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  1. Title and commencement
  2. Establishment
  3. Objectives
  4. Powers of the school
  5. Principal Officers and functions
  6. Appointment and tenure of the principal and the vice principals
  7. Examination Committee
  8. Academic Committee Composition
  9. Assets and Liabilities
  10. Revenue
  11. Auditing
  12. Accounts
  13. Pre-action notice
  14. [Discipline of Students]
  15. Powers to make bye-laws
  16. [Common Seal of the School]
  17. Interpretation









BE IT ENACTED by the House of Assembly of Nasarawa State as follows:


Title and commencement

S.1.    This Law may be cited as the Nasarawa State School of Health Technology Law and shall be deemed to have come into operation on the…………………………………………………day of…………………………2001.



S.2.(1)        There shall be established an institution in the state to be known as school of Health Technology for the training and development of health personnel herein after called “the School” considering of different departments for in-service and public training approved from time to time for the purpose by the Ministry;

(2)              For the purpose of this Law, any institution mentioned as forming part of the School of Health Technology shall be regarded as an integral part thereof and shall not have any separate identity;

(3)              The Ministry may from time to time reorganize by way of merger of sub-division or otherwise any of the constituent parts of the school of Health Technology as appears to the ministry to further the objectives of the school of health technology and the ministry to further the objectives of the School of Health Technology and the Ministry may re-designate any office, department, school or other unit to the school which appears to it to describe its functions adequately.



  1. 3 The School shall have the following objectives:
  2. To provide diverse health professional courses of study, training, and research in health technology studies as well as other spheres of health learning which may from time to time be approved by the Ministry;
  3. To provide specialized induction/orientation, refresher courses, workshops, conferences, seminars for all categories of health personnel appointed to the public service and private sector of the state;
  4. To provide in-service courses of instruction for members of the public service in the state and to the extent that ministry may deem fit;
  5. To organize public lectures and publish a periodic health service journal;
  6. To provide avenue for continuing education in health technology;
  7. To provide a venue for an integrated health curriculum development;
  8. To undertake high level research on health technology practices/ studies in the state; and
  9. To evaluate its graduate from time to time and at least once in a year as approved by the Ministry.


Powers of the school

S.4.    The School shall be both a teaching and an examining body and shall, subject to the provisions of this Law, the statutes and the Regulations of the School have the following powers:

  1. To provide rules and conditions under which persons may be admitted as student of the school for any particular course of study provided by the School;
  2. To provide courses of instructions in both the academic and professional subjects/disciplines either for the students of the School or for others to make provisions for research and the dissemination of knowledge;
  3. To establish departments and such other units of learning and research as the purpose of the School may require.
  4. To institute such offices and posts as the purposes of the school may require, and to appoint persons to and remove them from such offices or posts and prescribe their conditions of service.
  5. To maintain office, lecture halls, libraries, laboratories, workshops, residential halls, the cafeteria, staff quarters, sports fields and other recreational facilities, and other building or facilities required for any of the purposes of the institution.
  6. To provide for residence, recreation and welfare of members of staff and students of the school as may be deemed necessary;
  7. To demand and receive from any student or any other person attending a training programme the school fees for the purpose of registration, tuition, hostel accommodation and any such fees as the School may determine and charge from time to time as approved by the Ministry;
  8. To prescribe rules and regulations for the purpose of discipline, suspension and dismissal of the students and to review them as the need arises;
  9. To conduct examinations and issues certificates, distinctions to persons who have pursued any course of study as approved by the ministry and have satisfied such relevant requirements as may be laid down by professional bodies;
  10. To print or publish work or undertake services as may be deemed consistent with objectives of the School;
  11. To do all such other acts and things confidential to the foregoing powers as may advance the objectives of thee school;
  12. Without prejudice to the provisions of the foregoing subsection, the school may be special arrangements or agreement with any examination body, prepare its students for certificates or other distinctions,
  13. Subject to the provisions of this Law and of any bye-law, the powers conferred on the School by subsection (1) of this section shall be exercised on behalf of the school by the ministry or the academic committee or in any other manner which may be authorized by the statutes.


Principal Officers and functions

S.5     (1)     The Principal Officers of the School shall:

 (a)    The Principal

(b)     The Vice Principal- Administration

(c)     The Vice Principal-Academic

(d)     The Heads of Departments

(e)     Course Supervisors

(f)      Assistant Executive Officers(account)

(g)     Store Officer

(h)     Librarian

(i)      Student Affairs Officer

(2)     The Principal shall be the Chief Executive of the School.

(3)     The Vice Principal- Administration shall:

(i)      Assist the Principal in the co-ordination of the administrative activities of the School;

(ii)     Assist the Principal in the implementation of decisions made by the ministry as they relate to staff appointments.

(iii)    From time to time to act in the absence of the Principal.

(4)     The Vice Principal – Academic shall:

  1. Assist the Principal in the co-ordination of academic activities of the school;
  2. Assist the Principal in the implementation of decisions made by the Ministry as they relate to the admission and graduation of students and/or participants
  3. Cover the duties of Vice Principal – Administration to his absence;
  4. Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the Principal;
  5. Be a member of the examination committee of the School

(5)     Heads of Departments. The Heads of Departments shall be the heads of their various departments and be responsible for day to day administration.

(6)     Course supervisors. The Course Supervisor shall:

  1. Co-ordinate and monitor courses and attend to their academic standards;
  2. Be responsible to heads of departments.

(7)     Assistant Executive Officer (Accounts). The Assistant Executive Officer (Accounts) shall: 5

  1. Receive and remit all government revenue;
  2. Ensure that accounts books are in order
  3. Be responsible to the principal who is the accounting officer.

(8)     Store Officer. The Store Officer shall

  1. Receive and keep all properties of the school;
  2. Keep proper records of items received and issued out in the school.
  3. Be responsible to the principal of the school

(9)     Students Affair Officers- The Student Affairs Officer shall:

  1. Look after the general welfare of the students of the school.
  2. Act as a link between the students/student union and the school authority
  3. Supervise students union election
  4. Be responsible to the principal.

(10)   Librarian- The Librarian shall be responsible to the principal for running of the school library services


Appointment and tenure of the principal and the vice principals

  1. 6 a. The Principal shall be appointed by the ministry on the recommendation of his departments and shall hold office at the discretion of the Ministry.
  2. All senior lectures, instructors, and administrative staff of the School shall be employed by the Ministry;
  3. The provision of subsection (ii) above of this law shall apply in the appointment of intermediate staff of the School;
  4. The power to employ other junior member of staff shall be exercised by the Ministry;
  5. It is hereby declared that the persons who have held posts in the School of Health Technology Keffi shall on the commencement of this Law be deemed to have been duly appointed under the respective powers conferred by this section.


Examination Committee

  1. 7. (1) The Ministry shall establish for the School an examination committee to oversee, preliminary, promotion and State qualifying examinations.


(2)     The Committee shall consist of the following members:

(a)     Deputy Director, Training of the Ministry;

(b)     Assistant Director, Training of the Ministry;

(c)     The Vice Principal –Academic and who shall also serve as secretary to the Committee;

(d)     The Committee shall be responsible to the Director, Clinical services and training.

Functions of the Committee

(i)      The Committee shall have powers to handle preliminary, promotion and state quality examinations.

(ii)     The Academic Committee may appoint subcommittee or other sub bodies for advising it and to which it may delegate any of the functions conferred on it under this section.


Academic Committee Composition

S.8. (1)       There is hereby established for the school an academic committee to oversee all academic matters in the School.

(2)     The Committee shall consist of the following members

(a)     The Vice Principal (Academic) who shall be the Chairman,

(b)     All heads of department,

(c)     The most senior Head of department shall serve as Secretary to the Committee;

(d)     The Committee shall be responsible to the Principal



Assets and Liabilities

S.9.    All assets and liabilities of the School shall hereafter be the assets and liabilities of the Ministry.



S.10. (a)      Revenue from time to time accruing to the School by way of government grants, subventions endowment or other form of special grant in aid;

(b)     Fees charged by and payable in respect of students to the School.



S.11. The Auditor- General of the State shall have the right of access to the books, accounts and vouchers of the school and shall be entitled to such information and explanations as he may deem necessary for the auditing of the School’s account.



S.12. (1)     No suit be commenced against the School or any member of staff of the school or any person acting under the direction of the School in respect of any act purporting to be under this law or any neglect of duty under this law until the expiration of one month after a written notice has been delivered at the office of the Principal.

(2)     In any suit by or against the school, the school may be represented in court at any stage of the proceedings by:

(a)     Legal practitioners; or

(b)     A servant of the School authority on behalf of the School:

(3)     In this section, suit includes any civil proceedings commenced by writ of summons or by such other method as may be prescribed by the rules of court, but does not include criminal proceedings.


Pre-action notice

  1. 13. (1) The Principal may be suspended or removed from office by the commissioner Suspension and removal of academic administrative staff from office on the recommendation of the Director of the Department of the Ministry from which the Principal belong to;

(2)     Any senior staff of the school may for reasons of misconduct or inefficiency be suspended or removed from office by Ministry.

(3)     The Principal may recommend for suspension from office any member of staff or such conditions as may be determined by the Ministry and in doing so he shall ensure that the staff affected has been given reasons for any actions taken against him and an opportunity to make representations.


[Discipline of Students]

S.14. (1)     Subject to the provisions of this section, where it appears to principal that any student of the School has been guilty of misconduct, the Principal may without prejudice to any other disciplinary powers conferred on him by statutes or regulations of the school direct.

(a)     That the student shall not, during such period as may be specified in the regulations, participate in such activities of the School, or make use of such facilities of the School as may be so specified; or

(b)     That the activities of the student shall during such period as may be specified in the Regulations, be restricted or restrained in such a manner as may be so specified; or

(c)     That the students be expelled from the School on recommendation of the students’ disciplinary committee.

(2)     That students’ disciplinary committee which shall be constituted by the School authority shall be responsible to the Principal.


Powers to make bye-laws

  1. 15.(1) Subject to this Law, the Ministry may make bye-laws for any of the following Powers to make bye-laws purpose:

(a)     The composition, constitution, powers and duties of any organ of the School;

(b)     Specifying and regulating the powers and duties of any organ of the School regulating other matter relating to the school or any of its organs;

(c)     Regulating the admission politics, students disciplined and welfare;

(d)     To distinguish between academic and non-academic functions for the purpose of this law and of any regulations or other instrument made thereafter, or

(e)     Making provision provisions for any other matter for which provision by statute is authorized or required by this law;

(f)      Any amended provisions of any bye-law must receive the approval of the Commissioner and such provisions shall when amended be published in the State gazette.

(2)     A proposed statue shall not become law unless it has been:

(a)     Recommended at a meeting of the Academic committee by votes of not less than two-thirds of the members present; and

(b)     Recommended at a meeting of the Ministry by votes and not less than two-thirds of members present.


[Common Seal of the School]

S.16. (1)     The Principal shall have custody of the Common Seal of the School and shall be responsible for affixing same to documents;

(2)     The Common Seal of the School shall not be used or affixed to any documents except in pursuance of a resolution duly passed at properly constituted meeting.

(3)     Any document fully executed under the seal of the school shall be received in evidence and shall unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to be executed.

(4)     The Ministry may delegate to the Principal or a staff of the School, the routine administration of the affairs of the School, except powers to:

(a)     Approve or make development or capital loans;

(b)     Make standing orders; or

(c)     Do any act involving extra ordinary expenditure.

(5)     The Ministry may with the approval of the Governor make rules in respect of employees for: Pensions, gratuities and retirement allowances to pensionable employees of the School and their dependants.



S.17   In this Law:

 “Academic Committee” means the Academic Committee of the School;

“Commissioner” means the Commissioner, Nasarawa Ministry of Health;

“Examination Committee” means the examination Committee in the Ministry established for the School

“Executive Council” means Nasarawa State Executive Council;

“Governor” means the Governor of Nasarawa State;

“Head of Department” means departmental heads of the School;

“Members of staff” means members of staff of the School and shall include the principal of the School;

“Ministry” means the Ministry of Health, Nasarawa State;

“Permanent Secretary” means permanent secretary, Ministry of Health, Nasarawa state

“Principal” means Principal of the School of Health Technology;

“Regulations” means rules and regulations formulated by the Ministry for the School;

“School” means Nasarawa State School of Health Technology;

“State’ means Nasarawa State of Nigeria;

“Statutes” means the statutes of the School made by the Ministry.




This printed impression has been carefully compared by me the Bill which has been passed by the Nasarawa State House of Assembly and is found by me to be a true and correctly printed copy of the Bill.





Clerk to the House
Nasarawa State House of Assembly


I assent this 3rd day of APRIL 2001



Executive Governor
Nasarawa State of Nigeria

Repassed by two- third Majority this ………………day of …………………..2001



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