National Environmental Standard and Regulations Enforcement Agency (Establishment) (Amendment) Act 2018


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This Act amends the National Environmental standards and regulations enforcement Agency (Establishment) Act No. 25, 2007 to review the conditions of appointment of some Council members, increase penalties and permit the search of premises without warrant.




  1. Amendment of Act No.25, 2007
  2. Amendment of Section 3.
  3. Amendment of section 7
  4. Amendment of section 8
  5. Amendment of section 9
  6. Amendment of section 13
  7. Amendment of section 20
  8. Amendment of section 21
  9. Amendment of section 22
  10. Amendment of section 23
  11. Amendment of section 24
  12. Amendment of section 26
  13. Amendment of section 30
  14. Insertion of new section 31A
  15. Insertion of new section 32A
  16. Insertion of new section 33A
  17. Amendment of section 37.
  18. Citation




An act to amend the National Environmental standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (Establishment) Act No. 25, 2007 to review the conditions of appointment of some council members, increase penalties and permit the search of premises without warrant; and for related matters


ENACTED by the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria:

Amendment of Act No.25, 2007

  1. The National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency

(Establishment) Act No. 25, 2007 (in this Act referred to as the “Principal Act”) is amended as set out in this Act.


Amendment of Section 3

  1. Section 3 (I) of the Principal Act is amended in:

(a)     paragraph (b), by inserting after the word, “representative, in line 2, the words, “who is not below the rank of a Director”,

(b)     Paragraph (c), by subsisting for subparagraph (vii), a new subparagraph “(vii)’’, a new subparagraph “ (vii)”

“(vii) a representative of the Federal Ministry of Health” and

(c)     paragraph (e), by inserting after the word, “interest”, in line 1, the word, “with relevant       qualification and 10years post qualification experience in environmental related field”


Amendment of section 7

  1. Section 7 of the principal Act is amended, in:

(a)     paragraph (c), line 3, by the deleting the words, “oil and gas”

(b)     paragraph (i), by inserting after the word, “by”, in line 1, the words, “the Government”; and

(c)     paragraph (K), by substituting for the word, “conduct”, in line 1 the words, “review and certify”


Amendment of section 8

  1. Section 8 (q) of the principal Act is amended by inserting after the word, “services” in line 1, the words, “including administrative fees”


Amendment of section 9

  1. Section 9 of the Principal Act is amended by inserting after the word, “services”, in line 1, the words, “including administrative fees”

Section 9 of the principal Act is amended by inserting, after the word, “functions”, in the marginal note, the words, “and powers”


Amendment of Section 13

  1. Section 13 of the principal Act is amended by inserting after subsection (2), a new subsection “(3)”

“(3)   All money received by or on behalf of the Agency hall be receipted and paid into the federation account within 24 hours of receipt or the next working day”


Amendment of Section 20

  1. Section 20 of the Principal Act is amended:

(a)     in subsection (3), by substituting;

(i)      for the word, “exceeding”, in line 3, the words, “less than”, and

(ii)     for the words, “exceeding one year”, in line 3, the words, “less than six months”, and

(b)     by substituting for subsection (4), a new subsection “(4)”:

“(4)   Where a body corporate contravenes subsection (1), it commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not less than N2,000,000 and an additional fine of N50,000 for everyday the         offense subsists”


Amendment of Section 21

  1. Section 21 of the principal act is amended, in:

(a)     subsection (2), by substituting for the words, “in collaboration with other relevant agencies,     embark on programmes”, in lines 1 and 2, the words, “make regulations”, and

(b)     subsection (3), by substituting for the word, “exceeding”, in line 2, the words, “less than”


Amendment of Section 22

  1. Section 22 of the principal Act is amended, in:

(a)     subsection (3), by substituting for the word, “exceeding” in line 2, the words, “less than” and

(b)     subsection (4), by substituting for the word, “exceeding”, in line 2, the words, “less than”


Amendment of Section 23

10      Section 23 of the principal Act is amended, in:

(a)     subsection (1), by substituting for the word, “collaboration”, in line, the word, “constitution”

(b)     subsection (3), by substituting for the word, “exceeding” in line 3, the words, “less than”;and

(c)     subsection (4), by substituting for the word, “exceeding” in line


Amendment of Section 24

  1. Section 24 of the Principal Act is amended, in:

(a)     subsection (4), by substituting for the word, “exceeding”, in the 3, the words, “less than”; and

(b)     Subsection (5), by substituting for the word, “exceeding”, in line 2, the words, “less than”,


Amendment fo Section 26

  1. Section 26 of the Principal Act is amended, in:

(a)     subsection (3), by substituting for the word, “exceeding”, in line 3, the words, “less than”; and


(b)     subsection (4), by substituting for the word, “exceeding”, in line 2, the words, “less than”


Amendment of Section 30

  1. Section 30 of the principal Act is amended, by:

(a)     Inserting after subsection (4), a new subsection “(4A)”:

“(4A) Where, in a case of verifiable urgency where the environmental pollution is an immediate or imminent threat to life and property, or to prevent the commission of an offence provided under this Act, and an application to the court for an order or to a judge in chambers to obtain a search warrant would cause delay that may be prejudicial to the maintenance of public safety or order, an authorized officer of the Agency or a relevant agency may, without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1) or any other law, with the assistance of other officers as may necessary and while search warrant or court order is being sought for:

(a)     enter and search any premises, place or conveyance if he has reason to suspect that, within those premises, place or conveyance:

(i)      an offence under this Act is being committed or likely to be committed,

(ii)     there is evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act, or

(b)     search any person or conveyance found on any premises or place which such officer is empowered to enter and search under paragraph (a);

(c)     stop, board and search any conveyance where the authorized officers of the agency or relevant       Agency has reasons to suspect that there is evidence of the commission or likelihood of the commission of an offence under this Act;

(d)     seize, remove and detain anything which is, or contains or appears to him to be or to contain or    likely to contain, evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act;

(e)     suspend activities, seal and close down premises including land, vehicle, tent, vessel floating craft or any inland water and other structure; or

(f)      arrest, search and detain any person whom the officer reasonably suspects to have committed or likely to commit an offence under this Act”; and

(b)     renumbering the section appropriately.


Insertion of new Section 31A

  1. Insert after section 31 of the principal Act, a new section “31A”

31A.   The provisions of the Public Officers Protection Act shall apply in relation to any suit instituted against any officer or employee of the Agency.”


Insertion of new Section 32A

  1. Insert after section 32 of the Principal Act, a new section “32A”

32A    No execution or attachment of process shall be issued against the Agency  in any action or suit    without the prior consent of the Attorney–General of the Federation”


Insertion of new Section 33A

  1. Insert after section 33 of the Principal Act, a new section “33A”

33A    A member of the council, the Director –General and officers of the Agency are indemnified against any proceedings, whether civil or criminal, in which judgment is given in his favour, or in which he is acquitted, if any such proceeding is brought against him in his capacity as member         of the Council, the Director–General, officer or employee of the Agency.


Amendment of Section 37

  1. Section 37 of the principal Act is amended by inserting, in alphabetical order, the new definition of:

“environmental enforcement infrastructure” means the stock of facilities and equipment needed for the functioning of efficient environmental compliance monitoring and enforcement regime, it is also concerned with the institutional strengthening and capacity building of the agency, including resources such as manpower, building, laboratories, monitoring networks, e.t.c”



  1. This Act may be cited as the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (Establishment) (Amendment) Act, 2018



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