft at rest within the territory or territorial waters of Nigeria shall not make use of any wireless telegraphy apparatus without the written permission of the Director-General or an authorised officer.


  1. Aircraft station in distress


Nothing in these Regulations shall be deemed to prevent the use by an aircraft station in distress of any means at its disposal to attract attention, make known its position and obtain help.



Notification of importation of wireless telegraphy apparatus


  1. Importation of wireless telegraphy apparatus by non-holder of wireless dealer’s licence


Any person, other than the holder of a wireless dealer’s licence, who imports any wireless telegraphy apparatus, shall notify the Director-General or an authorised officer in writing of the importation and furnish particulars of the apparatus imported within a period of fourteen days.


  1. Prohibition of importation of certain portable transceivers


Except where otherwise expressly approved in writing by the Director-General or an authorised officer, the importation of portable transceivers in band 26.1 to 27.5 MC/S, more fully described in the Eighth Schedule to these Regulations is hereby prohibited.


FIRST SCHEDULE [Regulation 1 (b).]




Types of Licence



Description of Licence




(n) Aircraft Station Licence



A licence to establish and use a sending and receiving station for wireless communications in the aircraft for the purpose of sending mes- sages, and receiving messages for general reception by aircraft stations or for reception by the said station, and messages sent by author- ised broadcasting stations.



N500 per station per annum



(0) Radio Determination Station Li- cence



A licence to establish and use a radio determination station for wireless communications at a place on land specified in the licence, for sending or receiving signals for the purpose of the determination of position, bearing or distance or for the gaining of information as to the presence, absence, position or motion of any object or any objects of any class.



N 2000 per station per annum




(p) Limited Coast Station Licence



A licence to establish a sending and receiving station for wireless communications, for the purpose of sending messages to or receiving messages from such ship stations as are specified in the licence and under such conditions as are specified in the licence.



N 2,000 per station per annum
(q) Ship Station Licence A licence to establish and use a sending and receiving station for wireless communications in a ship for the purpose of-



(a) sending messages to coast stations, ship stations, aircraft stations; and


(b) receiving messages from coast stations, ship stations, aircraft stations, and radio determination stations, for general reception by ship stations or for reception by the said stations, any message sent by authorised broadcasting stations-whether or not the licence in addition authorises the establishment and use of stations for wireless communications in lifeboats or other survival craft associated with or normally carried by the ship or of radio determination station for wireless communications in the ship.


N500 per station per annum
(r) Police, Ambulance, Humanitarian or Fire Services



A licence to establish and use sending and receiving stations for wireless communications, the number whereof is not limited by the licence, for the purpose of sending and receiving messages concerning the operation of Police, Ambulance, Humanitarian or Fire Services.



(s) Private Fixed


Radio Station


A licence to establish and use at a single place or part of premises specified in the licence a station for wireless communications for the purpose of sending and receiving messages concerning the business of the licensee to or from another fixed station or other stations specified in the licence using the class or classes of emission specified in the licence.



High Frequency (HF) N5,000 per station per annum



Very High Frequency (VHF) N5,000 per annum


(r) Private Mobile Radio Station


(u) Training Establishment Licence


A licence to establish and use specified sending and receiving stations for wireless communications for the purpose of sending and receiving messages concerning the business of the licensee between the stations, or between one or some of the stations and another or others of them (not being a licence authorising the transmission of messages directly between fixed stations).



High Frequency (HF) N2,500 per station per annum



Very High Frequency (VHF), Ultra High Frequency (UHF) and Super High Frequency (SHF) N2,500 per station per annum

(u) Training Establishment Licence A licence to establish a sending and receiving station for wireless communications for the purpose of instructing pupils in the theory and practice of wireless communications, to use the station for sending messages intended solely for reception within the room in which the station is situated and for receiving such messages and messages of other classes specified in the licence.



N500 per station per annum





(v) Induction and Paging Communication Licence


A licence to establish and use within the frequency bands stipulated in Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunications U ion (lTU) for paging system sending and receiving station for wireless communications, the number of which is not limited by the licence, for the purpose of sending and receiving messages concerning the business of the licensee between the stations or between one or some of the stations and another or others of them. N 50,000 issue.



Thereafter, licence fee per annum for subscribers who are:


-served under the licence but does not exceed 5,000 is N 50,000


-Where the said number exceeds 5,000 but does not exceed 50,000 N250,000


-Where the said nurnber exceeds 50,000 is N500,000


(w) Amateur (Sound) Licence A licence to establish and use an amateur station otherwise than in a moving vehicle, vessels or aircraft for the purpose of sending to and receiving from other amateur stations messages (but not visual images) of the class or using the class or classes of emission and powers specified in the licence.



N 500 per station per annum





(x) Amateur (Sound) (Mobile) Licence




A licence to establish and use an amateur station in any vehicle or vessel for the purpose of sending to and receiving from other amateur stations messages (but not visual images) of the class or classes specified in the licence, using the class or classes of emission and powers specified in the licence.




N500 per station per annum


(y) Amateur (Television) Licence



A licence to establish and use an Amateur Television Station for the purpose of sending visual images to and receiving visual images


from other amateur television stations.


N 1,500 per station per annum



(z) Model Control Licence A licence to establish and use a station for wireless communications for the purpose of controlling the movement of a model vehicle, vessel or aircraft by means of the emission of electronic energy from sending apparatus, and reception of such energy by receiving apparatus in the model. N500 per station per annum


**Fees to be collected by Local Government are as contained in section 7, Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999. ” assigns to the local government the responsibility of collecting rates of radio and television licenses”.







[Regulation 3.]

Tariff for very high frequency (VHF), ultra high frequency (UHF), super high frequency (SHF) radio microwave services


Type of Licence Fee


a) YHF, UHF, SHF Paths (Licence)

(b) Telephone channels of YHF/UHF/SHF of



N5,000 per path per annum.





[Regulation 3.]

Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) television receive only (TVRO) signal

Type of Licence



Description of Licence Fee


(a) Dealers (Sounds and Television)



A licence to offer for sale, to sell, or have in possession of the licensee with a view to sell any equipment constructed for or intended to be used for direct broadcast satellite, including permission to operate receiving equipment for the reception of programmes in either sound or vision or both from authorised broadcasting stations for the purpose of demonstrating the receiving equipment with a view to sell but not for any other purpose of financial gain.



On issue: N50,000 Renewal: N5,OOO per annum

(b) Broadcast Re- ceiving (Sound and Television)



A licence to install equipment for direct broadcast satellite at the single place specified in the licence in so far as that place is a private residence, office, apartment building, or local government reading room or school, as the case may be, in the vehicle or vessel specified in the licence, and to use the equipment for purposes which include the reception of visual images sent by television (not being a licence authorising the use of equipment or radio communicating for the purpose of the exhibition of visual images received by television to persons who are charged for viewing such exhibition).



N5,000 per station per annum
(c) Broadcast Receiving (Sound and Television Commercial Licence Hotels Club, etc. A licence to install equipment for direct broadcast satellite reception at those parts of the premises specified in the license, being parts which specifically include rooms let or available for letting to guests or boarders as living rooms or bedrooms or rooms in cafes, hotels, restaurants which are open to the general public, or rooms in any club which are open to members of the club, or place of public entertainment (hall, theatre, or other place) open to the public on payment of a charge, and to use the equipment for purposes which include the reception of visual images by television. N25,000 fixed fee/annum plus N5,000 per television set within the premises per annum
Spur-link Licence



  N500 per channel per annum



(d) Spot Frequencies Licence



  N2,000 per spot in excess of two spot frequency per annum



(e) Percentage charge based on capital value of the Installed Radio System Licence



  5% of the capital value of the installed system



(j) Equipment Type Approval Test Licence



  N 2,000 per equipment



(g) Ship Radio Sur- vey Licence   N1 ,000 per survey




FIFTH SCHEDULE [Regulation 3.]


Forms of licences












General form


Issue Fee: N      k


No ………………………




This licence expires on the last day of ………………………..20 …………………….


  1. M ……………………………………………………………………………………………. .


of …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(Address in full)


(hereinafter called “the licensee”) is, hereby licensed, subject to the conditions in the Regulations under the Wireless Telegraphy Act-






*Delete the inapplicable alternative,

*at the said premises, in so far as those premises are in the occupation of the licensee
*at the following premises, in so far as those premises are in the occupation of the licensee







*in the vehicle number ……………………… *in the vessel ……………………………………



(b)    to use the apparatus for the purpose of receiving messages sent by telephony from authorised broadcasting stations for general reception, and messages sent by telephony or telegraphy from licensed amateur stations.


  1. (1) This clause shall apply where the licensee occupies the said premises, vehicle or vessel in whole or in part as a private residence.


(2)    The licensee is hereby licensed to use for the purpose stated in paragraph (b) of clause I, whether or not in the said premises, vehicle or vessel, apparatus for wireless telegraphy consisting of one or more portable sound broadcast receiving sets:


Provided that when used otherwise than in the said premises, vehicle or vessel, any such set is operated by a battery wholly contained within the set and is not permanently installed in any premises, vehicle, vessel or other place.


(3)    All members of the licensee’s family while in residence in the said premises, vehicle or vessel (otherwise than in part thereof which is not in the occupation of the licensee) are hereby licensed, subject to the same conditions and limitations as the licensee-


(i)     to install apparatus for wireless telegraphy at the said premises or in the said vehicle or vessel and to use the said apparatus for the purposes stated in paragraph (b) of clause I; and


(ii)    to use in accordance with paragraph (2) of this clause apparatus for wireless telegraphy consisting of one or more portable sound broadcast receiving sets.




Office and date of Issue of Licence



Issue Fee Paid: N: k


Issued on behalf of the


Ministry of Communications


*Delete the inapplicable alternatives


  1. 1. Penalties: It is an offence under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act (Cap. W5), to install or use wireless apparatus except under and in accordance with a licence issued by the Director- General, Ministry of Communications.


  1. Copyright: This licence does not authorise any infringement of copyright in the matter received.
  2. Danger from electricity: No direct connection shall be made between a wireless aerial and a public electricity supply. Any aerial or earth connection which crosses or is liable to be blown onto any electricity wire or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the wire or apparatus.


  1. Television: This licence shall be exchanged for a television licence as soon as a television set is installed.


  1. Revocation: If this licence is revoked, no part of the issue fee shall be refunded.
  2. This licence does not authorise the use of any apparatus for wireless telegraphy at any premises which are an hotel, inn, a boarding house, guest house, tavern, cafe, restaurant, club or place of entertainment to which the public are admitted on payment of a charge, except in so far as those premises are occupied by the licensee as a private residence.


  1. Except with the written consent of the Director-General, Ministry of Communications, the apparatus for wireless telegraphy comprised in this licence (hereinafter called “the apparatus”) shall not be electrically coupled with apparatus for wireless telegraphy elsewhere than in the said premises, vehicle or vessel (except a broadcast relay station licensed by the Director-General) or with such apparatus in any part of the premises, vehicle or vessel which is not in the occupation of the licensee, or (where the said premises are an hotel, inn, a boarding house, guest house, holiday camp) with such apparatus in any room or accommodation which is let to a boarder or guest (not being the licensee) or which is usually available for being let to boarders or guests, or (where the said premises are a tavern, cafe or restaurant or place of entertainment) with such apparatus in any room or place which is available to the public, or (where the said premises are a club) with such apparatus in any room or place available to club members (not being the licensee).


  1. The apparatus shall be so maintained and used that it does not cause undue interference with any other wireless telegraphy.


  1. If any message, other than a message for the receipt of which the use of the apparatus is authorised, is unintentionally received, no person shall make known its contents, origin, destination or existence, or the fact of its receipt, to any person other than a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not reproduce in writing, copy, or make any use of such message or allow it to be reproduced in writing or made use of.


  1. The apparatus and the licence shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorised officers of the Ministry of Communications, provided that this provision shall not re- quire any person to concede any form of right of entry into any private dwelling house.


  1. The apparatus shall cease to be used at any time on the demand of a duly authorised officer of the Ministry of Communications.







General form


Issue Fee: N               k


No ……………………………


This licence expires on the last day of ……………………………20 …………………………..


  1. M …………………………………………………………………………………………… .


of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(address in full )


(hereinafter called “the licensee”) is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions in the Regulations under the Wireless Telegraphy Act-


(a)    to install apparatus for Wireless Telegraphy:


*at the said premises, in so far as those premises are in the occupation of the licensee.

*at the following premises, in so far as those premises are in the occupation of the license……………………………………………………………………………………………….


*in the vehicle number ……………………. * in the vessel ………………………………..



(b)    to use the said apparatus for the purposes of receiving-


  • visual images sent by television and messages sent by telephony from authorised broadcasting stations for general reception; and


(ii)    visual images sent by television and messages sent by telephony from licensed amateur stations.


  1. (1) This clause shall apply where the licensee occupies the said premises, vehicle or vessel in whole or in part as a private residence.


(2)    The licensee is hereby licensed to use for the purposes stated in paragraph (b) of clause I, whether or not in the said premises, vehicle or vessel, apparatus for wireless telegraphy consisting of one or more portable sound or television broadcast receiving sets:


Provided that when used otherwise than in the said premises, vehicle or vessel, any such set is operated by a battery wholly contained within the set and is not permanently installed in any premises, vehicle, vessel or other place.


(3)    All members of the licensee’s family while in residence in the said premises, vehicle or vessel (otherwise than in part thereof which is not in the occupation of the licensee) are hereby licensed, subject to the same conditions and limitations as the licensee


(i)     to install apparatus for wireless telegraphy at the said premises or in the said vehicle or vessel and to use the said apparatus for the purposes stated in paragraph (b) of clause I; and

(ii)    to use in accordance with paragraph (2) of this clause apparatus for wireless telegraphy consisting of one or more portable sound broadcast or television broadcast receiving sets.


Issue Fee Paid: N        k


(Less abatement of N    k)


Office and date of Issue of Licence




Issued on behalf of

the Director-General ……………………………………..

Ministry of Communications

*Delete the inapplicable alternative.




  1. 1. Penalties: It is an offence under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act (Cap. W5), to install or use wireless apparatus except under and in accordance with a licence issued by the Director- General, Ministry of Communications.


  1. Copyright: This licence does not authorise any infringement of copyright in the matter recei ved.


  1. Danger from electricity: No direct connection shall be made between a wireless aerial and a public electricity supply. Any aerial or earth connection which crosses or is liable to be blown onto any electricity wire or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the wire or apparatus.


  1. If the said premises are used for the purpose of an hotel, inn, a boarding house, guest house, tavern, restaurant, cafe or club, or are premises to which the public are admitted upon payment, this licence shall not authorise the installation or use of any apparatus for wireless telegraphy in such parts of the said premises as are used or are available for use by guests, boarders, members of the public or club members (as the case may be).


  1. 5. Except with the written consent of the Director-General, the apparatus for wireless telegraphy comprised in this licence (hereinafter called “the apparatus”) shall not be electrically coupled with apparatus for wireless telegraphy elsewhere than in the said premises, vehicle or vessel (except a broadcast relay station licensed by the Director-General or with such apparatus in any part of the said premises, vehicle or vessel which is not in the occupation of the licensee, or (where the said premises are used for the purpose of an hotel, inn, a boarding house, guest house, tavern, restaurant, cafe, or club or are premises to which the public are admitted upon payment) with such apparatus in such parts of the premises as are used or available for use by guests, boarders, members of the public or club members (as the case may be).


  1. 6. If any message, other than a message for the receipt of which the use of the apparatus is author- ised, is unintentionally received, no person shall make known its contents, origin, destination or existence, or the fact of its receipt, to any person other than a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or competent legal tribunal, and shall not reproduce in writing, copy, or make any use of such message or allow it to be reproduced in writing or made use of.


  1. 7. This licence shall expire on the date mentioned at the head of the licence. It is not transferable. A fresh licence must be obtained within fourteen days of the expiry of this licence if the apparatus is to continue in use. The Director-General may at any time after the date of issue revoke it, or vary its terms by a notice in writing sent to the licensee or by a general notice published in the Federal and State Gazelles to all holders of broadcast receiving licences (Including Television)–General Form.


  1. 8. Removals: A permanent change of the licensee’s address shall be notified promptly to the office of issue giving the date of expiry of the licence and the serial number. Alternatively, the licence shall be presented at any post office for amendment.


Public entertainment form


Issue Fee: N     k


No …………………….



This licence expires on the last day of ………………………….. 20 ………………………………. .

  1. M ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(address in full)



(hereinafter called “the licensee”) is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions in the Regulations under the Wireless Telegraphy Act-


(a)    to install apparatus for wireless telegraphy at the following premises-

Address of premises……………………………………………………………………………..






Description of premises ……………………………………………………………………………….*


(b)    to use the said apparatus for the purposes of receiving messages sent by telephony from authorised broadcasting stations for general reception, and messages sent by telephony from licensed amateur stations.


  1. Any persons at the said premises from time to time are hereby licensed subject to the same conditions, terms, provisions and limitations as the licensee to install apparatus for wireless telegraphy in the said premises and to use the said apparatus and apparatus installed there by the licensee for the purposes stated in paragraph (b) of clause 1 above,


  1. 3. Where any pan of the said premises is occupied by the licensee as a private residence, the following paragraphs of this clause shall apply-


(a)    the licensee is hereby licensed to use for the purposes stated in paragraph (b) of clause 1 above, whether or not in the said premises, apparatus for wireless telegraphy consisting of one or more portable sound broadcast receiving sets:


Provided that such apparatus is not permanently installed in any premises, vehicle, vessel or other place;


(b)    all members of the licensee’s family from time to time residing at the said premises (otherwise than in a pan thereof which is not in the occupation of the licensee) are hereby licensed subject to the same conditions, terms, provisions and limitations as the licensee;


  • to install apparatus for wireless telegraphy in the said premises and to use the said apparatus for the purpose stated in paragraph (b) of clause 1 above; and


  • to use in accordance with paragraph (a) of this clause, apparatus for wireless telegraphy consisting of one or more portable sound broadcast receiving sets.



Issue Fee Paid: N :k


(Less abatement of N : k)


Office and date of Issue of Licence


Issued on behalf of

the Director-General ……………………………………..

Ministry of Communications



“lnsert description of premises (hotel, inn, boarding house, guest house, tavern, restaurant, cafe, club, premises at which persons are charged for admission for any purpose whatsoever).



  1. Penalties: It is an offence under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act (Cap. W5), to install or use wireless apparatus except under and in accordance with a licence issued by the Director- General, Ministry of Communications.


  1. Copyright: This licence shall not authorise any infringement of copyright in the matter received.


  1. Television licences shall be taken out as soon as televisions are installed in the premises.


  1. Danger from electricity: No direct connection should be made between a wireless aerial and a public electricity supply. Any aerial or earth connection which crosses or is liable to be blown onto any electricity wire or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the wire or apparatus.


  1. 5. Except with the written consent of the Director-General, Ministry of Communications, the apparatus for wireless telegraphy comprised in this licence (hereinafter called “the apparatus”) shall not be electrically coupled with apparatus for wireless telegraphy elsewhere than in the said premises, except a broadcast relay station licensed by the Director-General, Ministry of Communications.


  1. If any message, other than a message for the receipt of which the use of the apparatus is authorised, is unintentionally received, no person shall make known its contents, origin, destination or existence, or the fact of its receipt, to any person other than a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or competent legal tribunal, and shall not reproduce in writing, copy, or make any use of such message or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.


  1. This licence shall expire on the date mentioned at the head of the licence. It shall not be transferable. A fresh licence must be obtained within fourteen days of the expiry of this licence if the apparatus is to continue in use. The Director-General may at any time after the date of issue revoke it, or vary its terms by a notice in writing sent to the licensee or by a general notice published in the Federal and State Gazettes to all holders of broadcast receiving licences (Including Television)- General Form.


  1. 8. Removals: A permanent change of the licensee’s address should be notified promptly to the office of issue giving the date of expiry of the licence and the serial number. Alternatively, the licence should be presented at any post office for amendment.




Public entertainment form


Issue Fee: N : k

No …… ………………… ………………. .

This licence expires on the last day of ……………………………. 20 ……………. ………………. .

  1. M …………………………………………………………………………………………………………



(address in full)


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (hereinafter called “the licensee”) is hereby licensed, subject to the conditions in the Regulations under the Wireless Telegraphy Act-


(a)    to install apparatus for wireless telegraphy at the following premises-

Address of premises……………………………………………………………………………..


…………..…………………………… . …………………………………………………………………………………………


Description of premises ……………………………………………………………………………….. .


(b)    to use the said apparatus for the purposes of receiving-


  • visual images sent by television and messages sent by telephony from author- ised broadcasting stations for general reception; and
  • visual images sent by television and messages sent by telephony or telegraphy

from licensed amateur stations.


  1. Any persons at the said premises from time to time are hereby licensed subject to the terms, provisions and limitations set out in the Schedule to install apparatus for wireless telegraphy in the said premises and to use the said apparatus and apparatus installed there by the licensee for the purposes stated in paragraph (b) of clause 1 above.
  2. Where any part of the said premises is occupied by the licensee as a private residence, the fol- lowing paragraphs of this clause shall apply-


(a)    the licensee is hereby licensed to use for the purpose mentioned in paragraph (b) of clause I above, whether or not in the said premises, apparatus for wireless telegraphy consisting of one or more portable sound broadcast receiving sets:


Provided that such apparatus is not permanently installed in any premises, vehicle, vessel or other place;


(b)    all members of the licensee’s family from time to time at the said premises (otherwise than in a part thereof which is not in the occupation of the licensee) are hereby licensed subject to the same conditions, terms, provisions and limitations as the licensee;


(i)     to install apparatus for wireless telegraphy in the said premises and to use the said apparatus for the purposes stated in paragraph (b) of clause I above;

(ii)    to use in accordance with paragraph (a) of this clause apparatus for wireless telegraphy consisting of one or more portable sound broadcast receiving sets.


Issue Fee Paid: N : k


(Less abatement of N : k)



Issued on behalf of

the Director-General

Ministry of Communications



Office and Date of Issue of Licence



  1. Penalties: It is an offence under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to install or use wire- less apparatus except under and in accordance with a licence issued by the Director-General, Min- istry of Communications.


  1. Copyright: This licence shall not authorise any infringement of copyright in the matter received.


  1. Danger from electricity: No direct connection shall be made between a wireless aerial and a public electricity supply. Any aerial or earth connection which crosses or is liable to be blown onto any electricity wire or power apparatus should be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the wire or apparatus.


  1. If the said premises are used for the purpose of an hotel, inn, a boarding house, guest house, tavern, restaurant, cafe or club, or are premises to which the public are admitted upon payment, this licence shall not authorise the installation or use of any apparatus for wireless telegraphy in such pans of the said premises as are used or are available for use by guests, boarders, members of the public or club members (as they case may be).


  1. Except with the written consent of the Director-General, Ministry of Communications, the apparatus for wireless telegraphy comprised in this licence (hereinafter called “the apparatus”) shall not be electrically coupled with apparatus for wireless telegraphy elsewhere than in the said premises, vehicle or vessel (except a broadcast relay station licensed by the Director-General) or with such apparatus in any pan of the said premises, vehicle or vessel which is not in the occupation of the licensee, or (where the said premises are used for the purpose of an hotel, inn, a boarding house, guest house, tavern, restaurant, cafe, or club or are premises to which the public are admitted upon payment) with such apparatus in such pans of the premises as are used or are available for use by guests, boarders, members of the public or club members (as the case may be).


  1. If any message, other than a message for the receipt of which the use of the apparatus is authorised, is unintentionally received, no person shall make known its contents, origin, destination or existence, or the fact of its receipt, to any person other than a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or competent legal tribunal, and shall not reproduce in writing, copy, or make any use of such message or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of.


  1. This licence shall expire on the date mentioned at the head of the licence. It is not transferable, A fresh licence must be obtained within fourteen days of the expiry of this licence if the apparatus is to continue in use. The Director-General may at any time after the date of issue revoke it, or vary its terms by a notice in writing sent to the licensee or by a general notice published in the Federal and State Gazettes to all holders of broadcast receiving licences (Including Television)–General Form.


  1. 8. Removals: A permanent change of the licensee’s address should be notified promptly to the office of issue giving the date of expiry of the licence and the serial number. Alternatively, the licence should be presented at any post office for amendment.






Broadcast relay station licence (sound)


No ………………………………………


Date …………………………………. .


Renewal: Annually (See in the First Schedule paragraph (c) )


Fee on Issue: N2.


  1. Licensee: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. .


of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulation 8……………………………






Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)




The licensee is licensed to-


(1)    Establish, maintain, work and use wireless telegraph receiving stations at ………….




and amplifying stations at ………………………………………………………………………………. .

and such other places as shall be approved by the National Council of Ministers in writing the wireless telegraph receiving stations and the amplifying stations being hereafter collectively re- ferred to as “the stations”.


(2)    Receive at any of the stations sound programmes and the sound content of television programmes and broadcast messages (except messages in facsimile) from any authorised broadcasting stations.


(3)    Connect by wire the stations or any of them with any station of any person so long as that per- son holds from the Director-General a licence for the working of such a station as a broadcast relay station to the intent that sound programmes and the sound content of television programme broad- cast from any authorised broadcasting station may be received at the station of the one party from the station of the other.

(4)    Connect by wire the stations with each other to the intent that sound programme and the sound content of television programme may be received at such other stations.


(5)    Connect by wire any of the stations with the premises of the subscribers.




  1. The station shall not be used in such a manner as to cause interference with other wireless telegraph stations.


  1. (1) If a message for which the licensee is not authorised to receive is unintentionally received by means of any of the stations, the licensee shall not make known or allow to be made known its contents, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and should not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender, or addresses of any such message. The licensee shall take such steps as are possible to prevent such a message being received by the subscribers.


(2)    Except as is herein expressly provided, the licensee shall not use or allow to be used the wires connecting any of the stations with the premises of a subscriber for any other purpose than the receipt by the subscriber of programmes and messages which the licensee is authorised by this licence to distribute and in particular, without prejudice to the generality of this provision, the licensee shall not himself originate at the stations or receive by wire any programme, message or item whether musical or otherwise or information of any kind for distribution to subscribers except as provided in the Note No.9 (I) of this Schedule.


(3)    The licensee shall not distribute or allow any subscriber to receive by means of any of the stations any programme or message containing political, social, or religious propaganda received at the stations from any authorised broadcasting station outside Nigeria.


(4)    The licensee shall from time to time furnish to the Director-General any information in relation to the operation and conduct of the relay service he may reasonably require and obey any directions given to him by the Director-General as regards the programmes to be distributed to subscribers.


(5)    The licensee shall not receive any money or other consideration from any person (other than payment from a subscriber of the licensee’s usual rates of charge to subscribers or payment from another licensee in respect of the receipt of programmes pursuant to paragraph 3 of the Schedule) hereof for distribution to subscribers of any programme or message received by the stations.

  1. Except as it is expressly provided by paragraph 3 of the Schedule hereof, the licensee shall not without the consent in writing of the Director-General connect the stations with the premises of any person other than a subscriber.


  1. 4. The licensee shall if and whenever required by the Director-General or an authorised officer in writing so to do, at his own expense in all respect connect and keep connected with the stations or any part of the system or wires such residence in the said …………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………… …………………………………………………….…………….. ………… of such officer of the Ministry as he shall from time to time direct and afford to such officer free of charge all such facilities as shall for the time being be afforded by the licensee to any subscriber in pursuance of this licence.


  1. (1) The licensee shall keep a record of all the names and addresses of his subscribers and shall on the tenth day of each month notify the Director-General in writing of the number of his sub- scribers on the last day of the immediately preceding month, of the names of persons who shall have become subscribers during the immediately preceding month, of the addresses of the premises connected, and the respective dates on which persons ceased to be connected with the stations during that month.


(2)    The licensee shall keep a record of the programmes and messages received at the stations and distributed to subscribers in each period of 24 hours showing the names of the stations from which the programmes and messages were received and approximate time of reception.


  1. 6. (1) The licensee shall maintain broadcast relay service to the satisfaction of the Director- General and all the apparatus and circuit arrangements in connection therewith and all wires throughout the system (other than wires provided for the licensee by the Director-General) shall conform to such conditions as may from time to time be prescribed by the Director-General.


(2)    The licensee shall maintain the stations apparatus and wires connected with the system throughout the whole length (other than wires provided for the licensee by the Director-General) in good working order and shall permit any person authorised by the Director-General to inspect at any reasonable time with or without previous notice, the stations, apparatus and wires as aforesaid and the records referred to in paragraphs 5 (1) and 5 (2) herein and the records of programmes and other messages sent to subscribers in pursuance of the terms of this licence.


  1. (1) The licensee shall if and wherever required by notice in writing from the Director-General or authorised officer remove any connecting wire placed or maintained by the licensee which impedes the construction of Posts and Telecommunications plant or which shall interfere or shall in the opinion of the Director-General or authorised officer be likely to interfere with the working of any circuit or of any wireless telegraph stations (whether a sending or receiving station) for the time being maintained by the Director-General or any of his licensees, whether or not such circuit or wireless telegraph station shall have been working when the wire was first placed.


(2)    The licensee shall not use on any wire maintained by him or provided for him by the Director-General any instruments, apparatus or material or apply thereto any currents which shall injure or shall in the opinion of the Director-General be likely to injure any circuits, wires or apparatus of the Director-General and if and whenever notice in writing shall be given to the licensee by any authorised officer of the Ministry complaining of the use of any such instruments, apparatus or material or the application of any such currents, the licensee shall immediately discontinue the use thereof.


(3)    No point or any connecting wire shall be connected to earth except with the consent of the Director-General or authorised officer and in accordance with the terms of the consent.


(4)    Any wire which is placed above or below and/or in such a position that it is liable to fall upon or to be blown onto an existing power wire (including electric lighting) or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned and if any such wire crosses above or below or is otherwise considered by the Director- General to be likely to make contact with any of his telegraphic lines, the aforesaid guarding shall also be to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director-General of his authorised representative.


  1. The licensee shall if and whenever he shall be required so to do by notice in writing by the Di- rector-General, prevent subscribers from receiving in their respective premises by means of the stations such messages or class of messages as may be directed by such notices as aforesaid.


  1. 9. (1) If and whenever in the opinion of the Director-General an emergency shall have arisen in which it is expedient in the public interest that the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria shall have control over the receipt of messages by means of the stations and/or of the programmes which subscribers are to be allowed to receive by means of the stations, the Director-General may from time to time-


(a)    issue directions to the licensee concerning the programmes and messages to be received by subscribers through the stations;


(b)    require the licensee to receive by means of the stations or any of them, messages from any broadcasting stations and distribute those messages to subscribers;

(c)    require the licensee to send to subscribers from the stations, messages of any kind or description and the licensee shall obey and comply with all such directions and requirements.


(2)    The licensee shall not be entitled to any compensation in respect of the exercise by the Director-General of any of the powers conferred on him by paragraph 9 (1) of those conditions.






Broadcast relay station licence (television)


No …………………………………….


Date …………………………………



Renewal: Annually (See in the First Schedule paragraph (j))


 Fee on Issue: N6.

  1. Licensee: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….


of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached notes.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulation 8 …………………………. .




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)



The licensee is licensed to-

(1) Establish, maintain, work and use wireless telegraph receiving stations at ………………. .








and amplifying stations at ……………………………………………………………………………………………….




…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………….


and such other places as shall be approved by the Director-General in writing, the wireless telegraph receiving stations and the amplifying stations being hereafter collectively referred to as “the stations”.


(2)    Receive at any of the stations television programmes from any authorised broadcasting stations.


(3)    Connect by wire the stations or any of them with any station of any person so long as that person holds from the Director-General a licence for the working of such a station as a broadcast relay station to the intent that television programme broadcast from any authorised broadcasting station may be received at the station of the one party from the stations of the other.


(4)    Connect by wire the stations with each other to the intent that television programme may be received at such other stations.


(5)    Connect by wire any of the stations with the premises of the subscribers,






Broadcast receiving licence (press)


No …………………………………………. .


Date …………………………


Renewal: N 100 per premises

Fee on Issue: N 100 premises


  1. Licensee: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… .


of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 30 and 31 ……………





Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)



  1. 1. The licensee is licensed to install the apparatus for wireless telegraphy in his premises in so far as the premises are in the occupation of the licensee.


  1. The wireless telegraph apparatus is licensed for the purpose of receiving messages by telephony, from authorised broadcasting stations for general reception and messages sent by telephony or telegraphy from licensed amateur stations.


  1. The apparatus for wireless telegraphy shall be used in the premises, vehicle or vessel occupied by the licensee in whole or in part as a private residence.


  1. Interpretation: In this licence “messages” does not include visual images sent by television, facsimile transmission or other means; and except where the context otherwise requires, other words and expressions have the same meanings as they have in the Wireless Telegraphy Act (Cap. W5) and the Regulations made under sections 9 and 30 thereof.


  1. 5. Removals: A permanent change of address should be notified promptly to the office of issue giving the date of expiry of the licence and the serial number. Alternatively the licence should be presented at any post office for amendment.


  1. Penalties: It is an offence under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to install or use wireless apparatus except under and in accordance with a licence issued by the Director-General.
  2. Copyright: This licence does not authorise any infringement of copyright in the matter received.


  1. Danger from electricity: No direct connection should be made between a wireless aerial and a public electricity supply. Any aerial or earth connection which crosses or is liable to be blown onto any electricity wire or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the wire or apparatus.




Dealer’s (sound and television) licence


No ………………………………………. .


Date ……………………….


Renewal: N10per premises Fee on Issue: N10 premises


  1. Licensee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 44, 45, 46, 61 and 62 .. … …………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)



  1. 1. Removals: A permanent change of business address should be notified to the nearest post office giving the date of expiry of the licence and the serial number. Alternatively the licence should be presented at any post office for amendment. .


  1. Penalties: It is an offence under section 5 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to sell apparatus for wireless telegraphy except under and in accordance with a licence issued under these Regulations.


  1. Copyright: This licence does not authorise any infringement of copyright in the matter received.


  1. The licence expires on the date mentioned at the head of the licence; it is not transferable. A fresh licence must be obtained within fourteen days of the expiry of this licence if the sale of apparatus for wireless telegraphy is to continue in the said premises. The Director-General may at any time after the date of issue revoke or vary its terms, by a notice in writing sent to the licensee or by general notice published in the Federal and State Government Gazettes addressed to all holders of “Dealers’ Licence” (Sound and Television).


  1. 5. Except where the context otherwise requires, other words and expressions have the same meanings as they have in the Wireless Telegraphy Act, or the Regulations made under section 9 thereof.






Demonstration licence


No ………………………………………. .


Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: N6 per station

Fee on Issue: N6 per station


  1. Licensee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15,


19, 24 and 25………………………………………………………………………………………………





Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)






















Call Sign









Frequency and Maximum Frequency Tolerance (Paragraph D applies)




Bandwidth of Emission (Paragraph C applies)






Class of Emission



(Paragraph C applies)




Maximum Effective Radiated Power


(watts) Paragraph A & B applies)



Aerial Characteristics (Paragraph A & B applies)






Part 1


Base Station


Part 2

Mobile Stations












For the purposes of the Conditions:


  1. Effective radiated power (ERP) is the mean radio frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane.


The mean radio frequency power (Prn) will be taken as the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of 1/10 second during which the mean power is greatest will be selected normally.


  1. ERP, Pm will be assessed either by measurement or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Director-General.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. “Bandwidth” and “frequency tolerance” have the meanings assigned to them in the Tele- communications Convention.
  4. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December, 1959, and the Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations in force thereunder, and includes any Convention and Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.




(a)    The Director-General should be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in any of the stations comprised in the licence. (Prior authority is needed before any of the stations is established in any vehicle, ship, aircraft or place other than as specified in the Schedule to this licence). Except as provided below, correspondence should be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.


(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence should be sent to the Controller of Finance and Accounts Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department Branch, Lagos.


(c)    If power for the working of any base station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection should be made between the supply mains and the aerials.


(d)    If the base station is situated within half a mile of the boundary of any aerodrome, the height of the aerial or any mast supporting it must not exceed fifty feet above the ground level. An aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown on to any overhead power wire (including electric lighting) or power apparatus must be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.


(e)    Other stations may have assigned to them the frequency channels assigned to the stations referred to in the licence. The licensee should avoid, as far as possible, interference with the working of other stations. If such interference is caused deliberately, the offender may be liable to prosecution under section 16 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act.


(f)     The connection of any of the stations with the public telephone exchange system will not be permitted.


(g)    Unless this licence expressly so provides, it does not authorise the relaying of messages received at any other premises or place, or the communicating of such messages to the public, e.g. by loudspeaker.


(h)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.


(i)     If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence, is received by means of the stations, neither the licensee nor any person using the stations should make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent le- gal tribunal, and should not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised, or to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such message.


(j)     It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to send by wireless telegraphy certain misleading messages.


(k)    This licence does not absolve the licensee from obtaining any necessary consent before entering on private property with any apparatus.


(l)     The Director-General regards himself as free to publish at his discretion the licensee’s name and address, and the frequencies allotted for his service, unless the licensee specifically asks that this should not be done.


(m)   No messages relating to the business or private affairs of the licensee or of any other person, company or organisation shall be sent or received by means of the stations.


(n)    The stations shall be operated only by persons authorised by the licensee in that behalf.


(o)    Call signs-Every message sent from any of the stations shall start with an announcement of the call sign of the called and calling stations. The call sign of the calling stations shall be repeated at the end of every period of sending provided that no call sign need be announced more than once in any period of one minute. The stations shall be called and identified only by their authorised call signs which are specified in the Schedule hereto.




Research, testing and development (radiating) licence


No …………………………………………..


Date …………………………………..

Renewal: N4 per station Fee on Issue: N4 per station


  1. Licensee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 14, 15, 19,20, 21 and

25 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …



Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)


Name…………………………………………………………………………   Location of Station …………………………………………………..

Addresss……………………………………………………………………   Call Sign …………………………………………………..

Ref. No…………………………………………………….   Date of issue …………………………………………………………….



Frequency and Maximum Frequency Tolerance (Paragraph D applies) Bandwidth of Emission (See paragraph B overleaf)



Class of Emission


(See paragraph B overleaf)


Pulse characteristic (pulse repetition frequency; or pulse duration, or rinse time) (see C overleaf) Maximum radiated power (mean radio frequency power or effective radiated power  (see  “D” and “E” overleaf) Aerial characteristic (see “E” overleaf) Other stations with which the licensee may establish communication on the frequency shown









For the purposes of the Conditions:


  1. “Bandwidth” and “frequency tolerance” have the meanings assigned to them in the Tele- communications Convention.


  1. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them m the Telecommunications Convention.


  1. Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is the reciprocal of the interval separating corresponding points (e.g. 50% of the peak amplitude) of successive pulses.


Pulse duration of any specific pulse is the interval between the first and the last instant at which the instantaneous amplitude reaches 50% of the peak amplitude.


  1. Mean radiated power (Pm) will be taken as the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long com- pared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of III 0 second during which the mean power is greatest will be selected. Peak radio frequency power (Pp) is the average power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during one radio frequency cycle at the highest crest of the modulation envelope, taken under conditions of normal operation.
  2. MRP, Pp, Pm and the aerial characteristics will be assessed either by measurements, or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Permanent Secretary.




(a)    The Director-General should be notified promptly of any change in address of the licensee, or of any proposed change of the stations comprised in the licence. Except as provided below, correspondence should be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.


(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence should be sent to the Controller of Finance and Accounts, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Accounts Branch, Lagos.


(c)    If power for the working of any base station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection should be made between the supply mains and the aerial.


(d)    If the station is situated within half a mile of the boundary of any aerodrome, the height of the aerial or any mast supporting it must not exceed fifty feet above the ground level. An aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown on to any overhead power wire (including electric lighting and tramway wires) or power apparatus must be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.


(e)    This licence does not authorise the licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in the matter sent or received.


(f)     This licence does not authorise the use of the station for advertising or propaganda purposes, or for the sending or reception of messages for the purpose of conveying news or any other information not directly related to the purpose of the testing of the wireless telegraphy apparatus.


(g)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.

(h)    If any message the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence, is received by means of the station, neither the licensee nor any person using the station should make known the contents of any such messages, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt, to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and should not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied, or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender, or addressee of any such message.


(i)     It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, to send by wireless telegraphy certain misleading messages.

(j)     Call sign-


(1)    The call sign mentioned on the front page of this Schedule has been allotted to the station. No abbreviated form of the call sign may be used. When the station is being used otherwise than under suppressed radiation conditions the call sign shall be sent, either by morse telegraphy at a speed not greater than twelve words per minute, or telephonically three times consecutively at the beginning and end of each period during which the sending apparatus is worked and whenever the frequency of the sending apparatus is changed. When the period of working exceeds fifteen minutes the call sign shall be repeated in the same manner at the commencement of each succeeding period of fifteen minutes. When telephony is used, the letters of the call sign may be confirmed by the pronunciation of well-known words of which the initial letters are the same as those in the call sign, but words used in this manner must not be of a facetious or objectionable character.


(2)    When another station is being called, the call sign of the called station shall be sent three times, followed by that of the calling station sent three times. When a call is being answered, the call sign of the calling station shall be sent three times, followed by that of the answering station sent once. The call signs of the two stations shall be separated by the signal “de” in the case of telegraphy transmissions and the word “from” in the case of telephony transmissions. The use of the general call “CQ” is expressly forbidden.


(k)    The following provisions shall apply to the use of the station otherwise than under sup- pressed radiation conditions-


(1)    Frequency control: A satisfactory method of frequency stabilisation shall be employed in the sending apparatus.


(2)    Frequency meter: Equipment for frequency measurement shall be provided capable of verifying that the sending apparatus is operating with emissions at frequencies specified in the Schedule hereto within the frequency tolerance therein specified.


(3)    Sending: Sending shall not commence until it has been confirmed as far as possible by test with a sensitive receiver adjusted to receive the frequency which is to be used that interference will not be caused with reception at any other station which is working on the frequency. The channel shall be monitored from time to time during sending periods to confirm that the apparatus is being worked in accordance with this licence. No period of sending shall last longer than the minimum time necessary for the purpose of the particular test being performed.


(4)    Log: A running record shall be kept in a book (not loose-leaf) of all use of the sending apparatus otherwise than under suppressed radiation conditions, showing the date and time of each period of working and the frequency and class of emission employed. No gap shall be left between entries in the Jog. The record shall be initialled at the time of recording by the operator.






Research, testing and development (suppressed radiation) licence


No …………………………………………. .

Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: N2 per station

Fee on Issue: N2 per station


  1. Licensee: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions…………………..


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 15, 19,20,21 and 25




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)







(a)    The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any changes in the address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in the station comprised in the licence. Except as provided below, correspondence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.


(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence should be sent to the Controller, Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Lagos.

(c)    This licence shall not authorise the use of the station for the reception of messages for the purpose of conveying news or any other information not directly related to the purpose of the testing of the wireless telegraphy apparatus.


(d)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.


(e)    If any message, the receipt of which is authorised by this licence, is received by means of the station, neither the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt shall be made known to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and should not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied, or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages, the receipt of which is unauthorised, or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act), to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such message.






Aeronautical ground station licence (general form)


No ……………………………………….


Date …………………………………. .

Renewal: N4 per station

Fee on Issue: N 4 per station


  1. Licensee:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21, 25, 29

and 31 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .


Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)


Aeronautical ground station licence (general form) The conditions

Frequency and Maximum



Frequency Tolerance

(See “D” below)

Bandwidth of Emission


(See “D” below)

Class of Emission “C”



(See “A” and “B” below)

Maximum Effective


Radiated Power

(See “A” and “B” below)

Aerial Characteristics



(See “A” and “B” below










For the purposes of the Conditions:


  1. Effective radiated power (ERP) is the mean radio frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane.


The mean radio frequency power (pm) will be taken as the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of 1/10 second during which the mean power is greatest will be selected normally.


  1. Pm ERP will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the type of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Director-General.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. “Bandwidth” and “frequency tolerance” have meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  4. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December, 1959 and the Radio and Additional Radio Regulations in force thereunder and includes any Convention and Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.



(a)    The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any change in address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in any of the stations comprised in the licence. Except as provided below, correspondence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Tele- communications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.


(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller of Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Accounts Branch, Lagos.


(c)    Details regarding the issue of authorities to operate private aeronautical ground radio sta- tions, and other relevant information, can be obtained, on request, from the Ministry of Transport and Aviation.


(d)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, it is an offence to use any station or appa- ratus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.


(e)    If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence, is received by means of the station, neither the licensee nor any person using the station shall make known the con- tents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt, to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and should not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wire- less Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any in- formation as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such message.


(f)     It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to send false distress signals and certain other misleading messages.

(g)    The requirements governing the licensing of certain aerodromes prescribes among other things, that any structure or alteration to an existing structure which may affect the safety of aircraft using the aerodrome shall not be erected or made without the prior approval of the Director-General, Ministry of Transport and Aviation.





Aeronautical ground station licence (Operating company private licence)


No ……………………………………… .


Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: H20 per station

Fee on Issue: H20 per station


  1. Licensee: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, II, 15, 19,20,21,25 and

29 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General

(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)

Aeronautical ground station licence (operating company private licence) The conditions




Call Sign ……………………………………………

Frequency and Maximum



Frequency Tolerance

(See “D” below)

Bandwidth of Emission


(See “D” below)

Class of Emission “C”


(See “A” and “B” below)

Maximum Effective


Radiated Power

(See “A” and “B” below)

Aerial Characteristics


(See “A” and “B” below)











For the purposes of the Conditions:


  1. Effective radiated power (ERP) is the mean radio frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane.


The mean radio frequency power (Pm) will be taken as the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of 1/10 second during which the mean power is greatest will be selected normally.


  1. Pm ERP will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the type of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Director-General.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. “Bandwidth” and “frequency tolerance” have meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  4. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December, 1959 and the Radio and Additional Radio Regulations in force thereunder and includes any Convention and Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.




(a)    The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any change in address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in any of the stations comprised in the licence. Except as provided below, correspondence should be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.


(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller of Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Accounts Branch, Lagos.


(c)    Details regarding the issue of authorities to operate private aeronautical ground radio stations, and other relevant information, can be obtained, on request, from the Ministry of Transport and Aviation.


(d)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.


(e)    If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence, is received by means of the station, neither the licensee nor any person using the station should make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt, to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and should not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such message.


(j)     It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to send false distress signals and certain other misleading messages.

(g)    The requirements governing the licensing of certain aerodromes prescribe among things that any structure or alteration to an existing structure which may affect the safety of aircraft using the aerodrome shall not be erected or made without the prior approval of the Director-General, Ministry of Transport and Aviation.





Aircraft station licence


No …………………………………………. .


Date …………………………………. .


Renewal: N4 per station

Fee on Issue: N4 per station


  1. Licensee: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 59, 60

and 61 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf





Aircraft station licence

The conditions


Call Sign …………………………………………..   Air Registration ………………………………………………….


Frequency and Maximum



Frequency Tolerance

(See “o” below)

Bandwidth of Emission


(See “o” below)

Class of Emission “C”


(See “A” and “B” below)

Aerial Characteristics


(See “A” and “B” below)











For the purposes of the Conditions:


  1. Effective radiated power (ERP) is the mean radio frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane.


The mean radio frequency power (Prn) will be taken as the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of 1/10 second during which the mean power is greatest will be selected normally.


  1. Pm ERP will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the type of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Director-General.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. “Bandwidth” and “frequency tolerance” have meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  4. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21 st December, 1959 and the Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations in force thereunder and includes any Convention and Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.



(a)    The station shall be operated only by persons authorised by the licensee in that behalf and the licensee shall not permit or suffer it to be operated by any other person:


Provided that nothing in this licence shall prevent the use or operation of wireless telegraphy apparatus in any aircraft in distress in whatever manner may be necessary for the purpose of attracting attention, making known their position and obtaining help.


(b)    The licensee and all persons operating the station shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunications Convention.


(c)    The apparatus comprised in the station shall be so designed, constructed, maintained and used that the use of the station does not cause any avoidable interference with any wireless telegraphy.


(d)    No message which is grossly offensive or of an indecent or obscene character shall be sent.


(e)    If the station is used for sending public correspondence, the licensee shall render to the Minister such accounts as the Director-General shall direct in respect of all charges due or payable under the Telecommunications Convention in respect of messages exchanged between the station and any other stations, and shall pay to the Director-General at such time and such manner as the Director-General shall direct, all sums which shall be due from the licensee for such messages. A certified statement of any such sums signed on behalf of the Director- General by an officer of the Ministry of Communications authorised in that behalf shall for the purposes (including the purposes of any proceedings by or against the Government) be sufficient evidence, unless the contrary is proved, of the facts stated therein.


(f)     The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee.

Except as provided below, correspondence about this licence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.

(g)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller, Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Accounts Branch, Lagos.


(h)    The licence does not authorise the doing of any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in the matter sent or received.


(i)     Nothing in this licence shall be deemed to waive any requirement imposed on the licensee by or under any Act of a sovereign State and in particular nothing in this licence shall be deemed to exempt any person from the requirements of the Air Navigation Order, in force in Nigeria or of any order or regulations made under that Act.


(j)     Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.


(k)    It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to send false distress signals and certain other misleading messages.


(l)     If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by the licence, is received by means of the stations, neither the licensee nor any person using the station should make known the contents of any such messages, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt, to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such messages, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressees of any such message.


(m)   The expression “wireless telegraphy” and “messages” used in this licence have the meanings assigned to them in the Wireless Telegraphy Act, and “wireless telegraphy” includes inter alia, radiotelephony and radar, and “messages” includes signals.





Radio determination station licence


No …………………………………………


Date …………………..………………


Renewal: N4 per station


Fee on Issue: N4 per station


  1. Licensee: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 15, 19, 20 and 21




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)




Radio determination station licence

The conditions


Station Identification Signal ………………………………………..

Frequency and Maximum



Frequency Tolerance

(See “A” below)

Bandwidth of Emission


(See “8” below)

Class of Emission “C”


(See “C” and “D” below)

Aerial Characteristics


(See “D” below)











For the purposes of the Conditions:


  1. “Frequency tolerance” has the meaning assigned to it in the Telecommunications Convention.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. Mean radio frequency power (Pm) will be taken as the power supplied to the antenna trans- mission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of 1/10 second during which the mean power is greatest will be selected.


Peak radio frequency power (Pp) is the average power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during one radio frequency cycle at the highest crest of modulation envelope, taken under conditions of normal operation.

  1. Pm, Pp, and the aerial characteristics will be assessed either by measurements, or by calculation from the characteristics of the type of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Director- General.




(a)    The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in the station comprised in the licence. Except as provided below, correspondence should be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Post and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.


(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller, Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Lagos.

(c)    If power for the working of the station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection should be made between the supply mains and the aerials.


(d)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, it is an offence to use any station apparatus for wireless telegraphy other than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the of- fender being prosecuted.







Limited coast station licence


No ………………………………………. .

Date …………………………………. .


Renewal: N4 per station


Fee on Issue: N4 per station


  1. Licensee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.



Name …………………………………………….………………… Call sign……………………………………………………..…………………………

The first condition


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 15, 19 and 21 ………………..




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)





Name ……………………………………. Call sign………………………………………


The First Condition

Class of Emissions Frequencies (kilocycles) Mean Radio Frequency Power (in the unmodulated Condition)


The Second Condition

Class of Emissions Frequencies (kilocycles) Mean Radio Frequency Power (in the unmodulated Condition)






(a)    This limited coast station is licensed for the purposes of sending by wireless telegraphy messages to ship stations; receiving by wireless telegraphy messages sent from coast stations and ship stations, for general reception by ship stations or for reception by the limited coast station, and messages (including sound programme) but not including visual images sent by television sent by authorised broadcasting stations;

Limited coast station licence does not authorise the licensee to engage in public correspondence. A limited coast station licence for public correspondence may be granted only at the discretion of the Director-General;

In emergency only sending and receiving messages to and from any other station for wireless telegraphy with which it is desirable for safety of life that the limited coast station should communicate.

(b)    When used for sending the limited coast station shall be used only with emissions which are of the classes specified in the First and Fifth Schedules hereto, and are on the frequencies specified in the First and Fifth Schedules hereto in relation to those respective classes of emission and with a power not exceeding that specified in the First and Fifth Schedules hereto in relation to the classes of emission and frequency in use at the time.

(c)    No message which is grossly offensive or of an indecent or obscene character shall be sent.

(d)    The limited coast station shall be operated only by persons authorised by the licensee in that behalf and possessing the written authority of the Director-General to fill the position of operator of the limited coast station for wireless telegraphy of the type of the limited coast station.

(e)    The licensee, and all persons operating the station which the licensee is authorised by this licence to establish and use (hereinafter called “the said station”), shall observe and comply with the relevant provisions of the Telecommunications Convention.

(f)     The apparatus comprised in the limited coast stations shall at all times comply with each of the performance specifications which at the date of this licence shall have been published by the Director-General as are applicable to such station, subject however to each modification of the said specifications in favour of the licensee as the Director-General may from time to time permit. The licensee shall not make any alterations in the said apparatus except an alteration the effect of which is to cause the said apparatus to comply with the said specification or replacement of the apparatus or component therefore by other component of identical type.

(g)    The said apparatus, and in particular the headgear receivers and microphones thereof, shall be kept in clean and sanitary condition, and dangerous parts of the said apparatus shall be so screened or isolated as to ensure the reasonable comfort and health of the persons operating the said stations.

(h)    This licence, the International Radio Regulations and additional Radio Regulations, the Ministry of Communications Handbook for Wireless Operators, and such other documents as the Director-General may prescribe as necessary for carrying on the work of the said station, shall be held in the station. The licence shall be available for inspection, when required, by any person acting in the course of his duty on behalf of the Director-General.

(i)     The call sign of the limited coast station referred to above shall be used whenever it is necessary to identify the limited coast station.

(j)     The licensee shall not permit or suffer any unauthorised person to operate the said station or to have access to the apparatus comprised therein:


Provided that the licensee shall permit any person acting in the course of his duty on behalf of the Ministry to have access to the said station at all reasonable times for the purposes of inspecting and testing the apparatus comprised therein. The licensee shall ensure that persons operating the said stations observe the terms, provisions and limitations of this licence at all times.

(k)    Nothing in this licence shall be deemed to waive any requirement imposed on the licensee by or under any Act of the Federal Government.

(l)     In this licence, the expression “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December 1959, and the Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations in force thereunder and includes any Convention and Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations; and, except where the con- text otherwise requires, other words and expressions have the same meaning as they have in the Wireless Telegraphy Act, or in the Regulations made under section 9 or 30 thereof.

(m)   The Director-General should be notified promptly of any changes in the address of the licensee, or of any change in the station comprised in this licence. Except as provided below, correspondence about this licence should be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Division, Lagos.

(n)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller, Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Accounts Branch, Lagos.

(o)    Details of requirements as to operators’ qualifications, the precise frequencies to be used for communicating with ship stations or other limited coast stations, the inspection of the wireless apparatus comprised in the stations, etc., are contained in the Ministry of Communications Handbook for Wireless Operators.

(p)    The licence does not authorise the doing of any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in the matter sent or received.

(q)    The licence does not authorise the transmission of music.

(r)     The sending and receipt (except in emergency) of messages to and from stations other than those stated in the licence is prohibited.

(s)    The expression “wireless telegraphy” used in this licence has the meaning assigned to it in the Wireless Telegraphy Act, and includes, inter alia, radiotelephony.

(t)     Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender prosecuted.

(u)    If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence, is received by means of the said station, neither the licensee nor any person using the said station shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt, to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and should not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied, or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such message.




Ship station licence


No …………………………………………. .


Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: N4 per station


Fee on Issue: N4 per station


  1. Licensee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 10, II, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24

and 29 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)


For the purposes of the Conditions:

  1. The ship station is licensed for the purpose of:-


(i)     sending by wireless telegraphy messages to coast stations, ship stations and aircraft stations;

(ii)    receiving by wireless telegraphy messages sent from coast stations, ship stations, aircraft stations, special service stations and radio-navigation stations, for general reception by ship stations or for reception by the ship station, and messages (including programmes not including visual images sent by television) sent by authorised broad- casting stations;


(iii)    in emergency only sending and receiving messages to and from any other station for wireless telegraphy with which it is desirable for safety of life reasons that the ship should communicate.


  1. When used for sending, the ship station shall be used only with emissions which are of the classes specified in the Schedule, and are on the frequencies specified in the Schedule in relation to these respective classes of emission, and with a power not exceeding that specified m the Schedule in relation to the class of emission and frequency in use at the time.
  2. While the ship is within, or within one mile of any port, harbour, or dock or any anchorage in the territorial waters of any country, the ship station shall not be used (except in emergency) for the purpose of sending or receiving messages directly to or from any ship station.
  3. No message (other than a distress message) shall be sent to a ship station for onward transmission to any other station for wireless telegraphy, except a coast station or another ship station.
  4. No message which is grossly offensive or of an indecent or obscene character shall be sent.


  1. The ship station, other than the radio-navigation apparatus, shall be operated only by persons authorised by the licensee in that behalf and possessing the written authority of the Director- General to fill the position of operator of a ship’s station for wireless telegraphy of the type of the ship station.


For the purposes of the Conditions:

  1. The ship station is licensed-


(i)     to establish sending and receiving stations for wireless telegraphy in the lifeboats and other survival-craft associated with, and normally carried by the ship; and

(ii)    to use the lifeboat stations in an emergency for sending and receiving by wireless telegraphy such messages as the circumstances may require, and at other times for testing the working of the apparatus comprised in such stations on or in the vicinity of the ship.


  1. When used for sending, the lifeboat stations shall be used only with emissions which are of the classes specified in the Schedule in relation to those respective classes of emission, and with a power not exceeding that specified in the Schedule in relation to the class of emission and frequency in use at the time.
  2. The lifeboat stations shall be operated only by persons authorised by the licensee in that be- half and possessing the written authority of the Director-General to fill the position of operator in a lifeboat station for wireless telegraphy of the type of the lifeboat station.
  3. Provided that nothing in paragraphs (1-3) above shall prevent the use or operation of the lifeboat stations in distress in whatever manner may be necessary for the purpose of attracting attention, making known their position and obtaining help.



Ship Station Condition


Classes of emission Frequency (kilocycles) Mean Radio Frequency Power (unmodulated conditions) Remarks


For the purposes of the Conditions:

  1. The ship station is licensed-

(i)     to establish a ship’s radar sending and receiving station for wireless telegraphy in the ship; and

(ii)    to use the radar station for sending and receiving signals (not being messages having verbal significance) for the purpose of the determination of the position, bearing or distance, or for the gaining of information as to the presence, absence, position or motion or any object or of any objects of any class.

  1. The radar station shall be used only with pulse type emissions and on the frequencies specified in the Schedule hereto.
  2. The radar station shall be operated only by persons authorised by the licensee in that behalf.
  3. The radar station shall be used only in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Director-General, Ministry of Transport and Aviation made by or under any regulations under the Merchant Shipping Act from time to time in force.


(a)    The licensee shall render to the Director-General such accounts as the Director-General shall direct in respect of all charges due or payable under the Telecommunications Convention in respect of messages exchanged between the ship station and any stations, and shall pay to the Director-General at such times and in such manner as the Director-General shall direct all sums which shall be due from the licensee for such messages. A certificated statement of any such sums signed on behalf of the Director-General by an officer of the Ministry of Communications authorised in that behalf, shall for all purposes (including the purposes of any proceedings by or against the Federal Government) be sufficient evidence, unless the contrary is proved, of the facts stated therein.

(b)    This licence, the International Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations, the Ministry of Communications Handbook for wireless operators and such other documents as the Director-General may prescribe as necessary for carrying on board the ship in the wire- less room, and a copy of sections 10 and 11 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, shall be exhibited in the wireless room. The licence shall be available for inspection when required by any person acting in the course of his duty on behalf of the Director-General or the Director- General, Ministry of Transport and Aviation and by competent authorities of the countries where the ship calls.

(c)    The call sign of the ship station referred to above shall be used whenever it is necessary to identify the ship station. Such call sign followed by two digits (other than 0 or 1) shall be used to identify any of the lifeboat stations. A different combination of digits shall be used in respect of each lifeboat station.

(d)    The Director-General should be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee, or of any change in the stations comprised in this licence. Except as provided below, correspondence about this licence should be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Division, Transmission and Radio Group, Lagos.


Lifeboat Station Conditions


Call Sign…………………………………………………………………

Classes of emission Frequency (kilocycles) Mean Radio Frequency Power (unmodulated conditions) Remarks


For the purpose of the Conditions:

  1. The ship station is licensed-

(i)     to establish a ship’s radar sending and receiving station for wireless telegraphy in the ship; and

(ii)    to use the radar station for sending and receiving signals (not being messages having verbal significance) for the purpose of the determination of the position, bearing or distance, or for the gaining of information as to the presence, absence, position or motion or any object or of any objects of any class.

  1. When used for sending, the lifeboat stations shall be used only with emissions which are of the classes specified in the Schedule in relation to those respective classes of emission, and with a power not exceeding that specified in the Schedule in relation to the class of emission and frequency in use at the time.
  2. The lifeboat stations shall be operated only by persons authorised by the licensee in that be- half and possessing the written authority of the Director-General to fill the position of operator in a lifeboat station for wireless telegraphy of the type of the lifeboat station.
  3. Provided that nothing in paragraphs (1-3) above shall prevent the use or operation of the lifeboat stations in distress in whatever manner may be necessary for the purpose of attracting attention, making known their position and obtaining help.


Radar Station Conditions


Classes of emission Frequency (megacycles) Pulse characteristics (Pulse Repetition Frequency or Pulse Duration or Pulse Rise) Remarks


For the purposes of the Conditions:

  1. The ship station is licensed-

(i)     to establish a ship’s radar sending and receiving station for wireless telegraphy in the ship; and

(ii)    to use the radar station for sending and receiving signals (not being messages having verbal significance) for the purpose of the determination of the position, bearing or distance, or for the gaining of information as to the presence, absence, position or motion or any object or of any objects of any class.

  1. The radar station shall be used only with pulse type emissions and on the frequencies specified in the Schedule hereto.
  2. The radar station shall be operated only by persons authorised by the licensee in that behalf.
  3. The radar station shall be used only in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Director-General, Ministry of Transport and Aviation made by or under any regulations under the Merchant Shipping Act (Cap. M11) from time to time in force.


(a)    The licensee shall render to the Director-General such accounts as the Director-General shall direct in respect of all charges due or payable under the Telecommunications Convention in respect of messages exchanged between the ship station and any stations, and shall pay to the Director-General at such times and in such manner as the Director-General shall direct all sums which shall be due from the licensee for such messages. A certificated statement of any such sums signed on behalf of the Director-General by an officer of the Ministry of Communications authorised in that behalf, shall for all purposes (including the purposes of any proceedings by or against the Federal Government) be sufficient evidence, unless the contrary is proved, of the facts stated therein.

(b)    This licence, the International Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations, the Ministry of Communications Handbook for Wireless Operators and such other documents as the Director-General may prescribe as necessary for carrying on board the ship in the wireless room, and a copy of sections 10 and 11 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, shall be exhibited in the wireless room. The licence shall be available for inspection when required by any person acting in the course of his duty on behalf of the Director-General or the Director- General, Ministry of Transport and Aviation and by competent authorities of the countries were the ship calls.

(c)    The call sign of the ship station referred to above shall be used whenever it is necessary to identify the ship station. Such call sign followed by two digits (other than 0 or 1) shall be used to identify any of the lifeboat stations. A different combination of digits shall be used in respect of each lifeboat station.

(d)    The Director-General should be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee, or of any change in the stations comprised in this licence. Except as provided below, correspondence about this licence should be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications; Department, International Relations Di vision, Lagos.

(e)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller, Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Accounts Branch, Lagos.

(f)     Details of requirements as to operators’ qualifications, the precise frequencies to be used for communicating with coast stations or other ship stations or aircraft stations, the inspection of the wireless apparatus comprised in the stations, etc., are contained in the Ministry of Communications’ Handbook for Wireless Operators, and in “Notices to Ship Wireless Stations” issued by the Director-General.

(g)    The licence does not authorise the doing of any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in the matter sent or received.

(h)    The licence does not authorise the transmission of music.

(i)     The sending and receipt in emergency of messages to and from stations other than those stated in the licence is prohibited.

(j)     The expression “wireless telegraphy” used in this licence has the meaning assigned to it in the Wireless Telegraphy Acts and includes, inter alia, radiotelephony.

(k)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender prosecuted.

(l)     If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised hy this licence, is received by means of the said stations, neither the licensee nor any person using the said stations should make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt, to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied, or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such message.




Police, ambulance, humanitarian and fire service licence

No ………………………………………. .

Date ………………………………… .

Renewal: N4 per station Fee on Issue: N4 per station

  1. Licensee: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.

  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 19 and 24 …………… .


……………………………………………… Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General


(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)


  Call sign



Frequency and Maximum


Frequency Tolerance

(See “A” below)



Part 1  – Base Stations


Part 2 – Mobile Stations




For the purposes of the Conditions:

  1. “Frequency tolerance” has the meaning assigned to it in the Telecommunications Convention.
  2. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December, 1959, and the Radio Regulations in force thereunder, and includes any Convention and Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.




(a)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller, Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Lagos.


(b)    If a base station is situated within half a mile of the boundary of any aerodrome, the height of the aerial or any mast supporting it must not exceed fifty feet above the ground level. Any aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown onto any overhead power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.


(c)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted under these Regulations. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.


(d)    If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by the licence, is received by means of the stations, neither the licensee nor any person using the stations should make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt, to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent le- gal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied, or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such message.

(e)    It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to send by wireless telegraphy certain misleading messages.





Private fixed (high frequency) station licence


No ………………………………………… .


Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: N400 per station


Fee on Issue: N 400 per station


  1. Licensee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20 and 21 …..




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)









Call sign







Frequency and Maximum


Frequency Tolerance

(para “O” applies)



Bandwidth of Emission


(Para “O” applies)




Maximum  Effective Radiated power



(para “A” and “B” apply)


Aerial characteristics


(para “A” and “B” apply)




Fixed Station 1


Fixed Station 2


Fixed Station 3

Fixed Station 4

Fixed Station 5

Fixed Station 6








Issued 20


For the purposes of the Conditions:


  1. Effective Radiated Power (ERP) is the mean radio-frequency power multiplied by the gain of the antenna in the horizontal plane.


The mean radio frequency power (Pm), shall be taken as the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of 111 0 second during which the mean power is greatest shall be selected normally.


  1. Prn, ERP shall be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Director-General.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. “Bandwidth” and “frequency tolerance” have meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  4. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December 1959, and the Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations in force thereunder, and includes any Convention and Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.



(a)    The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in any of the stations comprised in the licence. (Prior authority is needed before any of the stations is established in any vehicle, ship, aircraft or place other than as specified in the Schedule to this licence). Except as provided below, correspondence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.

(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller of Finance and Accounts, Posts and Telecommunications Headquarters, Lagos.


(c)    If power for the working of any base station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection should be made between the supply mains and the aerial.


(d)    If the base station is situated within half a mile of the boundary of any aerodrome, the height of the aerial or any mast supporting it must not exceed fifty feet above the ground level. An aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting wires) or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.


(e)    Other stations may have assigned to them the frequency channels assigned to the stations referred to in the licence. The licensee shall avoid, so far as possible, interfering with the working of other stations. If such interference is caused deliberately, the offender may be liable to prosecution under section 16 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act.


(f)     The connection of any of the stations with the public telephone exchange system shall not be permitted.


(g)    Unless this licence expressly so provides, it does not authorise the relaying of messages received at any station to any other premises or place, or the communicating of such messages to the public, e.g., by loudspeaker.


(h)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.


(i)     If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence, is received by means of the stations, neither the licensee nor any person using the stations shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised, or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any in- formation as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such messages.


(j)     It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to send by wireless telegraphy certain misleading messages.


(k)    This licence does not absolve the licensee from obtaining any necessary consent before entering on private property with any apparatus.


(l)     The Director-General regards himself as free to publish at his discretion the licensee’s name and address, and the frequencies allotted for his service, unless the licensee specifically asks that this should not be done.


(m)   Every message sent from any of the stations shall start with an announcement of the call sign of the called and calling stations. The call sign of the calling stations shall be repeated at the end of every period of sending provided that no call sign need be announced more than once in any period of one minute. The stations shall be called and identified only by their authorised call signs which are specified in the Schedule hereto.






Private fixed (very high frequency) station licence


No …………………………………………. .


Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: N300 per station


Fee on Issue: N300 per station


  1. Licensee: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20 and 21 ….




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)




Private fixed (very high frequency) band station licence

The conditions


Region ………………………………………..         Area ………………………………………………………………..


Names and Address of Licensee ………………………………   Category ………………………………………………………….









Call sign







Frequency and Maximum


Frequency Tolerance

(para “O” applies)



Bandwidth of Emission


(Para “O” applies)




Maximum  Effective Radiated power



(para “A” and “B” apply)


Aerial characteristics


(para “A” and “B” apply)




Fixed Station 1


Fixed Station 2


Fixed Station 3

Fixed Station 4

Fixed Station 5

Fixed Station 6








Issued 20


For the purposes of the Conditions:

  1. Effective Radiated Power (ERP) is the mean radio-frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in a horizontal plane.

The mean radio frequency power (Pm), shall be taken as the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of 1/10 second during which the mean power is greatest will be selected normally.

  1. Pm, ERP shall be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Director-General.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. “Bandwidth” and “frequency tolerance” have meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  4. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December 1959, and the Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations in force thereunder, and includes any Convention and Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.


(a)    The Director-General should be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in any of the stations comprised in the licence. (Prior authority is needed before any of the stations is established in any vehicle, ship, aircraft or place other than as specified in the Schedule to this licence). Except as provided below, correspondence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.

(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller of Finance and Accounts, Posts and Telecommunications Headquarters, Lagos.

(c)    If power for the working of any base station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection should be made between the supply mains and the aerial.

(d)    If the base station is situated within half a mile of the boundary of any aerodrome, the height of the aerial or any mast supporting it must not exceed fifty feet above the ground level. An aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting wires) or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.

(e)    Other stations may have assigned to them the frequency channels assigned to the stations referred to in the licence. The licensee should avoid, so far as possible, interfering with the working of other stations. If such interference is caused deliberately, the offender may be li- able to prosecution under section 16 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act.

(f)     The connection of any of the stations with the public telephone exchange system shall not be permitted.

(g)    Unless this licence expressly so provides, it does not authorise the relaying of messages received at any station to any other premises or place, or the communicating of such messages to the public, e.g., by loudspeaker.


(h)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Technology Act, it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.


(i)     If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence, is received by means of the stations, neither the licensee nor any person using the stations should make known the contents of any such message, its’ origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised, or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such messages.


(j)     It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to send by wireless telegraphy certain misleading messages.


(k)    This licence does not absolve the licensee from obtaining any necessary consent before entering on private property with any apparatus.


(l)     The Director-General regards himself as free to publish at his discretion the licensee’s name and address, and the frequencies allotted for his service, unless the licensee specifically asks that this should not be done.


(m)   Every message sent from any of the stations shall start with an announcement of the call sign of the called and calling stations. The call sign of the calling stations shall be repeated at the end of every period of sending provided that no call sign need be announced more than once in any period of one minute. The stations shall be called and identified only by their authorised call signs which are specified in the Schedule hereto.


Private mobile (high frequency) station licence

No ………………………………………. .


Date …………………………………. .

Renewal: N100 per station Fee on Issue: N I 00 per station

  1. Licensee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.

  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 10, 11, 15, 19 and 21 …. .




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(All officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)





Private mobile (high frequency) station licence

The conditions


Region ………………………………………..         Area ………………………………………………………………..


Names and Address of Licensee ………………………………   Category ………………………………………………………….










Call sign








Frequency and Maximum


Frequency Tolerance

(para “O” applies)




Bandwidth of Emission


(Para “O” applies)





Class of Emission



(para “C” applies)





Maximum  Effective Radiated power



(para “A” and “B” apply)



Aerial characteristics


(para “A” and “B” apply)





Part 1


Base Station


Part 2

Mobile station




For the purpose of the Conditions:


  1. Effective Radiated Power (ERP) is the mean radio-frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane.


The mean radio frequency power (Pm), will be taken as the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of 1/10 second during which the mean power is greatest will be selected normally.


  1. Prn, ERP will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Director-General.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. “Bandwidth” and “frequency tolerance” have meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  4. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21 st December 1959, and the Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.




(a)    The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in any of the stations comprised in the licence. (Prior authority is needed before any of the stations is established in any vehicle, ship, aircraft or place other than as specified in the Schedule to this licence). Except as provided below, correspondence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.


(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller of Finance and Accounts, Posts and Telecommunications Headquarters, Lagos.


(c)    If power for the working of any base station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection should be made between the supply mains and the aerial.

(d)    If the base station is situated within half a mile of the boundary of any aerodrome, the height of the aerial or any mast supporting it must not exceed fifty feet above the ground level. An aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting wires) or power apparatus must be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.


(e)    Other stations may have assigned to them the frequency channels assigned to the stations referred to in the licence. The licensee should avoid, so far as possible, interfering with the working of other stations. If such interference is caused deliberately, the offender may be liable to prosecution under section 16 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act.


(f)     The connection of any of the stations with the public telephone exchange system shall not be permitted.


(g)    Unless this licence expressly so provides, it does not authorise the relaying or messages received at any station to any other premises or place, or the communicating of such messages to the public, e.g., by loudspeaker.


(h)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.


(i)     If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence, is received by means of the stations, neither the licensee nor any person using the stations shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent le- gal tribunal, and should not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised, or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such message.


(j)     It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to send by wireless telegraphy  certain misleading messages.


(k)    This licence does not absolve the licensee from obtaining any necessary consent before entering on private property with any apparatus.


(l)     The Director-General regards himself as free to publish at his discretion the licensee’s name and address, and the frequencies allotted for his service, unless the licensee specifically asks that this should not be done.






Private mobile (very high frequency) station licence


No …………………………………………. .


Date ………………………………… .

Renewal: N 100 per station

Fee on Issue: N I 00 per station


  1. Licensee: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 10, 15, 19 and 21



………….……………………………………………. ..

Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General


…………..……………………………………………. ..

(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)


Private mobile (very high frequency) station licence

The conditions

Region ………………………………………………………  Area…………………………………………………………


Names and Address of Licensee …………………………………………………..         Category ……………………..









Call sign








Frequency and Maximum


Frequency Tolerance

(para “D” applies)




Bandwidth of Emission


(Para “D” applies)





Class of Emission



(para “C” applies)





Maximum  Effective Radiated power



(para “A” and “B” apply)



Aerial characteristics


(para “A” and “B” apply)





Part 1


Base Station


Part 2

Mobile station




For the purposes of the Conditions:

  1. Effective Radiated Power (ERP) is the mean radio-frequency power multiplied by the gain of the aerial in the horizontal plane.


The mean radio frequency power (Pm), will be taken as the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered m the modulation. A time of 1/ 10 second during which the mean power is greatest will be selected normally.


  1. Pm, ERP will be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Director-General.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. “Bandwidth” and “frequency tolerance” have meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  4. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December 1959, and the Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.



(a)    The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in any of the stations comprised in the licence. (Prior authority is needed before any of the stations is established in any vehicle, ship, aircraft or place other than as specified in the Schedule to this licence). Except as provided below, correspondence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.

(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller of Finance and Accounts, Posts and Telecommunications Headquarters, Lagos.


(c)    If power for the working of any base station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.


(d)    If the base station is situated within half a mile of the boundary of any aerodrome, the height of the aerial or any mast supporting it must not exceed fifty feet above the ground level. An aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting wires) or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.





Training establishment licence


No ………………………………………. .


Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: N2 per station


Fee on Issue: N 2 per station


  1. Licensee: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 10, 11,14, 15, 19,20,21

and 24 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communication

Training establishment licence

 The conditions

Frequency and Maximum



Frequency Tolerance

(See “A” below)





Bandwidth of Emission


(See “B” below)







Class of Emission



(See “B” below)






Pulse characteristics (pulse repetition frequency or pulse duration or pulse rise time)


(See C below)




Maximum  radiated power (mean radio frequency or peak radio frequency power or effective radiated power)


(See “D” and “E” below)


Aerial characteristics


(See E below)







Other station with which the Licensee may establish communication on the frequency shown










For the purposes of the Conditions:

  1. “Bandwidth” and “frequency tolerance” have the meanings assigned to them in the Tele- communications Convention.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is the reciprocal of the interval separating corresponding points (e.g., 50 per cent of the peak amplitude) of successive pulses.

Pulse duration of any specific pulse is the interval between the first and the last instants at which the instantaneous amplitude reaches 50 per cent of the peak amplitude.

Pulse rise time is the time taken during any specific pulse for the amplitude to increase from 10 per cent to 90 per cent of the peak amplitude.

  1. Effective Radiated Power (ERP) is the mean radio frequency power multiplied by the gain of the antenna in the horizontal plane.

Mean radio frequency power Pm shall be taken as the power supplied to the antenna trans- mission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of 1/10 second during which the mean power is greatest will be selected normally.

Peak Radio Frequency Power (RFPP) is the average power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during one radio frequency cycle at the highest crest of modulation envelope, taken under conditions of normal operation.

  1. RFPP, RFPm and the aerial characteristics shall be assessed either by measurements, or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Permanent Secretary.


(a)    The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in any of the stations comprised in the licence. Except as provided below, correspondence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.

(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller, Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Accounts Branch, Lagos.

(c)    If power for the working of the station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.

(d)    If the station is situated within half a mile of the boundary of any aerodrome, the height of the aerial or any mast supporting it must not exceed fifty feet above the ground level. An aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting wires) or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power wire or power apparatus concerned.

(e)    This licence shall not authorise the licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in the matter sent or received.

(f)     This licence shall not authorise the use of the station for advertising or propaganda purposes, or for the sending or reception of messages for the purpose of conveying news or any other information not directly related to the purpose of the testing of the wireless telegraphy apparatus.

(g)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.

(h)    If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence, is received by means of the station, neither the licensee nor any person using the station shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt, to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied, or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised or, (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such message.

(i)     It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act to send by wireless telegraphy certain misleading messages.

(j)     For Training in Wireless Telegraphy Station:

(i)     The station shall be used for the purpose of–

(a)    sending messages intended solely for reception within the room in which the station is situated;

(b)    receiving such messages;

(c)    receiving messages sent for general reception from authorised broadcasting stations; and

(d)    receiving signals sent from radio-determination stations and messages consisting of navigational warnings, gale warnings, and weather reports sent from coast stations and aeronautical ground *stations, for reception by ship stations and aircraft stations respectively.

(ii)    The station shall be used for the purpose of instructing pupils in the theory and practice of wireless telegraphy.

(iii)    The station shall be operated only by or in the presence of responsible instructors who are qualified to use the apparatus comprised in the station in accordance with the licence and no person who is not authorised by the licensee in that behalf shall operate the station.

(iv)   The station shall be used only under suppressed radiation conditions, that is to say, in such a way that no electro-magnetic energy capable of reception by any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy situated outside the curtilage of the premises in which the station is situated shall avoidably be emitted from the station.

(k)    For Training in Radar Station:

(i)     The radar station shall be used for sending and receiving signals (not being messages having a verbal significance) for the purposes of the determination of position, bearing or distance or for the gaining of information as to the presence, absence, position or motion of any object or of any objects of any class.

(ii)    The radar station shall be used only for the purposes of instructing pupils in the theory and use of radar equipment.

(iii)    The radar station shall be used only with pulse type emissions which shall be confined within the frequency bands specified in the Schedule.

(iv)   The radar station shall be operated only by or in the presence of instructors authorised by the licensee, and no person who is not authorised by the licensee in that behalf shall operate the radar station.

(v)    A record shall be kept in a book of any approved type (not loose-leaf) of all use of radar stations showing the date and time of each period of use and the frequency and class of emission employed. No gaps shall be left between entries in the record. The re- cord shall be initialled by the instructor at the end of each period of instruction during which the radar station is used.

“Aeronautical ground stations for reception by ship stations and aircraft stations respectively.


Induction communication licence

The conditions


  Frequency Band




Classes of Emission


(See “A” below)

Maximum Radiated Field
Fixed Station (1)








  A1, A2, A3, F1,F2, F3
The radiated field at 100 yards from the radiating system shall not exceed 20 mY/m.





Induction/paging (v.h. f) communication licence


No ………………………………………. .


Date ………………………………… .

Renewal: ………………………………………….. .

Fee on Issue: …………………………………….. .


  1. Licensee: ………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………….

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20 and 21………………




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications)


  Frequency Band




Classes of Emission


(See “A” below)

Maximum Radiated Field
Fixed Station (1)



Mobile Station  (2)








  A1, A2, A3, F1,F2, F3
The radiated field at 100 yards from the radiating system shall not exceed 20 mY/m.


For the purposes of the Conditions:


  1. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunications Convention.
  2. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December 1959 and the Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations in force thereunder, and includes any Convention and Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.



(a)    The stations shall be used only within the frequency bands and with emissions of the classes and with the maximum radiated field, which are respectively specified in the Schedule hereto.


(b)    The stations shall be operated only by persons authorised by the licensee in that behalf and the licensee shall ensure that such persons observe the conditions of the licence at all times.



Amateur (sound) licence


No ………………………………………… .


Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: N6 per station


Fee on Issue: N6 per station


  1. Licensee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 25,

32, 33 and 34 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)




Call Sign ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

  1. The licensee is licensed to-

(a)    establish an amateur sound sending and receiving station for wireless telegraphy (hereinafter called “the station”) at-

(i)     (hereinafter called “the main address”); or

(ii)    any premises or location in Nigeria (hereinafter called “the temporary alternative ad- dress or location”) for separate periods none of which shall exceed four consecutive weeks; or

(iii)    any premises in Nigeria (hereinafter called “alternative address”):

Provided that the Director-General is notified in writing in advance by the licensee of the address at which the station is to be established

(b)    to use the station for the purpose of sending to, and receiving from, other amateur stations as part of self-training of the licensee in communication by wireless telegraphy;

(i)     messages in plain language which are remarks about matters of a personal nature in which the licensee or the person with whom he is in communication has been directly concerned;

(ii)    signals (not being in secret code or cypher) which form part of, or relate to, the trans- mission of such messages.

(c)    to use the station, as part of self-training of the licensee in communication by wireless telegraphy during disaster relief operations conducted by the Nigerian Red Cross Society, or any police force in Nigeria, or during any exercise relating to such operations, for the purpose of sending to other amateur stations such messages as the licensee may be requested by the said society or such police force to send, and receiving from any other amateur station such messages as the person licensed to use such other amateur station may be requested by the said Society or such police force to send.

  1. This licence is subject to the following limitations-

(a)    The station shall be used only with emissions which are of the classes specified in clause 3 of the Schedule hereto and are within the frequency bands specified in clause 3 of the Schedule in relation to those respective classes of emission, and with a power not exceeding that specified in clause 3 of the Schedule hereto in relation to the class of emission and frequency band in use at the time.

(b)    The station shall be operated only- (i) by the licensee personally; or

(ii)    in the presence of and under the direct supervision of the licensee by any other person who holds a valid amateur licence or who holds an amateur radio certificate issued or approved by the Director-General.

(c)    Messages shall not be broadcast to amateur stations in general, but shall be sent only to amateur stations with which communication is established separately and singly, or

(d)    No amateur licence shall be deemed 10 authorise the use of the station for business, advertisement, propaganda purposes, subversive activity, or (except as provided in clause I (c) herein) for sending of news or messages of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit or information of, any social, political, religious or commercial organisation, or anyone other than the licensee or the person with whom he is in communication.

Frequency Bands


(in Mc/s)

Classes of Emission


(see “A” below)

Maximum D.C


Output Power

(see “B” below)

*1.8 2
A1, A2, A3, A3a



F1, F2 and F3

10 watts
*3.5    –       3.8


7      –       7.10

14      –     14.35

21      –      21.45

28      –       30

A1, A2, A3, A3a



F1, F2 and F3


150 watts
*144 144.5
A1, A2, A3 and A3a 150 watts
*144.5 145.5
A1, A2, A3, A3a



F1, F2 and F3

145.5 146
A1 , A2, A3 and A3a
*430  –                 440  
*1,215  –              1,300  
2,300 2,450
5,650 5,850
*10,000 10,500
A1, A2, A3, A3a



F1, F2 and F3

*2,350    –    2,400



P1, P2d, P2e P3d and P3e



25 watts mean power and 2.5 kilowatts peak power



*these bands are shared by other services.

  1. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  2. D.C. input power is the total direct current power input to the anode circuit of the valve(s) energising the aerial.


(a)    The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee.

Except as provided below, correspondence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.

(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payments to the Director-General required under this licence shall be sent to the Controller, Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Lagos. It is unnecessary to send the licence when making remittances.

(c)    If the station is situated within half a mile of the boundary of any aerodrome, the height of the aerial or any mast supporting it must not exceed fifty feet above the ground level. An aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting wires) or power apparatus shall be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power apparatus concerned.

(d)    This licence shall not authorise the licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in the matter received.

(e)    For the reception of broadcast programmes a separate broadcast receiving licence is necessary.

(f)     If power for the working of the station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply mains and the aerial.

(g)    Demands for closing down (see clause II) can be expected to be received, inter alia, in connection with national emergencies or when interference is being caused to Government wireless stations or other important services.

(h)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy except under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.

(i)     If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence, is received by means of the station, neither the licensee nor any person using the station should make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent le- gal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make any use of any such message, or allow it to be reproduced in writing, copied or made use of. It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Telegraph Act, deliberately to receive messages the receipt of which is unauthorised or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, sender or addressee of any such message.

(j)     It is an offence under section 10 or the Wireless Telegraphy Act to send by wireless telegraphy certain misleading messages.

(k)    The Director-General regards himself as free to publish the licensee’s name and address at his discretion unless he specifically asks that this should not be done.


(l)     The expression “wireless telegraphy” used in this Licence has the meaning assigned to it in the Wireless Telegraphy Act, and includes, inter alia, radio-telephony.








Amateur (sound mobile) licence


No …………………………………………. .


Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: N 10 per station


Fee on Issue: N 10 per station


  1. Licensee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 25,

32, 33 and 34 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)




Call Sign

  1. The licence is supplemental to an amateur (Sound) licence (hereinafter called “the main licence”).
  2. The licensee is licensed to-

(a)    establish an amateur sending and receiving station for wireless telegraphy (hereinafter called “the station”) in any vehicle or vessel; and

(b)    use the station for the purposes referred to in the main licence.

  1. The terms, provisions and the limitations contained in the main licence shall apply to this licence as if they were incorporated herein:


Provided that:

(a)    clause 1 (a) of the main licence shall not apply to this licence;

(b)    clause 6 of the Schedule hereto shall apply instead of clause 3 or the Schedule to the main licence.

  1. The station shall not be established or used on the sea or within any estuary, dock or harbour.

5.1    The call sign as contained in clause 6 hereto shall be used when the station is operated. No abbreviated form of the call sign shall be used.

5.2    Particulars of the location of the station shall be sent at the beginning and the end of establishment of communication with each separate area station or at intervals of half an hour, whichever is more frequent.


Conditions of Frequency, Emissions and Power.


Frequency Bands


(in Mc/s)

Classes of Emission


(see “A” below)

Maximum D.C


Output Power

(see “B” below)

*1.8 2
A1, A2, A3, A3a



F1, F2 and F3

10 watts
*3.5    –       3.8


7      –       7.10

14      –     14.35

21      –      21.45

28      –       30

A1, A2, A3, A3a



F1, F2 and F3


150 watts
*144 144.5
A1, A2, A3 and A3a 150 watts
*144.5 145.5
A1, A2, A3, A3a



F1, F2 and F3

145.5 146
A1 , A2, A3 and A3a
*430  –                 440  
*1,215  –              1,300  
2,300 2,450
5,650 5,850
*10,000 10,500
A1, A2, A3, A3a



F1, F2 and F3

*2,350    –    2,400


5,700    –    5,800

10,000    –   10,450

P1, P2d, P2e P3d and P3e



25 watts mean power and 2.5 kilowatts peak power


*These bands are shared by other services.






Amateur (television) licence



No ………………………………………… .


Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: N20 per station

Fee on Issue: N20 per station


  1. Licensee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

is hereby licensed in accordance with particulars on the attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 14, IS, 19, 20, 21, 25

and 32 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)





  1. (1) The licensee is licensed to-

(a)    establish an amateur television sending and receiving station for wireless telegraphy (hereinafter called “the station”) at ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. and

(b)    use the station for the purpose of –

(i)     sending to and receiving from other amateur television stations with which communication is separately and singly established, as part of the self-training of the licensee in communication by wireless telegraphy, visual images for the purpose of investigation in wireless telegraphy of the licensee or the person with whom he is in communication;

(ii)    sending by radio telephony or morse telegraphy messages relating solely to the matter connected with the sending and receiving of the said visual images;

(iii)    sending the call sign of the station by radio telephony or by morse telegraphy; and (iv) receiving messages from other amateur stations.

(2)    No amateur licence shall be deemed to authorise the use of the station for business, advertisement, propaganda purposes, subversive activity, for sending of news or messages of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of information of, any social, political, religious or commercial organisation, or anyone other than the licensee or the person with whom he is in communication.

Call Sign ………………………………………….. .


Frequency Band


(in Mc/s)

Class of Emission


(See “A” below)

Maximum D.C input


Power in watts

(See “B” below)

*425  – 455


1,225  – 1,290

2,300  – 2,450

5,650  – 5,850

10,000  –  10,500

A1, A2, A3, A5


F1, F2, F3 or F5



For the purposes a/the Conditions:

  1. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission have the meanings assigned to them in the Telecommunications Convention.
  2. D.C. input power is the total direct current power input to the anode circuit of the valve(s) energising the aerial in the fully modulated condition, e.g., peak white in an amplitude modulated positive modulation system, and peak black in an amplitude modulated negative modulation system.



(a)    The Director-General shall be notified promptly of any change in the address of the licensee, or of any proposed change in the station comprised in this licence. The licence does not authorise the establishment of the station at any address other than the one specified in the licence. Except as provided below, correspondence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.


(b)    Remittance and correspondence about payment to the Director-General, required under this licence, shall be sent to the Controller of Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, P. & T. Department, Accounts Branch, Lagos. It is unnecessary to send the licence when making remittances.


(c)    If the station is situated within half a mile of the boundary of any aerodrome, the height of any aerial used or any mast supporting it shall not exceed fifty feet above the ground level. An aerial which crosses above or is liable to fall or to be blown onto any overhead power wire (including electric lighting wires) or power apparatus must be guarded to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner of the power apparatus concerned.


(d)    This licence does not authorise the licensee to do any act which is an infringement of any copyright which may exist in the matter sent or received.


(e)    For the reception of broadcast television or sound programmes a separate broadcasting television or sound receiving licence (as the case may be) is necessary.


(f)     Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the offender being prosecuted.


(g)    If any message, the receipt of which is not authorised by this licence is received by means of the station, neither the licensee nor any person using the station shall make known the contents of any such message, its origin or destination, its existence or the fact of its receipt, to any person except a duly authorised officer of the Federal Government or a competent legal tribunal, and shall not retain any copy or make use of any such message, or allow it to be re- produced in writing, copied, or made use of.


(h)    It is an offence under section 10 of the Wireless Technology Act deliberately to receive mess sages, the receipt of which is unauthorised, or (except in the special circumstances mentioned in that section of the Act) to disclose any information as to the contents, senders, or addressee of any such message.


(i)     The expression “Wireless Telegraphy” used in this licence has the meaning assigned to it in the Wireless Telegraphy Act and includes inter alia television and radio-telephony.


(j)     The station shall be operated only by the licensee personally provided that any device used for converting visual images into electrical signals for the purpose of being sent may be operated under the licensee’s personal supervision by another person.

(k)    The station shall not be used for the sending of any visual image which in the opinion of the Director-General is of an objectional character.


(l)     The station shall not be used for the sending of any image on behalf of any other person.


(m)   Immediately before and immediately after each period of sending, and not less frequently than once every thirty minutes, the call sign shall be sent for identification purposes either by hand-operated morse telegraphy using modulated continuous wave emissions at a speed not greater than twelve words per minute, or telephonically, on the frequency which is to be or which has been used for the sending of visual images.


(n)    A representation in visual form of the call sign shall be sent at the beginning and end of each period of sending visual images produced by scanning methods.




Model control licence


No ………………………………………………. .


Date ………………………………… .


Renewal: N 10 per station


Fee on Issue: N I 0 per station


  1. Licensee: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .


is hereby licensed in accordance with attached conditions.


  1. The special conditions governing the licence are as in regulations 8, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21 and 26….




Director-General or on behalf of the Director-General



(An officer of the Ministry of Communications duly authorised in that behalf)



Frequency Bands Power (watts) (in Mc/s) Class of Emission Maximum Effective Radiated
26.96 27.28

464  –  465

A1, A2, F1, F2


A1, A2, F1, F2




Note: The station shall be established and used only within a radius of five miles of …………… .

For the purpose of the Conditions:

  1. The station shall be operated only-

(i)     by the licensee personally; or

(ii)    in the presence of and under the direct supervision of the licensee, by any other person authorised by him.

  1. Effective Radiated Power (ERP) is the power supplied to the antenna multiplied by the rela- tive gain of the antenna in a given direction.

The mean Radio Frequency Power (Pm) shall be taken as the power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during normal operation, averaged over a time sufficiently long compared with the period of the lowest frequency encountered in the modulation. A time of 1/10 second during which the mean power is greatest shall be selected normally.

  1. Pm, ERP shall be assessed either by measurements or by calculation from the characteristics of the types of apparatus used, at the discretion of the Director-General.
  2. The symbols used to designate the classes of emission, have the meanings assigned to them in the Radio Regulations annexed to or in force under the Telecommunications Convention.
  3. “The Telecommunications Convention” means the International Telecommunications Convention signed at Geneva on the 21st December 1959, and the Radio Regulations and Additional Radio Regulations in force thereunder, and includes any Convention and Regulations which may from time to time be in force in substitution for or in amendment of the said Convention or the said Regulations.



(a)    The Director-General shall be notified of any change in the address of the licensee. Except as provided below, correspondence shall be sent to the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, International Relations Division, Lagos.

(b)    Remittances and correspondence about payment to the Director-General required under this licence, shall be sent to the Controller of Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telecommunications Department, Accounts Branch, Lagos.

(c)    If power for the working of the station is taken from a public electricity supply, no direct connection shall be made between the supply made and the aerial.

(d)    The licensee is advised to check the frequency of the sending apparatus whenever it has been subjected to rough treatment and if the sending apparatus is not crystal-controlled, to check the frequency as shortly before the apparatus is used as is practicable.

(e)    Under section 4 of the Wireless Telegraph Act, it is an offence to use any station or apparatus for wireless telegraphy except under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Direc- tor-General. Breach of this provision may result in this licence being revoked and the of- fender being prosecuted.



Statutory declaration regarding secrecy of wireless communications


No …………………………………………..


I, ……………………………………………………………………………………… .


of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

do solemnly and sincerely declare-


  1. That I will hold strictly secret all wireless telegraphic or telephonic or other communications that may pass through my hands or come to my knowledge in the execution of the wireless telegraphic or telephonic duties entrusted to me.


  1. That I will not directly or indirectly divulge to any person (other than a properly authorised official of the Nigerian Government or a competent legal tribunal), or make any use whatever of any message or information coming to my knowledge by reason of the licensed installation. If employed as an operator at a station licensed to conduct commercial traffic, I will not give any information directly or indirectly respecting such messages or communications except to the persons for whom such messages or communications are intended or to any authorised officials of the Nigerian Government or authorised official of my employer.


  1. That I will not transmit or cause to be transmitted by wireless telegraphy or telephony any message received by me for transmission or delivery or cause to be delivered to any person any messages received by me by wireless telegraphy or telephony, unless the delivery of such message has been approved by the Director-General or by an officer duly authorised by him to approve thereof.


And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act (Cap. 0 I).


Declared at ………………………. this …………………… , day of …………………….. 20 …………………… .

Before me …………………………….. …………………………. …………………………….. ……………………… .


NOTE. – To be signed before a Justice of the Peace or a Commissioner for Oaths. Any person who makes a false statement in the Statutory Declaration is guilty of an offence and is liable to imprisonment. (Sections 162, 164 and 187 of the Criminal Code Act, Cap. C38, also sections 10 and II of the Wireless Telegraphy Act, Cap. W5.)




  1. First Class Radio Operator’s Certificate.
  2. Second Class Radio Operator’s Certificate.
  3. Special Certificate of Competence in Radiotelegraphy.
  4. General Certificate of Competence in Radiotelephony.
  5. Amateur Radio Operator’s Certificate.



Certificate of competence in radiotelegraphy first class


No ………………………………………… .



This is to certify that, under the provisions of the Radio Regulations relating to the International

Telecommunications Convention, Mr ……………………………………………………………………………. has been examined in Radiotelegraphy and has passed in-


(a)    The general principles of electricity and theory of radio.


(b)    The adjustment, maintenance, and practical working of radiotelegraph, radiotelephone and D.F. apparatus, including accessory apparatus used in the ship/aircraft service.

(c)    The taking of radio direction-finding bearings.

(d)    Sending and receiving, in Morse Code, messages in plain language at a speed of not less than 25 words a minute, and in code groups at a speed of not less than twenty groups a minute.

(e)    Sending and receiving spoken messages correctly by telephone.

(f)     Detailed knowledge of the Regulations applying to the exchange of radio-communications, and of that part of the Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea/Air which relates to radio communications.

(g)    Knowledge of the principal maritime/air navigation routes and the most important communication routes of the world.

It is also certified hereby that the holder has made a declaration that he will preserve the secrecy of correspondence.

Signature of Examining Officer ……………………………………….. .

Date …………………………………………………………………………

Signature of holder ……………………………………………..…

Date of birth ……………………………………………….

Place of birth …………………………………………………….







Attach photograph here






Height …………………….. ft …………….inches.

Colour of eyes ……………………… ……………..

Colour of hair ……………………………………….

Complexion …………………………………………..

Any special peculiarity …………………………….




The holder of this certificate is hereby authorised to operate a licensed wireless telegraphy station, as a first-class operator, on board any Nigerian ship/aircraft registered in Nigeria.



Director-General, Ministry of Communications, Lagos


Date ……………………………………………………….. .


This Certificate may be endorsed or withdrawn at the discretion of the Director-General in the case of misconduct or breach of the Wireless Telegraphy Regulations on the part of the holder; and is subject to recall without reason given, at three months’ notice. Unless so withdrawn or recalled, it will continue to be valid as long as the provisions of the Radio Regulations permit.



Certificate of competence in radiotelegraphy second class

No ………………………………………… .

This is to certify that, under the provisions of the Radio Regulations relating to the International Telecommunications Convention, Mr ……………………………………………………………………………. has been examined in Radiotelegraphy and has passed in-

(a)    Elementary theoretical and practical knowledge of electricity and radio.

(b)    The adjustment, maintenance, and practical working of radiotelegraph, radiotelephone, and D.F. apparatus including accessory apparatus used in the Ship/Aircraft Service.

(c)    The taking of radio direction-finding bearings.

(d)    Sending and receiving, in Morse Code, messages in plain language at a speed of not less than twenty words a minute, and in code groups at a speed of not less than sixteen groups a min- ute.

(e)    Sending, and receiving spoken messages correctly by telephone.

(f)     Knowledge of the Regulations applying to the exchange of radio-communications of the documents relative to the charges for radio-communications, and of that part ofthe Conven- tion for the Safety of Life at Seal Air which relates to radio-communication.

(g)    Knowledge of the principal maritime/air navigation routes and the most important telecommunications routes of the world.

It is also certified hereby that the holder has made a declaration that he will preserve the secrecy of correspondence.

Signature of Examining Officer ……………………………………….. .

Date …………………………………………………………………………

Signature of holder ……………………………………………..…

Date of birth ……………………………………………….

Place of birth …………………………………………………….






Attach photograph here






Height …………………….. ft …………….inches.

Colour of eyes ……………………… ……………..

Colour of hair ……………………………………….

Complexion …………………………………………..

Any special peculiarity …………………………….




No. …………………………………………………………………………………………………


The holder of this certificate is hereby authorised to operate a licensed wireless telegraphy station of any type on a Nigerian ship/aircraft as a second-class operator.


Director-General, Ministry of Communications, Lagos

Date ……………………………………………………


This Certificate may be endorsed or withdrawn at the discretion of the Director-General in the case of misconduct or breach of the Wireless Telegraphy Regulations, on the part of the holder; and is subject to recall without reason given, at three months’ notice. Unless so withdrawn or recalled, it will continue to be valid as long as the provisions of the Radio Regulations permit.



Special certificate of competence in radiotelegraphy granted by the Ministry of Communications, Nigeria

No …………………………………………. .

This is to certify that, under the provisions of the Radio Regulations relating to the International Telecommunications Convention, Mr …………………………………………………………………………….has been examined in Radiotelegraphy and possesses the following qualifications-

(a)    Knowledge of the elementary principles of Radiotelegraphy.

(b)    Adequate knowledge of the working and adjustment of the apparatus.

(c)    Knowledge of the Regulations applying to the exchange of radiotelegraphic traffic.

(d)    Ability to transmit and receive in Morse Code, messages in plain language, at a speed of sixteen groups a minute.

The holder’s practical knowledge of adjustment was tested in apparatus of the following type –


It is also certified hereby that the holder has made a declaration that he will preserve the secrecy of correspondence.

Signature of Examining Officer ……………………………………….. .

Date ………………………………………………………… .

The holder of this certificate is therefore authorised to operate wireless telegraph apparatus

as an operator on board a radiotelephony ship station or any ship where radiotelegraphs installation is installed but not prescribed by International Agreement.


Signature of holder ……………………………………………        Date of birth ……………………………………………….

Place of birth …………………………………………………….








Attach photograph here






Height …………………….. ft …………….inches.

Colour of eyes ……………………… ……………..

Colour of hair ……………………………………….

Nationality …………………………………………..

Any special peculiarity …………………………….


This Certificate should be preserved.


This Certificate may be endorsed or withdrawn at the discretion of the Director-General in the case of misconduct or breach of the Wireless Telegraphy Regulations on the part of the holder; and is subject to recall without reason given, at three months’ notice. Unless so withdrawn or recalled, it shall continue to be valid as long as the provisions of the Radio Regulations permit.


General certificate of competence ill radiotelephony


No ………………………………………… .


This is to certify that under the provisions of the Radio Regulations relating to the International

Telecommunications Convention, Mr ……………………………………………………………………………. .

has been examined in Radiotelephony and has passed in-


(a)    Detailed knowledge of the practical operation and adjustment of radiotelephone apparatus. (b) Sending and receiving spoken messages correctly by telephone.


(c)    Detailed knowledge of the Regulations applying to radiotelephone communications and specifically of that part of those Regulations relating to the Safety of Life.


lt is also hereby certified that the holder has made a declaration that he will preserve the secrecy of correspondence.


Signature of Examining Officer ……………………………….. .


Date ……………………………………………… .



The holder of this Certificate is hereby authorised to operate a licensed radiotelephone station on board a Nigerian ship/aircraft equipped with a radiotelephone installation.




Director-General, Ministry of Communications, Lagos








Attach photograph here


Date ……………………………………………………………….


Signature of holder ………………………………………………………………

Date of birth ……………………………………………………..

Place of birth …………………………………………………….




Height …………………….. ft …………….inches.

Colour of eyes ……………………… ……………..

Colour of hair ……………………………………….

Complexion …………………………………………..

Any special peculiarity …………………………….




This Certificate may be endorsed or withdrawn at the discretion of the Director-General in the case of misconduct or breach of the Wireless Telegraphy Regulations on the part of the holder; and is subject to recall without reason given, at three months’ notice. Unless so withdrawn or recalled, it shall continue to be valid as long as the provisions of the Radio Regulations permit.


Amateur radiotelegraphy certificate granted by the Ministry of Communications, Nigeria


No …………………………………………. .


This is to certify that under the provisions of the Radio Regulations relating to the International

Telecommunications Convention, Mr ……………………………………………………………………………. .

has been examined in Radiotelegraphy and possesses the following qualifications-


(a)    Knowledge of the elementary principles of radiotelegraphy.


(b)    Adequate knowledge of the working and adjustment of wireless apparatus.


(c)    Ability to transmit and receive in Morse Code, messages in plain language, at a speed of fifteen words a minute and in Code Group at a speed of ten groups a minute.


(d)    Knowledge of the Regulations applying to the exchange of amateur radiotelegraphic and radiotelephonic traffic.


It is also certified hereby that the holder has made a declaration that he will preserve the secrecy of correspondence.


Signature of Examining Officer ………………………………… .


Date ………………………………………………. .


The holder of this certificate is therefore authorised to operate an amateur wireless telegraph apparatus as an operator.



Date ……………………………….


Director-General or Authorised Officer of the Ministry of Communications, Lagos

Signature of Holder …………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

Date of birth ………………………………………… Place of birth …………………………………………………….







Attach photograph here





Height …………………….. ft …………….inches.

Colour of eyes ……………………… ……………..

Colour of hair ……………………………………….

Nationality …………………………………………..

Any special peculiarity …………………………….



This certificate should be preserved.


This Certificate may be endorsed or withdrawn at the discretion of the Director-General in the case of misconduct or breach of the Wireless Telegraphy Regulations on the part of the holder; and is subject to recall without reason given, at three months’ notice. Unless so withdrawn or recalled, it shall continue to be valid as long as the provisions of the Radio Regulations permit.



Prohibited radio equipment-Portable transceivers


The transceivers consist of a radio transmitter and a receiver encased together as a unit.


Two-way radio communications can be established with two similar units tuned to appropriate frequencies.

The transmitter oscillators of the type of portable transceivers being prohibited, make use of coil and capacitor tuning or pre-selected crystals to operate on one or more channels within the radio frequency band 26.1 to 27.5 Mc/s. This band is popularly known as “The Citizens Band Radio”. The channel frequencies are assigned by various manufacturers without prior approval by Government radio licensing authority in whose territory the transceivers are in- tended to be used.



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