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EDICT NO.20 OF 1998.


  1. Title and commencement date
  2. Interpretation
  3. Establishment of the Board
  4. Membership of Board
  5. Revocation of appointment of Members
  6. Other matters relating to Members
  7. Executive Secretary
  8. Functions of the Board
  9. Board to comply with directions of Military Administrator
  10. Board to comply with directions of Military Administrator
  11. Financial provisions
  12. Borrowing by the Board
  13. Application of sums received by the Board
  14. Report and Estimates
  15. [Power to write off Board Debts]
  16. [Power to regulate own procedure]
  17. [Chairman to convene meeting]
  18. [Quorum of Board Meeting]
  19. [Making of Regulations]



EDICT NO.20 OF 1998.




The Military Administrator of Nasarawa State hereby makes the following Edict:


Title and commencement date

  1. This Edict may be cited as the Nasarawa State Muslims Pilgrims’ Welfare Board Edict 1998 and shall be deemed to have come into operation on the 1st day of January 1998.


  1. In this Edict, unless the context otherwise requires:

“Member” means a member of the Board and includes the Chairman.

“Pilgrim” means a person who undertakes a Muslim pilgrimage;

“Muslim Pilgrimage” means a journey undertaken by a pilgrim from any part of the State to Saudi Arabia for the purpose of undertaking a Muslim Pilgrimage and his return there from;

“The Board” means the Nasarawa State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board, established under section 3 of this Edict.

“The State” means the Nasarawa State of Nigeria.

“Military Administrator” means Military Administrator of Nasarawa State and includes the Governor.

Establishment of the Board

3.1.    There is hereby established a body called the Nasarawa State Muslim Pilgrims’ Welfare Board which shall be a body corporate by the name with perpetual succession and a common seal, and which shall have the functions conferred upon it by or under this Edict.

3.2.    The Board shall have power to enter into contracts and acquire, purchase, hold, lease and mortgage, sell and dispose of property both movable and immovable and may sue and be sued in its corporate name.

Membership of Board

4.a     The Board shall consist of a Chairman and six members who shall be appointed by the Military Administrator on part time basis.

4.b     The Chairman and the Members shall be persons who in the opinion of the Military Administrator possess knowledge and experience of the practice of Muslim Religion.

4.c     Every member shall hold office for a period of three years from the date of his appointment and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

4.d     The validity of any proceedings of the Board shall not be affected by any defect in the appointment of a person purporting to be a Member of the Board or by any vacancy amongst the Members thereof.

Revocation of appointment of Members

5.1     If the Military Administrator is satisfied that a Member:-

5.2     has been absent from three consecutive meetings of the Board without the permission of the Chairman.

(b)     has become bankrupt or has made an arrangement with his creditors;

(c)     has been convicted of an offence involving or necessarily implying fraud or dishonesty and has undergone a sentence or imprisonment thereof.

(d)     is incapacitated by physical or mental illness from performing his functions as a member; or

(e)     is otherwise unable or unfit to discharge the functions of a Member.

(1)     The Military Administrator may revoke the appointment of such member.

(2)     A Member may resign his office as a member by notice in writing to the Military Administrator and upon receipt an acceptance of such resignation by the Military Administrator the appointment of such a Member shall be terminated.

(3)     Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) the Military Administrator may at anytime remove a member from office.

Other matters relating to Members

6.a     There shall be paid to the Chairman and Members such salary or allowances the Military Administrator may determine.

6.b     Where a member is temporarily incapacitated by illness from performing the functions of his office or is temporarily absent from the State.

The Military Administrator may appoint any person to replace the incapacitated or absent member during the period of such incapacity or absence and all the functions of a member shall devolve upon the person so temporarily appointed.

Executive Secretary

7.1     The Military Administrator shall appoint by name or office a secretary who shall be the Chief Executive of the Board. As an Accounting officer, he keeps the records thereof and performs, in addition to day to day running of the office, such other duties as the Board may from time to time require of him or which are placed upon him under the provisions of this edict or any written law.

Functions of the Board

8.a     The Board may with the approval of the Military Administrator appoint, engage, employ or dismiss such officers and servant as it considers necessary for the discharge of its functions under this Edict upon such terms and conditions as to remuneration or otherwise as it may determine.

8.b     In every Local Government Area the Board may appoint officials to perform any functions which it may from time to time direct.

Board to comply with directions of Military Administrator

9.1     It shall be the duty of the Board subject to the provisions of this Edict, to protect and safeguard the interest and welfare of Muslim Pilgrims.

9.2     Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), it shall be the duty of the Board to make suitable arrangement for the transport and accommodation of pilgrims and for assistance to be given to them in matters relating to immigration and currency exchange.

Financial provisions

  1. The Military Administrator may give to the Board directions or general or specific character as to the exercise and performance of this functions, and the Board shall give effect to such directions.
  2. The funds and resources of the Board shall consist of:-
  3. such sums as may be provided by the State;
  4. Such sums as may be borrowed by the Board in accordance with the provisions of this Edict;
  5. all sums collected or received by the Board in the execution of its power under this Edict; and
  6. all other sums or property of whatever kind which may in any manner become payable to, or vested in the Board.

Borrowing by the Board

  1. The Board may with the consent of the Military Administrator borrow, whether by mortgage or otherwise and on such terms and conditions as the Board with the consent aforesaid may determine such sums of money as may be required in the exercise of the functions conferred on the Board by this Edict or any other written law.
  2. There shall be attached to any consent to borrow under subsection (1) the condition that such money shall be utilized for a specified purpose or purposes.
  3. any person lending money to the Board shall not be bound to require whether the borrowing of money is within the power of the Board.

Application of sums received by the Board

  1. All sums received by the Board shall be credited to the funds of the Board;
  2. The Chief Executive of the Board may from time to time apply the funds as its disposal to the expenses of its members in respect of their duties as members and the payment of salaries, allowances, pensions, gratuities and retiring benefits to its officers and servants in accordance with the provisions of this Edict.
  3. The Chief Executive shall keep proper and usual accounts and other records in relation thereto include as Income and Expenditure accounts, Receipt and payments accounts, and a Balance sheet.
  4. the accounts of the Board for each year shall be audited as soon as possible but not more than three months after the end of pilgrimage each year by the Auditors to be appointed with the approval of the Military Administrator/person acting on his behalf and the fees of the auditors. Expenses generally on the audit shall be paid by the Board.
  5. As soon as the accounts of the Board have been audited as provided by subsection (1) the Board shall send to the Military Administrator a copy of the Income and Expenditure accounts, Receipt and payments accounts, and a balance sheet with the report of the auditors thereon.

Report and Estimates

  1. The Board shall in each year make a report to the Military Administrator of its proceedings under this Edict during the proceedings under this Edict during the preceding year containing:
  2. an account of its operations and transactions throughout such year;
  3. a statement of the accounts of the Board for that year audited in accordance with section 16.

2)      The Board shall in each Financial Year submit to the Military Administrator for approval its estimates of revenue and expenditure for that financial year.

  1. The Board may with the approval of the Military Administrator write off board debts.
  2. Subject to the provisions of this Edict, the Board may regulate its own proceedings and make standing orders for that purpose.
  3. The Chairman of the Board, in consultation with the Executive Secretary, shall convene Board meetings which should not be more than four times a year.
  4. A Quorum at a meeting of the Board shall be three Members including the Chairman of the Board.

In the absence of the Chairman of the Board, the three members constituting a quorum shall nominate one amongst them to preside over the meeting.

  1. The Board may, with the approval of the Military Administrator make regulations generally for the purpose of this Edict and in particular may make regulations providing for the imposition of fees or charges in such cases as may be terminated by the Board for the services rendered by it, its agents and servants.

No member of the Board shall be personally liable for any act or default of the Board or omitted to be done in good faith in the course of the operations of the Board.






(This note does not form part of this Edict and has no legal effect).

This Edict established the Nasarawa State Muslim Pilgrims’ Welfare Board consisting of a Chairman, five other Members on part-time basis and the Executive Secretary appointed by the Military Administrator.



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