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This Act was enacted to replace the Statistics Act, Cap 446, LFN, 1990, establish the National Statistics System, National Bureau of Statistics and for Related Matters.



I.      Establishment of National Statistical System.

2.     Objectives of the National Statistical System.

3.     Co-ordination of the National Statistical System

4.     Official statistics.

5.     Establishment of the Bureau

6.     Functions of the Bureau.

7.     Establishment of Federal School of Statistics.


8.     Establishment and composition of the Government Board

9.     Tenure of office.

10.    Cessation of Membership

11.    Allowances

12.    Functions of the Board

13.    Appointment of Statistician-General and other staff of the Bureau

14.    Functions of the Statistician-General.

I5.    Delegation of power.

16.    Tenure of office

17.    Suspension or dismissal.

18.    Other staff of the Bureau.


19.    Establishment of National Consultative Committee on Statistics.

20.    Functions and composition of the National Consultative Committee

21.    Meeting of the Committee.


22.    Powers to obtain information.

23.    delegation of responsibilities to Ministries and other public agencies

24.    Code of practice for official statistics.

25.    Conduct of surveys by private institutions.

26.    Confidentiality and disclosure.

27.    Dissemination and access

28.    Offences and penalties.


29.    Funds of the bureau.

30.    Audit of the Bureau’s accounts.


31.    Transfer of Assets and Liabilities.

32.    Acceptance of gifts.

33.    Suit against the Bureau.

34.    Repeal of the 1957 Statistics Act

35.    Power to make Regulations.

36.    Interpretation.

37.    Short title.



An Act to replace the Statistics Act, Cap 446, LFN, 1990, establish the National Statistics System, National Bureau of Statistics and for Related Matters.

(25th Day of may 2007)



1. (1) There is established a National Statistical System )in this Act referred to as “The System”)

(2)    The National Statistics System shall comprise four main elements

(a)    the producers of statistics,  including the National Bureau of Statistics as the  Co-ordinating Agency of the System line Ministries, Public Agencies, State Statistical Agencies and Local Government Statistical Units;

(b)    data user, including key users such as policy and decision makers.

(c)    data suppliers, including establishment and households and

(d)    Research and Training Institutions, including higher education institutions

2.     The objectives of the System shall be to

(a)    raise public awareness about the importance and role of statistical information to society;

(b)    collect process analyses and disseminate quality statistical data-

(c)    promote the use of best practice and international standards in statistical production, management and dissemination;

(d)    promote the use of statistical data and information at individual institutional, local government area, state, National and International  levels, especially for  evidence-based policy design and decision-making and

(e)    build sustainable capacity for the production and use of statistical data and information in the country for planning purposes.

Co-ordination of the National Statistical System.

3.     The System shall be co-ordinated by-

(a)    the Governing Board of the National Bureau of Statistical established under section 5, which shall take policy decision on and monitor co-ordination of the System;

(c)    the National Consultative Committee on Statistics established under section 18 of this Act.

4.     Official Statistics shall be statistics produced by –

(a)    the National Bureau of Statistics ;

(b)    line Ministries and Agencies;

(c)    Public authorities;


5.-(1)        There is established the National Bureau of Statistics (in this Act referred to as “the Bureau”)

(2)    The Bureau shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common sea and may sue and be sued in its corporate name

(3)    The Bureau shall be an autonomous public authority responsible to the presidency.

(4)    In order to protect and enhance the integrity and impartiality of official statistics, the Bureau shall exercise professional independence in the way it collects processes, analyses and reports and disseminates statistical information.

(5)    The proceedings of the Board shall be as set out in the Schedule.

6.-    The Bureau which shall be the main National Agency responsible for the development and management of official statistics, the authoritative source and custodian of official statistics in the country shall

(a)    co-ordinate the National Statistical System

(b)    advise the Federal, State and Local Government on all maters related to Statistical develo0pment;

(c)    collect, compile, analyze, interpret, publish and disseminate statistical information alone or in collaboration with other agencies, both governmental and non-governmental agencies;

(e)    develop and maintain a comprehensive national data bank by encouraging unit of line ministries and agencies develop their senatorial data bank and forward to the bureau.

(f)     provide a focal point of contact with international agencies on statistical matters and

(g)    carry out all other functions relating to statistics as the Federal Government only assign to the Bureau.

7.     There shall be established for the Bureau the Federal School of Statistics.

(1)    The Federal School of Statistics shall-

(a)    enroll Students drawn from the public sector and private sectors especially data suppliers, users and producers;

(b)    award professional and postgraduate diplomas in statistics and related courses in affiliation with an existing university;

(c)    serve as a research center and bilingual school on statistics and related subjects in the West African Sub-region.


8. (1) There is established for the Bureau a Governing Board ( in this Act referred to as “ The Board”)

(2)    the Board shall consist of –

(a)    a chairman to be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Minister responsible for the National Planning Commission subject to confirmation by the Senate;

(b)    the Minister of Finance or his representative;

(c)    The Minister of Agriculture or his representative;

(d)    the Minister of Education or his re representative;

(e)    the Chief Executive Officer of National Planning Commission or his representative;

(f)     the Governor, Central Bank or his representative;

(g)    the Group Managing Director Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation or his representative;

(h)    the President, Manufacture’s Association of Nigeria  or his representative;

(i)     the President, Nigeria Statistics Association;

(j)     five members to be appointed by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to reflect the Federal Character of Nigeria and subject to the approval and confirmation by the senate and

(k)    Statistician-General of National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). Chief Executive Officer, National bureau of Statistics.

(3)    To be eligible for appointment as a member of the Board. The person shall have the requisite qualification and minimum cognate experience of 10 years in

(a )   Statistics;

(b)    Management and Public Administration

(c)    Information Technology.

(d)    Economics or

(e)    Related fields

9—(1)Member of the Board, except the Statistician-General shall hold office for a term of 4 years in the first instance and may be renewed for another term of 4 years and no more.

(2)    The Board shall meet at least once in a quarter for the discharge of its business.

(3)    the quorum for the meetings of the Board shall be two third (2/3) and in all meetings of the board each member present shall have one vote on any question before the Board and in the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

10.    Appointment as a member of the Board shall cease if the person

(a)    serves the appointing authority with a notice in writing of his resignation; or

(b)    is unable to perform the functions of office by reason of infirmity of body or mind or

(c)    Is convicted of a criminal offence with a penalty of three months imprisonment or more or

(d)    conducts himself or herself in a manner deemed by the appointing authority to be inconsistent with the membership of the Board or

(e)    Is in the opinion of other members of the Board not fit to remain a member of the Board.

11.    a member of the Board other than Statistician General shall be entitled to a sitting allowance to be determined by the appropriate authority.

12.    The Board shall-

(a)    ensure the Bureau fulfils its mission and that the profile of the Bureau is commensurate with its role in a national development ;

(h)    advise government on the national statistics policy, procedures, methods and regulations relating to the development of the statistic s sector;

(c)      formulate and monitor the implementation of polices for more effective coordination of the System;

(d)    monitor the technical quality of official statistics and promote adherence to good practice and international recommendation and standards;

(e)    formulate and monitor the implementation  of policies pertaining to the organization and management of the Bureau;

(f)     promote and protect the integrity of official statistics and the professional independence of statistics agencies;

(g)    appoint, promote and discipline senior staff of the Bureau, except the  Statistician-General;

(h)    set guideline for recruitment, discipline and promotion of junior staff;

(i)     provide the President with a Quarterly Progress Report on activities of the Bureau and the entire System;

(j)     review the structure of the Bureau as necessary and

(k)    approve the corporate plans, work plans and budgets of the Bureau


13- (1)There shall be a Statistician-General who shall be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Minister responsible for National Planning commission;

(2)    To be eligible for appointment to the office of Statistician-General, the person shall have the requisite qualification and proven managerial ability.

14.    The Statistician-General shall-

(a)    be the Chief Executive Officer of the Bureau;

(b)    be the Co-ordinator of the System and as such, the Statistician-General shall-

(i)     advise Federal Ministries, Agencies, States and Local Governments on issues relating to their statistical activities;

(ii)    advise on the appropriate methods for collecting and processing national data for statistical purposes and on the timing and form of dissemination  of these statistics;

(iii)    represent Nigeria in international meeting or designate one or more staff from  the National Bureau of Statistics;

(c)    be a full member of and act as the Secretary to the board and any committees which the Board may establish;

(i)     meetings of the Board or any committee and

(ii)    these meetings together with such other officers as he or she may deem fit;

(e)    subject to the direction of the Board be responsible to the Board for the administration and management of funds and property of the Bureau;

(f)     carry out the policies of the Board;

(g)    ensure that the Bureau is at all times positioned for effective and efficient service delivery;

(h)    be responsible for the supervision and discipline of the staff of the Bureau;

(i)     advise stakeholders in the National Statistical System on matters relating to statistics;

(j)     present to the Board for approval annual work programmes, human resource development p0rogramme and any other programmes to develop national statistics;

(k)    present to the Board for approval budgets and audited accounts of the Bureau; and

(l)     perform any other functions and duties as may be assigned by the Board

15.    The Statistician-General may, in writing, delegate to any officer of the Bureau any of his powers and duties under ‘ this Act and in respect of any power or duty so delegated,  a reference to the officer to whom the power or duty is delegated may be made.

16.    The Statistician-General  shall hold office for a term of 5 years in the first instance and may be re-appointed for another term of 5 years and no more .

17.    the President may, on the advice of the Board, suspend or dismiss from office the Statistician-general on the ground of

(a)    gross misconduct;

(b)    incompetence;

(c)    negligence of duty;

(d)    being convicted of a criminal offence with penalty of three month imprisonment or more.

18.-(1) The Board shall appoint other staff of the Bureau as may be necessary for the proper and efficient discharge of the Bureau’s functions including experts and consultants on the advice of the Statistician- General.

(2)    The Bureau shall be removed from the core Civil Service.

(3)    The status of the Bureau shall be in line with the university scheme of service.

(4)    Service in the Bureau other than by members of the Board shall be an approved service for the purpose of Pensions Reform Act and accordingly employees of the Bureau shall in respect of their services be entitled to pensions, gratuities and other retirement benefits enjoyed by persons holding equivalent positions in the universities salary scale.

(5)    The Statistician –General may, in writing appoint any other person as an authorized Officer for the purpose of this Act and may in like manner reverse such appointment in writing as the situation may demand.

(6)    Any person employed in carrying out any of the provisions of this Act shall take an oath of office and secrecy prescribed in the second schedule, before a Magistrate or Commissioner of Oath before commencing the duties relating to the provisions of the Act.


19.    There shall be a National Consultative Committee on Statistics (in this Act referred to as the “Consultative Committee”) appointed by the president as one of the mechanisms for co-ordinating the System;

20. (1) The Consultative Committee shall

(a)    examine the statistical programmes of the various agencies annually (at an appropriate period before the annual budget preparation ) in order to achieve greater co-ordination and avoid unnecessary  duplication of efforts and evolve a national statistical 0rogamme or the approval of the Board of the Bureau;

(b)    examine the Statistics Act and recommend to the Board any necessary changes as the need arises; and

(c)    develop strategies which shall ensure uniform standards and methodologies amongst the various agencies with a view to improving on the quality comparability and timeliness of their statistics output.

(2)    The National Consultative Committee on Statistics shall comprise

(a)    Statistician-General as Chairman;  

(b)    Director of Planning, Research and Statistics Department of relevant Federal Ministries, and Agencies;

(c)    Directors of State’s Statistical Agencies;

(d)    representative of the Central Bank of Nigeria;

(e)    representative of the National Population Commission;

(f)     representative of the Customs Service;

(g)    representative of the Immigration Service ;

(h)    representative of the Nigeria Armed Forces;

(i)     representative of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation.

(j)     representative of Research and Training Institutions;

(k)    two representatives of Organized Private Sector ;and

(l)     two representatives of Civil Society Organization

21.    The Consultative Committee shall

(a)    meet twice a year at a time and place to be determined by the Chairman; and

(h)    except for the Chairman, be entitled to sitting allowance to be determined by the appointing authority.


22. (1) Subject the provision of this Act, the Bureau shall from time to time collect statistics though out the Federation or from any part thereof concerning any other matter set out in the First Schedule of this Act.

(2)    The Statistician-General may for the purpose of this section

(a)    by notice in writing, require a person to furnish in such form and matter and within such time as may be specified in the notice, such periodical or other information, estimates return or particulars relating to any of the matters specified in the First Schedule.

(b)    by interviewing a person, require the person to furnish particulars relating to any of the matters specified in the First Schedule to this Act and

(c)    by notice in writing, require a person to complete a form contained in the notice with particulars relating to any of the matters specified in the First Schedule to this Act and to return it in such manner and within such time as may be specified in the notice.

(3)    A notice referred to in Subsection (1) of this section (may be served by delivering it to the person to whom it is addressed or by sending it by registered post to the person’s last known address;

(a)    may be served by delivering it to the person to whom it is addressed or by sending it by registered post to the person’ s last known address;

(b)    shall state that it is served in exercise of the powers conferred on the Statistician-General by subsection (1) of this section; and

(c)    shall include a general statement of the purpose for which the information, estimate, return or particulars is required.

(4)    Where any information, estimate, return or particular is required of a person by a notice purporting to be issued by the Statistician-General, it shall , in any legal proceeding relating to the information, estimate, return, particular or notice, be presumed that the;

(a)    information, estimate, return or particular is such as may lawfully be required of that person  in accordance with the provisions of this Act; and

(b)    notice was duly served in accordance with paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this section, unless the contrary is proved.

(5)    Where the person required to furnish any information estimate return or particular in accordance with the provisions of this section is a company incorporated under the Companies and allied Matters Act 1990, the specifically authorized for the purpose by the company.

(6)    the Statistician-General shall publish –

(a)    by notification in the Gazette, and in such news paper as may appear to him to be sufficient notice to the persons concerned; or

(b)    if he or she is satisfied that local condition so require in such other manner a may appear to him to be most suitable for the notification in the area or areas concerned;

(c)    a list of the classes or description of undertakings in relation to which returns will be required for any of the purposes of this part of the Act.

(7)    A person carrying on an   undertaking of a class or description referred to in subsection (1) of this section,  who has not received a notice under paragraph (a ) of subsection (2) of this section requiring him to furnish any  information, estimate, return or particular in relation to the undertaking, shall inform the Statistician-General

(a)    within such period as may be specified in the notification, not being less than 21 days after the date of the publication applicable to the person, that he is carrying on the undertaking ; and

(b)    within the same period or such further period as the Statistician-General may deem reasonable, give The Statistician-General such  particulars of the undertaking as may be so specified.

(8)    Ministries and other public institutions which produce statistics relating to their responsibilities shall continue to do so but such statistics shall conform to standards classifications and procedure as determined by the Bureau to enhance the comparability of such statistics with other statistics of a similar nature and to minimize unnecessary overlapping or duplication with the collection or publication of statistics by the various agencies and where the publication of the date thus collected requires recognition of the Bureau, the said ministries and other public institutions shall be required to provide the Statistician-General with the administrative dataset and copies of the report on the complied date.

(9)    In order to enhance the professionalism in statistics collection, all ministries will be required to create Statistical Units, which shall be staffed with professional staff posted from the Bureau.

(10) For purpose of administration, these Units referred to in sub-section (9) of this section shall be under the control of the ministry where they are established (9) of this section shall be under the control of the ministry where they are established, but the Statistician-General shall be responsible for the professional staff and promotion of standards in the work of these units and these Units shall therefore periodically submit report to the Statistician-General.

23.    Without prejudice to the function of other agencies, the Bureau shall where appropriate delegate responsibilities to ministries and other public institutions with requisite capabilities to conduct nation—wide surveys, following standards and methodologies agreed with the Bureau in which case the publication of the data thus  collected shall be with the prior approval and stamp of the Bureau and the said ministries shall be required to forward dataset and copies of the report on the collected data.

24.    In order to establish public confidence in all official statistics and analyses, the Statistician-General shall issue a Code of Practice that sets out professional standards to be followed by all agencies producing official statistics.

25.    Private Nigerian and Foreign Institutions wishing to conduct statistical surveys on a national scale going beyond their market studies shall first obtain the approval of the Bureau for the appropriateness of conducting such surveys and the methodology to be used with the enquiry forms carrying the stamp of approval of the Bureau and these institutions shall be required to provide the Statistician-General with the dataset and copies of the report on the collected data.

26.-(1)The provisions of this Act shall not affect any law relating to the disclosure or non-disclosure of any official secret or confidential information or trade secret

(2)    Data collected for statistical purposes shall be treated as confidential and Data confidentiality means that the dissemination of these data (and the statistics which can be calculated from them) shall not permit the identification directly or indirectly of the units concerned and that a prohibition is imposed on data producers against disclosing information of an individual nature obtained in the course of their work.

(3)    Except for the purpose of prosecution undertaken by the Bureau.

(a)    no individual return or part thereof, made for the purposes of this part of this Act;

(b)    no answer given to any question for the purposes of this part of this Act;

(c)    no report, abstract or other document, containing particulars comprised in an); return or answer so arranged as to enable such particulars to be indentified with any person, undertaking or business, shall be published, admitted in evidence or shown to a person not employed in the execution of a duty under this Act without the prior consent in writing of the person making the return or giving the answer, or in the case of an undertaking or business of the person who for the time being is the owner manager or controller of the undertaking or business.

(4)    Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, a report as abstract or other document may be published without the required consent if

(a)    the information about an enterprise or establishment is already published or available on a database accessible to the public at large.

(b)    in the case of a monopoly or duopoly, the statistics of relevant sectors of activity are none the less open and publishable , provided they  do not reveal costs of production or profits of individual enterprises.

(5)    Nothing in this part of the Act shall be constructed as.

(a)    authorizing  or requiring the disclosure or production of any information or document if the disclosure or production of the information of document would contravene the provisions of any law for the time being in force;

(b)    prohibiting or restricting the disclosure or production of any information or document which is authorized or required to be disclosed or produced under the provisions of any law for the time being in force .

(6)    A person required under the provision of this part of this Act to furnish any information, estimate, return or particular shall not be obliged to disclose an information or produce a document which—

(a)    he would not be compellable to disclose or produce if he were a witness in a court of law; or

(b)    would involve the disclosure of any trade to require the disclosure to Ministry Department or Authority for the purpose of taxation of any information acquired under the provisions of this Act.

27-(1)Data producers shall be required to process, disseminate and make accessible to users as a “public good “ data collected or compiled using public funds.

(1)    Data producers will be required to release micro level data sets for further analysis, with suitable proviso on confidentially, unless there is a compelling reason, such as maintaining confidentially, not to do so.

(3)    Each year the Board will publish in advance the data to be produced together with date for the release of the data and all data producing agencies including the  Bureau will be required to have a data release policy. To be made publicly available and they have power to impose charges for data products and services.

(4)    Data producing agencies shall be required to provide information on the methods and procedures used to compile official statistics and to update this as and when changes and improvements are introduce.

(5)    the Bureau shall make available a register of establishments showing only names and addresses to those who may  want to use it as a sampling frame for conducting surveys;

28,-(1)If a person who is employed for any of the purpose of this Act, without lawful authority, publishes or communicates to any person, otherwise than in the ordinary course of his employment any information acquired by  him in the course of his employment, he commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of #100,000 Naira or 1 year imprisonment.

(2)    If a person who is possession of any information which to his knowledge has been disclosed in contravention of this Act, publishes or communicates to any other person that information commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of #1000,000 naira or 1 year imprisonment.

(3)    A person who in the execution of any other purpose or duty under this Act fails to comply with contravenes any other term or condition of his oath commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of 100,000 Naira or 1 year imprisonment.

(4)    A person who fails to furnish any information estimate, return or particular which he is required to furnish under this Act commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of 100,000 Naira or 1 year imprisonment .

(5)    a person who in purported compliance with requirement to furnish information, estimate, return or particular under this Act knowingly or recklessly make a statement in the information , estimate, return or particular which is false in any material particular commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of 100,000 Naira  or 1 year imprisonment.

(6)    If a person who is employed for any of the purpose of this Act. Without lawful authority, publishes or communicates to any person, otherwise than in the ordinary course of his employment. Any information acquired by him in the course of his employment , commits and offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of 100,000 Naira or 1 year imprisonment.

(7)    A person who, after conviction for an offence under subsection (1) of this section continues to fail to furnish the information , estimate, return, or particular commits a further offence and is liable on conviction as  provided in that subsection .

(8)    A person who, willfully and without lawful authority, destroys, defaces or mutilates any schedule, form or other documents containing information obtained in pursuance of the Act commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment for a term specified by the regulations.

(9)    Subject to subsection (2) of this section, when an offence under this Act is committed by a body of persons—

(a)    in the case of  a partnership or other association of persons, every partner of officer of that body, shall be deemed to have committed the offence and shall be punished accordingly.

(10)  A person shall not be guilty of an offence under subsection (1) of this section if he proves to the satisfaction of the court that the offence was committed without his knowledge, connivance or consent or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of the offence, having regard to all the circumstances of the case.


29.-(1) The Bureau shall establish and maintain a Fund from which shall be defrayed all expenditure incurred by the bureau.

(2)    There shall be paid and credited to the Fund established pursuant to subsection (1) of this section—

(a)    annual budgetary allocation by the Federal Government.

(b)    all monies raised for the purpose of the Bureau by way of gift, loan grant-in aid, testamentary disposition or otherwise;

(c)    all subscriptions fees and charges for services rendered or publications made by the Bureau and

(d)    all other assets that may from time to time accrue to the Bureau.

(3)    The Fund shall be managed in accordance with Financial Regulations and other extant rules relating to financial transactions of the Federal Government of Nigeria .

(4)    The Bureau may from time to time apply the proceeds of the Fund established in pursuance of the Act for the following purposes;

(a)    to the cost of administration of the Bureau;

(b)    for the payment of the salaries, expenses, allowances and benefits of the employees of the Bureau;

(c)    to reimburse members of the Board and its committee and members of the National Consultative Committee on Statistics such expenses as may be expressly authorized by the Board and for the payment of their allowances; and

(d)    in connection with all or any of its functions under this Act or any other written law.

(i)     The Bureau may invest any silt-plus funds in such risk free securities as may be approved by the Board.

30. (1) The Bureau shall keep proper accounts in respect of each year and proper records in relation to those accounts and the Board shall cause the Bureau’s accounts to be audited within six months after the end of each year to which the accounts relate by auditors appointed from the list and in accordance with the guideline supplied by the Auditor-General of the Federation.

(2)    The Bureau shall prepare and submit to the Presidency not later than eighteen months after its `establishment an once every year thereafter a report in such a form as the presidency may direct on the activities of the office during the last proceeding year and shall include in the report a copy of the audited accounts of the Bureau for  that year and of the Auditor’s report on the accounts.


31.(1) For the purpose of providing offices and premises necessary for the performance of its function  the Bureau may subject to the Land use Act ;

(a)    purchase or take lease any interest in land, building or property and

(b)    build, equip and maintain offices and premises.

(2)    The Bureau may subject to the Land Use Act, sell or lease out any Land office or premises held by it, which is no longer required for the performance of its functions under this Act.

32. (1) The Bureau may accept gift of land, money or other property on such terms and conditions , if any, as may be specified by the person or organization making the gift.

(2)    the Bureau shall not accept a gift if the conditions attached by the person or organization making the gift are inconsistent with the objectives and functions of the office.

33. (1) No suit shall commence against the Bureau before the expiration of a period of one month after written notice of intention to commence the suit and the notice shall clearly and explicitly state.

(a)    the cause of action;

(b)    the particulars of the claim;

(c)    the name and place of abode of the intending plaintiff; and

(d)    the relief which it claims.

(3)    the notice referred to in subsection (1) of this section and any summons, notice or on the document required or authorized to be served on the Bureau under this Act or any other enactment or law, may be served by 

(a)    delivering it to the Statistician-General; or

(b)    sending it by registered post addressed to the Statistician-General

(3)    In an action or suit against  the Bureau, no execution or attachment or process in the nature thereof shall be issued against the Bureau. But any sums or money which may by the court be awarded against the Bureau shall, subject to any directives given by the Bureau, be paid from the general reserve of the Bureau.

31. (1) The 1957 Statistics Act is hereby repealed and the administrative body known as the Federal Office of Statistics (in this section referred to as “ The dissolved Office” ) is dissolved.

(2)    Accordingly, as from the commencement of this Act

(a)    all Zonal Offices, State Offices, Training School and other units which immediately before the commencement of this Act were owned , controlled or managed by the dissolved Office shall by virtue of this Act , be transferred to controlled or managed as the case may be by the Bureau;

(b)    all the assets, funds resources and other movable and immovable property which immediately before the commencement of this Act were vested on the dissolved Office shall, by virtue of this Act and without further assurance be vested in the Bureau;

(c)    all right, interests , obligations and liabilities of the dissolved Office existing immediately before the commencement of this Act under any contract or instrument or at law or in equity shall, by virtue of this Act be assigned to and vested in the Bureau;

(d)    any contract or instrument, as is mentioned in paragraph (b) of this subsection shall be of the same force and effect against or in favour of the Office and shall be enforceable as full and effectively as if instead of the dissolved Office, the Bureau had been named therein or had been thereof .

(3)    A proceeding or cause of action pending on existing or which could have been taken by or against the dissolved office, immediately before the commencement of this Act in respect of any right, interest, obligation or liability of the dissolved Office may be continued, enforced or taken by or against the Office as if the Bureau and not the dissolved Office had been a party thereof.

(4)    Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act subject to such directions as may be issued by the Board a person who immediately before the commencement of this Act held office in the dissolved Office shall be deemed to have been seconded to the Bureau with their full Civil Service benefits those officers who   will not be taken on by the Bureau after the selection process will revert to the Civil Service for redeployment.

35.    The Power to make regulations under this Act is vested in the Board.

36.    In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires

“ Appointing Authority” means the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria;

“Board” means the Board of Directors of the National Bureau of Statistics established under section 7 of this Act;

“Consultative Committee” means the National Consultative Committee on Statistics;

“President” means the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria ;

“ Statistician-General” means the Statistician-General appointed under section 12 of this Act;

“Statistics” means information in connection with or incidental to all or any of the matters specified in the first schedule of this Act; and

”System “ means the National Statistical System.

37.    This Act may be cited as the Statistics Act. 2007.



1.     Population and Housing .

2.     Births and Deaths .

3.     Immigration and Migration.

4.     internal and External trade.

5.     Primaries and Secondary Production.

6.     Agriculture Livestock, Horticulture and allied industries.

7.     Forestry.

8.     Fisheries.

9.     factories, Mines and Productive Industries Generally

10.    Employments and Unemployment.

11.    Salaries, Wages, bonuses, Fees, Allowances and any other payment and Honoraria for services rendered.

12.    Income earning, profit and interest.

13.    Out put stocks, sales and deliveries and details relating services provided.

14.    Orders, work in progress, outgoings and cost (including work given out to contractors ) and details of capital expenditure.

15.    Receipts outstanding, fixed capital assets and plant (including the acquisition and disposal of those assets and plants ).

16.    Social. Educational, labour and industrial matters (including association of employers, employees and other persons generally).

17.    Industrial disturbances and disputes.

18.    Banking, insurance and Finance Generally .

19.    Commercial and professional undertakings.

20.    Distributive trades.

21.    health.

22.    Transport and Communication in all forms of land, water and air.

23.    Wholesale and retail prices of commodities, rents and cost of living .

24.    Injuries, Accidents and Compensation.

25.    Land Tenure and the occupation and use of Land.

26.    Local Government.

27.    Oil and Gas.

28.    Co-operatives



I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………do swear that I will faithfully and honestly fulfill my duties as…………………………………….in conformity with the requirements  of the Statistics Act of 2007 and that as provided in Act, I will not disclose or make known any matter of thing which comes to my knowledge by reason of my employment.

MADE AT  Abuja this………………Day of …………………………..2007

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